My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1098 Sword Slaying Demon God

The huge body of Prison Tiger Demon God froze instantly under the divine light of the star-fixing mirror, but feeling the second sword that Chen Fan slashed, his face was even more flustered, the space on his body fluctuated violently, but he was about to move away immediately !

This is the world of his mind, but he can be transferred to any other position at will through the power of mind!

"You...can't leave!"

A cold light flashed across Chen Fan's eyes, but it activated the core of space in his body, activating the "Secrets of Space and Space" at all costs!

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for even Chen Fan to affect the movement of masters at the Demon God King level.

But the problem is, this is not a normal situation——

The Prison Tiger Demon God still has to endure the attack of Chen Fan's sword light. His body is also cracking all the time, and his breath is constantly declining. Naturally, his state is not the same as before!

A layer of water-like ripples agitated the Jail Tiger Demon God's body, but his body couldn't move away!

In fact, Chen Fan's "Space Secret Code" is not enough to prevent the master of the Demon God King from moving away, he can only slightly hinder the Prison Tiger Demon God, so that he cannot move away in an instant.

That's enough.

In an instant, Chen Fan's sword light came suddenly.


However, his body retreated abruptly with the sword light, and the power of his mind that had been mobilized was completely disrupted!

However, Chen Fan, whose eyes became brighter, made his third and fourth sword strikes...

Chen Fan kept urging the sword light, but the Prison Tiger Demon God couldn't move away in an instant, and under the star-fixing mirror, he couldn't choose to run away directly, but he couldn't stop Chen Fan's sword light at all.

His breath became weaker and weaker, and his face became more desperate.

"Human, I am the Demon God King! The future catastrophe needs my help, you can't kill me!"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but the sword in his hand didn't stop at all.

It's not that Chen Fan doesn't care about right and wrong, but that Chen Fan has his own principles!

If you want to kill me, I will kill you, no one can stop it!

Finally, when Chen Fan cut out the twentieth sword and the thirteenth stage "Hongmeng Sword", he didn't know whether it was because the Prison Tiger Demon God's defensive weapon had reached its limit, or because the Prison Tiger Demon God suffered too much damage under Chen Fan's sword light. The damage has been unable to maintain the power of the defensive Taoist weapon, and the mask shattered!


The roaring sword light swept over, completely devouring the body of the desperate Jail Tiger Demon God.

But in the next moment, a violent and restless force erupted from the part of his body swallowed by the "Hongmeng Sword".

Its entire mind world, however, decayed under the circumstances that Chen Fan could see with his naked eyes.

The restless force swept through and rippled.

Facing the incomparably manic force, Chen Fan's eyes were unusually bright.

Although Chongli is terrifying, it is impossible to affect Chen Fan at this time.

Not to mention that Chen Fan has "Origin Technique" at his side, even if he doesn't, Chen Fan is not worth the impact of this level of power.

Compared with the "power of the abyss", the death of the Demon God King is terrifying, but it is not completely unbearable.

He is not afraid of the living Demon God King, let alone the dead ones!

However, one very troublesome thing is that when the Demon God King dies, most of his mental world and the resources and treasures left behind will also be infected by evil forces.

If Chen Fan wanted to use and receive his inheritance, he naturally had to deal with these evil forces first.

Although Chen Fan has not advanced to the rank of immortal, but he has source beads and source arts, it is not difficult to deal with these evil forces.


Just when Chen Fan started to accept the "inheritance" of Prison Tiger Demon God.

Outside the outer seas, there was quite a bit of turmoil within the prison tiger clan.

The Prison Tiger Demon God is the only Demon God King of the Prison Tiger Clan. He died in the open sea, but it also caused all the treasures he left in the clan to be infected by the terrifying evil force!

When the Demon God King falls, his divine power will degenerate, and all his personal treasures and items will be infected by the evil power.

As the leader of the clan, the Prison Tiger Demon God naturally left a lot of treasures in his clan.

As a result, the Prison Tiger Clan also suffered disaster.

Except for some powerful masters of the Prison Tiger Clan, most of the others were infected and turned into demons.

Even if there are still a few powerful masters of the Prison Tiger Clan who have not been infected, the decline of the Prison Tiger Clan is already doomed...



In a fantastic and colorful space.

Xing Jun, who was sitting cross-legged among them, suddenly opened his eyes, and a subtle flash of light flashed through his eyes.

His body moved and changed, but suddenly disappeared into the dream space.

In the sanctuary, somewhere in the mezzanine.

Inside a magnificent hall.

Sitting cross-legged on a futon, Bai Fengyu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Senior Xingjun, why do you have the leisure to come to see me today?"

In front of him, Xingjun's figure slowly emerged.

He sighed faintly: "I just deduced the secrets of the heavens every day, but I deduced the fall of a demon king..."

As soon as this remark came out, Bai Fengyu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and a touch of coldness flashed across his face: "Please senior Xingjun deduce the secret of heaven in detail, I want to see who is the one who dares to be disrespectful under such circumstances..."

There are only so many immortals and demon king masters in the world, and every death of one is a great loss, which will make it more difficult to survive the catastrophe in the future.

Therefore, Bai Fengyu took the lead, initiated by the demon kings and immortals in the temple, and jointly formulated a rule with many demon kings and immortals, that is, no matter how much hatred these people have for each other, they must never fight against each other with life and death. !

The Demon God King can die in a catastrophe, but not by the hands of other immortals and Demon God Kings.

It was precisely because of this that Xing Jun was so excited when Bei Ming wanted to kill Hei Shen.

Hearing what Bai Fengyu said, Xing Jun gave a wry smile: "The dead Demon God King is the Prison Tiger Demon God, and the place where he died is the outer sea..."

When Xingjun said this, the sharpness on Bai Fengyu's face disappeared instantly, but his expression was extremely subtle.

The open sea is not watched by the will of heaven.

Xingjun can only deduce until the death of the Yuhu Demon God, but it is impossible to determine who killed the Prison Tiger Demon God at all!

Even the ultimate master and Tian Dao couldn't find out who killed the Jail Tiger Demon God.

"The catastrophe is still some time away, and those guys from the outer sea dare to take such a big disgrace. Could it be that they have some other plans?"

Bai Fengyu's eyes flashed coldly.

In the outer sea, there are quite a few "Heavenly Abyss minions", including immortals and traitors of the Demon God King rank. Naturally, Bai Fengyu blamed the death of the "Prison Tiger Demon God" on those "traitors" in the outer sea.

"Since that's the case, then I'll go to the open sea and kill a demon king!" His eyes did not hide his killing intent.

Sensing Bai Fengyu's murderous intent, Xingjun's face also turned cold:

"Headmaster Bai... you must be careful, it's not the time to launch a full-scale war on the sea... your existence is much more important than the 'Prison Tiger Demon God', if you encounter an accident, it will be ten 'prison tigers' Demon God' is not as good as that."

Bai Fengyu waved his hands, his eyes flickered coldly:

"The catastrophe won't happen, those cowards in the outer sea can't exert their full strength, even 'that guy' can't kill me..."

His eyes were shining with golden light, but his tone was full of confidence and murderous intent.

Seeing Bai Fengyu's appearance like this, Xing Jun hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head, without any further persuasion.

And Bai Fengyu soared into the sky, and disappeared in front of Xingjun in the blink of an eye.

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