My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1074 Return and Collection

Everyone went to Xingjun's flying palace one after another.

Chen Fan and Quan Yin walked together.

"By the way, Chen Fan, I was lucky. I found two immortal-level inheritances in 'Kong Tomorrow'... One of them is the Dongfu inheritance of your Sword Dao immortals. It is an immortal-level swordsmanship, which should be useful to you. "

Chen Fan also had a twinkle in his eyes.

The two had agreed to share the inheritance at the beginning.

Of course, the inheritance of immortal series does not mean that sharing can be shared.

Some inheritance and supernatural powers require special carriers or tokens to practice and comprehend. It does not mean that you can teach others the method of cultivation if you master it yourself, but you have to master it yourself.

Of course, if there is a special method like Xingjun's "crystal ball", it can also directly extract the corresponding memories and knowledge...

And Quan Yin said that, obviously he got a special token, which can let Chen Fan practice.

The same as the jade slip that Chen Fan got before, it can also allow other people to practice through the jade slip.

Chen Fan was also a little strange: "Quyin, you are not a swordsman, how did you get the inheritance of swordsmanship?"

With Quan Yin's strength, I am afraid that there is a high probability that he will not be able to forcibly break through the assessment of the Immortal Cave Mansion...

On the other hand, Quan Yin smiled: "We are lucky. The land where the Sword Immortal left behind seems to be at the core of Kong Ming's collapse. The space is chaotic. I took a little risk, but I went around directly through the chaotic space. After passing the assessment, I directly got the inheritance within it..."

As he spoke, he flipped his hand and took out a broken sword.

"Unfortunately, we are not people who practice swordsmanship. Even if we get the inheritance, we don't know much..."

Chen Fan's eyes also flashed.

This broken sword is not a weapon, but a special token that records the corresponding supernatural power of swordsmanship.

Just feeling the breath on it, Chen Fan can have many different thoughts in his heart...

It will naturally be of great use to his sword practice.

Chen Fan himself obtained a lot of immortal series inheritances, and a few got the corresponding tokens, but he also chose a suitable one to exchange with him.

For Quan Yin, no matter how important the inheritance of immortal series is, what is useless to him is also meaningless.

It is impossible for him to practice kendo from scratch for a kendo inheritance, not to mention that his personal advantage is not here, and he has no interest in kendo...


chaotic sea.

Countless heavenly demons cover the sky.

The spooky dark palace.

Hei Shen looked angrily at the tall Night Dire who was half kneeling on the ground in front of him: "What are you talking about, Hei Luo is dead?!"

"How could this be? Thanks to me, even if Hei Luo meets a master of the king, he will have the power to fight. How can someone kill him in a place like Kong Ming, which is about to collapse?"

In front of him, the head of Nightmare that was almost face-to-face on the ground was covered in cold sweat: "It stands to reason that it should be like this..."

"It's just that Kongming is a fairyland after all, and it's perfectly normal for some accidents to happen..."

The black god's eyes flickered, and he half sat on the bone throne behind him: "Could it be... related to that human kid?"

Tall Nightmare showed hesitation on his face: "I've been contacting an expert who knows the secrets to deduce the result, but I don't think it should be him, that human brat is just an ordinary feudal lord..."

"I don't want you to think." The Black God's eyes were cold and sharp, interrupting his continued words: "I want the real answer and how to deal with it."


The news of Hei Luo's death quickly spread throughout the church.

No way, Heiluo's popularity in the church is ridiculously high.

The fall of such a genius is not a trivial matter for the Holy Church.

And the conflicts and tit-for-tat between Chen Fan and Hei Luo were also exposed. Many people suspected that Chen Fan solved him himself.

But don't doubt it, even if it was really done by Chen Fan, it would not violate the rules of the holy hall, it's just that the "night-dire clan" would not let Chen Fan go.

In fact, Chen Fan, who caused the Demon God King of the Dire Clan to lose face, would never have been put down by the Dire Clan...



first sequence.

In the charming cave.

"Ni Jianhou, you came to see there something else going on?" Feng Jiaojiao looked at Chen Fan who came forward, giggling.

Because he had earned an elixir from Chen Fan before, his attitude towards Chen Fan was also better, and he wished that Chen Fan would come to him.

"Jiaojiao, don't make fun of me. Just call me by my name..." Chen Fan cleared his throat, and then said: "It's like this, I want to find some medicinal materials, and I want Jiaojiao to help me ask ..."

Chen Fan got the prescription of the elixir, and also got a lot of precious medicinal materials, but the medicinal materials were still incomplete.

Feng Jiaojiao enjoys a lot in the church, and her social network is also quite good.

Moreover, he is also the heir of the prince of the demon god, and his relationship outside the temple is not bad.

As soon as Chen Fan returned to the holy hall and handed over the inheritance, he immediately came to Feng Jiaojiao, hoping to use her relationship to find medicinal materials.

Feng Jiaojiao smiled slightly, showing confidence:

"It's easy to say, easy to say, what medicinal materials are you looking for?"

Chen Fan immediately told Feng Jiaojiao some of the precious medicinal materials he needed.

Of course, due to the passage of time, the names of some medicinal materials may be different from before, so Chen Fan also told Feng Jiaojiao all the properties of these medicinal materials.

Needless to say, the medicinal materials used to refine the elixir are extremely precious.

Many of them are materials that Feng Jiaojiao has never heard of.

"Chen Fan, you have collected so many medicinal materials, do you want to refine some kind of elixir? Do you want me to help you find an alchemist?"

Feng Jiaojiao's eyes flickered.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and originally wanted to refuse directly, but after thinking about it, he said again:

"If Jiaojiao, you can find a powerful alchemist who has these materials in hand, I would like to chat with them."

Chen Fan has Zijin Immortal Gourd Refining and Fu Ling around, so naturally he doesn't need other people to help him in alchemy.

But it is not easy for him to collect all these materials, and some highly skilled alchemists are the most likely to have precious medicinal materials.

Chen Fan still has a lot of alchemy recipes and some alchemy inheritances in his hand, but it is possible to directly exchange these items for some hard-to-buy materials!

Feng Jiaojiao smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, leave everything to us."


Chen Fan returned to his palace.

The housekeeper, Chen Yi, took the initiative to greet her: "Your Highness, when you were not around, did someone come to your door?"

"Oh?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Who is it?"

Chen Yidao: "It's the master of the Dire clan, the Dark Moon King. He said he has urgent matters with you, and he asked you to contact him as soon as you come back..."

Chen Fan sneered: "Don't pay attention to him. If he comes again next time, just tell him I'm not here."

I have only returned to the church for a few days.

Night Dire came to the door, which was fast enough.

As a matter of fact, the sun-covering mirror is incomplete after all, and the effect of covering up the secrets of the sky may not be hidden from some powerful masters of the secrets of the sky.

Even if it could be covered up, the Night Dire clan would not let them go.

Even if he didn't kill Hei Luo, the Night Dire clan still wanted to kill him. The matter of Hei Luo was just speeding up the time.

The Dark Moon King came to him naturally with bad intentions.

But inside the sanctuary, it is forbidden to shoot at will.

Only the masters of the Demon God King dared to violate this rule, but Chen Fan still had such a big backer as Beiming, it was impossible for the Dire Clan to touch the Demon God King again.

As for the Dark Moon King...

Although Chen Fan is worthy of being the king of the Nightmare Clan, he doesn't want to waste time entangled with such a person.

He didn't want to let the Night Dire clan know his full strength prematurely, so naturally it's better to avoid this guy.

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