My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1077 Gap and luxury

"This is too outrageous..."

You must know that when Chen Fan first started practicing "Picking the Stars" at the first level, Chen Fan was only at the third level of longevity.

At this time, his cultivation base and strength have made great breakthroughs compared to before, but the hang-up time of the second level has become longer!

Chen Fan's hang-up of the ninth stage of "The Immortal Vajra Body" was not so exaggerated.

However, unlike the ninth level of "Immortal King Kong Body", which depends entirely on Chen Fan's own thinking, and it is difficult to improve the hang-up efficiency, after all, Chen Fan has the "Star Reaching" practice projection left by Immortal Pengxuan!

He will also get many progress breakthroughs and hang-up efficiency improvements.

"I should have been able to condense the time it took to hang up to one tenth..."

It's just that even if it can be concentrated into one tenth, it will take thousands of years, which is quite a long time.

The stronger Chen Fan is, the more difficult he feels in cultivation.

He was also more and more amazed by those ancient geniuses that Fu Ling said.

It's just that, for him who has an idle slot, the higher his cultivation level, the greater his advantage, and he will not underestimate himself. When he also becomes a fairy, his advantages will be even greater, and he may not be inferior to others!


The medicinal power of the Nine Heavens Enlightenment Pill lasts.

It only took Chen Fan ten days to observe the second projection of "Reaching for the Stars", and he raised his efficiency to the limit.

The end result was even better than he had expected. His hang-up efficiency had increased by more than ten times, and his progress had jumped quite a few times. The result was even better than he had imagined.

After that, he also urged the core of Zhouguang to continue his practice.

The main energy is all on "Reaching for the Stars".

More than 20 years later, Chen Fan's Nine Heavens Enlightenment Pill was over, but most of his double "Picking the Stars" was suspended.

The remaining ones only need about a thousand years to complete.

He planned to go all out and hang up "Picking the Stars" to perfection under the core of Zhouguang, but before he could practice for a hundred years, an embarrassing thing happened, and his own Yuanjing was exhausted again.

With the rapid improvement of his own physique, the multiple of the time slowing down of the Cosmic Light Core is getting bigger and bigger. At this time, the limit multiple that he can amplify is also increasing, and his consumption is naturally greater.

So, he could only choose to leave the customs temporarily, and went to find Feng Jiaojiao again...


"Chen Fan, are you out of your mind? So many treasure resources are used for energy crystallization?!" Feng Jiaojiao looked at Chen Fan with a look of astonishment and bewilderment.

Chen Fan took out quite a lot of elixirs and treasures, including some top-level holy elixirs and high-star-level Taoist artifacts.

Chen Fan shook his head heavily: "I urgently need a lot of energy crystals, these treasures and resources are useless to me!"

His own net worth is too strong, and the average master of the king can't compare.

The value of the item itself, or the degree of scarcity, is far less important than its effect on itself.

Useless things, no matter how precious and scarce they are, are still useless.

Seeing Chen Fan's appearance, Feng Jiaojiao shook her head: "We, the Fengmo clan, have several Tianling veins. Chen Fan, if you have a gap in energy crystallization, I can satisfy you."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed when he heard the words.

Tianling ore is a high-concentration energy crystal, but it contains much more energy than ordinary crystals!

It's just not as common as Yuanjing, but the actual value is much higher.

In fact, for a master of Chen Fan's strength, he seldom directly absorbs the energy in the Yuanjing for cultivation, because the efficiency is too low.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed: "How big is Jiaojiao's Tianling Mine?"

Feng Jiaojiao said: "The five mineral veins of my Fengmo clan can produce about one million kilograms of Tianling mines in total every year. Because the core of the mine veins has Tianling stone crystals, which can continuously generate Tianling mines, so within ten thousand years , but there is no need to worry about being hollowed out!"

Chen Fan's thoughts turned.

A million kilograms of Tianling Mine, converted into Yuanjing, is worth about 30 to 40 million Yuanjing!

"As expected of possessing the power of the Demon God King, he is really rich."

Just one vein of Tianling Mine, accumulated down, is quite a terrifying amount of wealth.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered: "Jiaojiao, please give me a billion kilograms of Tianling Mine first!"

Feng Jiaojiao couldn't help being startled when she heard what Chen Fan said, the corners of her mouth twitched:

"Chen Fan, did you make a mistake about the unit? Do you know what a billion kilograms of Tianling mines represent? Even if the five Tianling mines of my Fengmo clan are added up, it will take a thousand years to accumulate all the mined ores. It is possible to save such an exaggerated Tianling Mine."

Chen Fan nodded: "I'm not wrong!"

Chen Fan activated the Cosmic Light Core at this time, consuming hundreds of thousands of Yuan Jing every day, and nearly 100 million Yuan Jing every year.

One billion kilograms of Tianling Mine is roughly equivalent to three or four billion yuan crystals, but it can only support Chen Fan's practice for hundreds of years.

Of course, Chen Fan's cultivation time is much longer under the Cosmic Light Core.

But I have to say that this consumption is extremely terrifying.

Feng Jiaojiao's expression was subtle: "Yes, yes, but, Chen Fan, if you want to exchange such a large amount of Tianling Mine, you have to pay a lot of treasures and resources..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "I have a lot of extra resources in my hands, Jiaojiao, you can contact me."

Feng Jiaojiao glanced at Chen Fan with a delicate expression, and then nodded, "Wait a minute, let's go ask my father..."

Feng Jiaojiao left for a while, and returned after a while, her expression was even more subtle.

"What's wrong?" Chen Fan couldn't help feeling bad, "Could it be that the Fengmo clan doesn't agree to trade with me?"

Ordinary energy crystals are exchanged for other resources. No matter how you think about it, the Fengmo clan has the upper hand. Chen Fan really didn't expect that the Fengmo clan would disagree.

Feng Jiaojiao shook her head, with a more delicate expression: "We talked with daddy just now, when daddy heard that Chen Fan wanted a billion kilograms of Tianling Mine, he told me, don't want any benefits from you, just give it away for free for you!"

Hearing Feng Jiaojiao's words, Chen Fan couldn't help being stunned: "This? One billion kilograms of Tianling mine, give it to me for nothing?"

Even if the strength has reached the level of the king.

One billion kilograms of Tianling Mine is not a small amount that he can ignore at will.

Chen Fan was also a little surprised that the Demon God King of the Wind Demon Clan would give it away for nothing.

He frowned, his thoughts turned rapidly, but he couldn't help but said: "Is it because of the elixir from before?"

Feng Jiaojiao blinked her eight eyes: "It's possible..."

The value of an elixir cannot be calculated.

Not to mention one billion kilograms of Tianling mine, even if it is exchanged for tens of billions of kilograms, it can be exchanged.

Real treasures cannot be measured by Yuanjing and Tianling Mine at all.

It's just that the previous transaction between Chen Fan and the Fengmo clan has ended, and Chen Fan also made the transaction voluntarily. It stands to reason that it doesn't matter if the other party is not so polite.

Apparently, the Demon God King of the Fengmo Clan was deliberately trying to save Chen Fan's face!

Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

I wanted to say something, but finally shook my head.

He looked at Feng Jiaojiao, and his tone was unprecedentedly solemn:

"Help me tell Jiaojiao to your father, I accept this love."

Feng Jiaojiao also nodded with a complicated expression: "Father said that he has sent someone to deliver the Tianling Mine, but Chen Fan will have to wait for a day or two..."

Chen Fan waved his hand:

"No problem."

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