My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1096 Superiority and Vigor

Blood spattered all over Chen Fan's body, and his body flew upside down under the terrifying claw.

Facing the "Prison Tiger Demon God" who was burning with divine power, Chen Fan's move was simply beyond his reach.

It's just that Chen Fan still frowned and his face was full of excitement, he licked his lips.

Beiming's thirteen moves are quite powerful, but the power of the tenth move is incomparable to even the most powerful Fire Sacred Sword among the thirteenth-fold and four-sacred swords!

But to put it bluntly, although the power of this sword is much stronger than the twelve-weight "Hongmeng Sword" used by Chen Fan and the Prison Tiger Demon God before...

But compared to Chen Fan's use of the twelve-layer "Hongmeng Sword" after breaking through at this time, it is more than a star and a half away...

Not to mention, Chen Fan has already practiced the thirteenth stage "Hongmeng Sword" to the perfection state!

Chen Fan didn't use his real strength at all, it was just a test!

the other side.

Prison Tiger Demon God's eyes also flashed a slight astonishment: "It's only a hundred years, how can you make such progress... What did you do?"

Obviously, it's only been a hundred years, but Chen Fan's strength has made great progress.

Facing his "burning divine power" before, Chen Fan chose to move away instead of fighting himself, but at this moment, Chen Fan was able to confront himself head-on, he was naturally surprised!

Compared with demon kings and immortals, a hundred years can pass in the blink of an eye, and it is not enough time to practice secret methods.

How could he have imagined that Chen Fan would have such an exaggerated improvement in such a short period of time.

Chen Fan licked his lips, and while urging Yuanzhu to recover from his injuries, he rushed forward again, and another sword fell!

Naturally, it was impossible for him to answer the Prison Tiger Demon God's question.

And this time.

What he cut out was no longer the tenth form of Beiming, but the twelve-fold "Hongmeng Sword"!

Compared with the last time he fought against Prison Tiger Demon God.

Chen Fan is not just a breakthrough in "Blood Fusion".

The three avenues of earth, water and wind have all reached the sixth level of longevity.

Compared with the same sword at the beginning, there is a world of difference.


Facing Chen Fan's majestic sword light, the Prison Tiger Demon God roared angrily, but swung his tiger claws at Chen Fan again.


this time.

The majestic sword energy cut the tiger claws that fell from the Prison Tiger Demon God into nothingness in an instant!


However, its claws collapsed instantly under the light of the sword, leaving nothing behind!

Immediately afterwards, the roaring sword light fell towards the Prison Tiger Demon God, still majestic.

"How could it be?!" The Prison Tiger Demon God roared angrily, and above his body, a huge shield of spiritual light suddenly emerged.

It's just that the surging aura was cut into powder by Chen Fan's Hongmeng Sword in an instant!

The turbulent sword light devoured the prison tiger demon god's body amidst the roar.

Blood splatters everywhere!

After the majestic sword light passed, the Prison Tiger Demon God was no longer indifferent and domineering as before, and even though Chen Fan still couldn't see his figure and face clearly, Chen Fan could see those panicked eyes.

"It turns out that... the Demon God King is also afraid..."

Chen Fan licked his lips, and the sword that had been prepared for a long time came crashing down again.

Facing Jian Guang who fell again from Chen Fan.

Prison Tiger Demon God's eyes were full of panic, but his eyes suddenly focused. Chen Fan could feel the turbulent space fluctuations flickering, but his body suddenly disappeared in place.

Chen Fan retracted his sword and raised his eyebrows.

The Prison Tiger Demon God fled into his own mind world.

He also shook his head helplessly.

Even though the progress of Chen Fan's "Secrets of Space and Space" has broken through the eighth level in the thousands of years of practice.

He is even more confident than the average demon king in controlling space.

But it is also impossible for him to stop the masters of the Demon God King series from entering their own mind world.

He licked his lips, his eyes sparkled, but he was hesitant in his heart whether to follow the Jail Tiger Demon God into the world of his mind.

At this moment, he could clearly sense the fluctuations in the other party's mental world.

Under the "Secret Code of Space and Space", he can move into his mental world with a single thought.

At this moment, Fu Ling's voice also rang in Chen Fan's ear:

"Chen Fan, don't be impulsive, don't go into the mind world of the prison tiger demon god. With your strength and talent, after you understand the Dao in the future, you will be able to surpass the immortals in strength, so don't take risks..."

In the mind world, the Prison Tiger Demon God's strength can get the greatest blessing, while Chen Fan will be suppressed instead.

Under the ebb and flow, Chen Fan's original advantage may not be able to become an advantage.

However, Chen Fan grinned, but a sharp brilliance flashed across his face:

"I'm going to try and see if I can kill the Demon God King."

As he spoke, he stepped forward in vain, the sky rippled like water, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

It's not that he is really impulsive, but that he has a certain confidence in his own strength.

The Prison Tiger Demon God chose to escape into the world of mind, which also shows that he has no confidence to take Chen Fan's Hongmeng sword by force, and it also shows that he is afraid.

You know, at this moment, Chen Fan only used the twelve-layered "Hongmeng Sword"!

He didn't even use the thirteenth stage "Hongmeng Sword" at all!

One weight difference, but the actual power is very different.

If it is said that the twelve-fold "Hongmeng Sword" can force the Prison Tiger Demon God to choose to escape into the world of mind, then can the thirteen-fold "Hongmeng Sword" instantly kill him?

Chen Fan didn't know, but he was looking forward to the result.

It's just that he also knows better that he can't easily use this ultimate move, but he must fully force out the Jail Tiger Demon God's cards and various means, otherwise even if he uses this move, he may not be able to kill the Jail Tiger Demon God.

In fact, the risk Chen Fan had to face was not too great.

Although Chen Fan couldn't prevent the Prison Tiger Demon God from returning to his own mental world, he was confident that he could use the "Space Secret Code" to move and leave the opponent's mental world.

If you fail to kill the opponent, at worst, you can go out by yourself.

The Prison Tiger Demon God is outside, but it is impossible for him to be Chen Fan's opponent.


Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared on the vast and boundless land.

The mind world of the Demon God King master is also ridiculously large.

But it is not smaller than Chen Fan's Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

And after Chen Fan entered it, he sensed the position of the Prison Tiger Demon God instantly.

It's just that before he could rush over, the Prison Tiger Demon God flew up to Chen Fan on his own initiative.

"You actually... dare to take the initiative to enter my mind world?!"

Prison Tiger Demon God's tone was filled with deep anger.

As the Demon God King, it was already miserable enough that he was forced by a weaker man who was not as strong as himself so that he could only enter the world of mind to escape. Unexpectedly, the other party dared to chase in, but it made him feel that his self-esteem was greatly hit .

"Why not?" Chen Fan also grinned.

He swung his sword at the Prison Tiger Demon God again:

"Let's come again!"

The Prison Tiger Demon God's anger could no longer be restrained, the phantom light surged all over his body, his huge body pressed down on Chen Fan, and another claw fell on Chen Fan.

The so-called one move is popular all over the world. The Prison Tiger Demon God seems to have only this move, but the actual power and effect really make people look sideways.

But at this moment, as the Jail Tiger Demon God's claw fell, thousands of spiritual lights surged in the entire mind world, and extremely violent power rushed towards Chen Fan with this claw!

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