The light flickered on the star mirror.

Hei Luo's body froze suddenly.

Not only was his body stagnant, but his aura also continued to decline and weaken.

"How come?" Hei Luo's face was full of astonishment, but he could only watch three turbulent sword qi slash towards him.

Even if it's just a one-way mirror, it has the power of ninety-nine weapons.

Although Lin Lei couldn't fully utilize the power of this mirror, it wasn't something a black Luo could stop.

And the star-fixing mirror can not only fix the person's body, but also weaken the person's strength!

The sword light exploded!

The terrifying power surged, and Hei Luo spewed blood again, his expression became even uglier!

However, the three figures transformed by Chen Fan rushed up again taking advantage of the gap between seeing them fall!

"Chen Fan, don't force me!" Hei Luo spurted blood from his mouth, his face grim.

"I'll force you, so what?" Chen Fan's three avatars all sneered, and then each held a weapon and slashed forward again!

Hei Luo's face was ugly, but he flipped his hand and took out an object in the shape of a talisman.

He raised the talisman high up, and immediately black smoke billowed up from it, but it changed into thousands of heavenly demons in the blink of an eye, rushing towards Chen Fan's raging sword light one by one screaming.

Heads of heavenly demons were torn into pieces under the sword energy, and even more heavenly demons surged out of the talisman, like a raging tsunami, covering the sky and covering the sun, but they smashed Chen Fan's three raging swords in the blink of an eye. The Qi was completely defeated, and then swarmed towards the three Chen Fans!

Feeling the majestic momentum of these heavenly demons, Chen Fan's expression changed slightly.

He raised his brows slightly, but decisively activated the Shadow Bead, put away the two avatars, and then with a thought, the white emperor armor suddenly spread out around him, turning into a layer of white light armor to block him.

Thousands of demons rushed towards Chen Fan's body.

These celestial demons are not real celestial demons, but a special move.

One after another heavenly demon collided with Chen Fan's white emperor armor, and then exploded, creating a terrifying impact.

The roar was endless.

Chen Fan's eyes also changed awe-inspiringly, but he could also feel a series of terrifying shocks rushing towards Chen Fan's body through the White Emperor Armor.

Although the power of a single celestial demon is limited, but the accumulation of countless celestial demons, the offensive is quite terrifying!

Thousands of heavenly demons exploded, and the power accumulated, but it was even more exaggerated than the moves of the master of the king!

"Kong Ming will not be able to withstand the power of too strong a master... And this persistent type of move, the single strength does not exceed the limit, but the accumulation, but it definitely exceeds the limit of the king series..."

Even with the blessing of the White Emperor Armor, even though he had reached the ninth stage of "The Immortal Vajra Body", Chen Fan still had blood all over his body and his body cracked.

His eyes were cold, but he decisively activated the power of Yuanzhu, and his cracked body recovered in the blink of an eye.

Under the combined action of Yuanzhu, White Emperor Armor, and Immortal Vajra Body, the innumerable demonic powers exploded, but they still couldn't cause much damage to Chen Fan.

The demon's offensive lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

Chen Fan's source beads had consumed 20-30% of their power, and finally there was no sky demon that continued to roar.

The talisman in Hei Luo's hand also turned into powder in the blink of an eye and dissipated into the air, and he himself looked at Chen Fan in the distance with twitching corners of his mouth, "How is that possible?"

Chen Fan sneered, and tilted his head: "As expected of a peerless genius of the Night Dire clan, he even has the hole cards of this level. If it were someone else, who didn't have a powerful defensive weapon, he would be considered a master of the king. I'm afraid you also want to drink hatred? It's a pity that you met me..."

His voice also became extremely cold.

His body was divided into three again, and then he rushed forward together, and the surging sword light went towards Hei Luo again.

The corners of Hei Luo's mouth twitched, but he couldn't play cards of this magnitude anymore.

After the turbulent sword light.

Hei Luo's whole body was more seriously injured, and his whole body had completely turned into blood.

A flash of extreme unwillingness flashed across his face: "If it wasn't for this 'Kong Ming' not being able to bear the power of the Demon God King series, Chen Fan would definitely die!"

It seems that he should have another hole card, but because of the power limitation of "Kong Ming", he couldn't bring it in.

Chen Fan sneered.

With his current physical fitness, together with Baihuangjia and Yuanzhu, even if he has the trump cards of the Demon God King series, it is impossible to kill Chen Fan.

He also didn't talk nonsense with him, and the three bodies swung their weapons again at the same time!

The pupils of Hei Luo's eyes contracted, and he knew that if he continued like this, he might not be able to withstand the continuous attacks from Chen Fan's three bodies. He gave Chen Fan a vicious look, but turned his hand and took out a bead.

This bead is exactly the Sky Pearl!

Hei Luo immediately aroused Kong Mingzhu's power, but there were space ripples on his body suddenly, "Chen Fan, when you leave Kong tomorrow, I will make you pay the price!"

But Chen Fan grinned: "Can you escape?"

Chen Fan's control over the power of space is even stronger than that of ordinary demon kings. The power of the Kong Mingzhu is indeed extraordinary, but under Chen Fan's "Space Secret Code", it cannot exert its normal effect at all!

A huge black crack suddenly cut through the air.

Hei Luo's body was shaken and blurred, but he still stayed in place.

Hei Luo's face flashed a thick puzzlement and a loss.

However, the weapons of Chen Fan's three avatars dropped again, and the surging sword energy rushed towards Hei Luo at the same time.

With Chen Fan's continuous attacks, Hei Luo's injuries became more and more serious.

He was also constantly taking healing pills, but Kong couldn't bring in the elixir for tomorrow. Although the healing effect of the holy pills was strong, they couldn't resist Chen Fan's frequent attacks.

Although Hei Luo was fast, under Chen Fan's violent attack, he couldn't escape at all.

As time passed, his injuries became more and more serious, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Chen Fan, if you dare to kill me, the Demon God King of my Dire Clan will never let you go!"

Even after reaching this level, Hei Luo still didn't show weakness at all.

Chen Fan sneered.

But it didn't stop attacking.

Amidst the constant roar, Hei Luo's aura became weaker and weaker.

"Chen Fan, I'll be waiting for you below!" Hei Luo roared hysterically, but his body rushed towards Chen Fan, and then exploded, creating a violent impact!

His self-destruction power is quite powerful, but there is still a big gap compared with the previous Heavenly Demon Luanwu, let alone wanting to hurt Chen Fan.

Chen Fan sneered, but he didn't rush forward to pick up the spoils. Instead, together with the avatar, he continued to slash several swords at the remains of Hei Luo's body.

For a genius like Hei Luo, who knows if there are any other means to save his life, Chen Fan must be careful.

After the continuous roar of swordsmanship, Chen Fan stepped forward and collected all the remaining items after Hei Luo blew himself up.

The world of his heart and mind has long been broken by Chen Fan, and many of his treasures and resources have been destroyed by Chen Fan's sword energy.

And the items that can survive at this time, although very few, are also quite precious.

Of course, the most precious thing is undoubtedly Hei Luo's nine-star defensive weapon.

Its body is a black cube crystal nucleus.

It's just that the spirit of this nine-star defensive Taoist weapon is quite mature, and it also showed great resistance to Chen Fan.

"You dare to kill my master, the masters of the Night Dire clan will not let you go!"

Chen Fan sneered, but he didn't bother to reply, he directly threw it into the Immortal Mansion, and let Fu Ling teach it first.

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