My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1109: Fish Tiger's Gift

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Fairy Ningyun hurriedly said: "How is this possible...I offended the Xuenv clan and was imprisoned here. You saved me, Nijianhou. It can also cost you money..."

Chen Fan smiled and waved his hand again, and then urged "Close to the End of the World", leading Ningyun towards the holy hall.

To put it bluntly, with Ningyun's strength, he probably doesn't have a nine-star Taoist weapon on him, but his senior sister might have one, but taking it out would require bloodletting...

Under Chen Fan's "Secrets of Space and Space", it was two Neyi who brought King Yuheng's junior sister back to the holy hall.

But King Yuheng waited anxiously outside the Ten Realms Tower.

When he saw Chen Fan and Ning Yun returning, he immediately turned into a flowing light and rushed forward.

The two girls hugged each other immediately.

The relationship between the two teachers and sisters is quite deep.

After embracing each other, King Yuheng turned his head to look at Chen Fan again: "Thank you King Nijian for your help..."

Chen Fan smiled, "Senior Sister, you are welcome."

Fairy Ningyun couldn't help being stunned when she heard her senior sister calling Chen Fan: "What do you call Chen Fan, senior sister? Isn't he Nijianhou? Did you call him wrong?"

Wang Yuheng's expression became very subtle when she heard the words, but she patted Ningyun on the head, and then slightly bowed to Chen Fan: "Ningyun has been imprisoned for a long time, and she doesn't know what happened these years. Don't worry about it, Sword King."

"It's just a title, I don't care." Chen Fan smiled and shook his head:

"I won't disturb the reunion of your two teachers and sisters, let's go first!"

As he spoke, he didn't wait for the two to say anything more, but immediately turned into a streamer and rushed into the Ten Realms Pagoda.

When Chen Fan left.

King Yuheng looked at Chen Fan's back with an extremely subtle expression.

Ning Yun next to her looked confused: "Senior sister, don't tell me, the outside world has passed for thousands of years... Am I locked in the secret realm of time?"

King Yuheng laughed and shook his head, and then his expression became more complicated: "It's been less than two hundred years since you were imprisoned..."

As soon as this remark came out, Ning Yun was relieved, but soon her expression changed wonderfully, and she said in disbelief: "It took Chen Fan only two hundred years to become the king. level?"

King Yuheng nodded with a complex expression: "He said that he entered a certain time secret realm to practice..."

In fact, the time mystery is not particularly rare.

Many large forces also have similar time secrets.

It's just that the comprehension of the Dao and the improvement of strength can be achieved by closing the dead gate.

There are many people who have entered the secret realm of time, but there is no second one who can increase the speed so exaggeratedly as Chen Fan...


After Chen Fan returned, while continuing to practice various supernatural powers, he also began to cultivate the Star God Seal.

It's just that with his strength, the time needed to repair and cultivate the Star God Seal is extremely long.

He is not in a hurry, just take his time.

Afterwards, King Yuheng came to the door on his own initiative and sent a corresponding thank you gift.

Chen Fan knew that if he didn't accept it, King Yuheng would feel sorry for it, and he was not polite in the end.

It's just that compared with the nine-star Taoist artifact he gave, the value of the thank you gift given by King Yuheng is simply incomparable.

However, it didn't matter to Chen Fan.


The tenth tower circle.

Chen Fan's palace has welcomed a special guest.

"Yuhu, why are you in the mood to come to my house today?"

Among the geniuses of Chen Fan's class, apart from Zhou Bolan and Wisdom, Yuhu is the strongest at this time. He has already broken through the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower, and he is only one step away from Fenghou !

The relationship between Chen Fan and Yuhu can be regarded as a sympathetic relationship, but because of Feng Jiaojiao and others, they often get together, and the relationship is not bad.

Yuhu also had a subtle smile on his face: "Congratulations Chen Fan, you have broken through the title of king. I came here this time to offer you a gift..."

"Why be so polite." Chen Fan shook his head.

With his strength, he had just killed a Demon God King, but at this moment he had everything he needed.

In fact, these days, as Chen Fan broke through the twelve-story tower and killed the Demon Sword King in one battle, his reputation was completely pushed to the top of the temple.

More than 90% of the king masters in the first rank of the temple and even in the tenth tower world have sent gifts.

It's just that the craze has passed for a few days, but Yuhu came a bit late.

Yuhu showed a smile on his face: "My gift is not precious, but I just want to come. You should be satisfied with Chen Fan?"

"Oh?" Chen Fan raised his brows, "Then I'll have to see and see."

Yuhu flipped his hand, and a phantom light flashed, but he saw a slender, half-human, half-demon black alien with a golden rope all over his body appearing in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Yuhu inexplicably: "If I'm not mistaken, this person should be from the 'Hidden Demon' clan, but his cultivation is only at the fourth level of longevity... I don't know What does this have to do with the gift you said you gave me, Yuhu?"

Yuhu smiled: "Do you remember that you asked me about something hundreds of years ago..."

Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, his thoughts turned quickly, and his eyes flickered in just an instant.

At the time of Chen Fan's Meihui.

Chen Fan was once plotted against by Rui Chi of the Horned Demon Race, but at that time he also found a master of the fourth level of longevity to block Chen Tianqian. Chen Fan killed Rui Chi and other people who stood in the way on the spot, and he also had a little bit with Yuhu. After some discussion, the person who stopped Chen Tianqian saw that the situation was not going well and chose to run away.

At that time, Chen Fan thought that the man might be the Son of God of Lingshen Dao Sect, but when he returned to the Southeast Region, he confirmed from the Son of God of Lingshen.

Later, after Chen Fan returned to the holy hall from the mainland, his real self went to retreat, but his avatar once asked Yuhu who was the fourth level of longevity, but unfortunately he didn't get an answer.

Chen Fan looked at Yuhu with a subtle expression: "Didn't you say that you didn't know where Rui Chi got the longevity quadruple, and you never met?"

In fact, Chen Fan didn't take a longevity quadruple too seriously, so after Yuhu couldn't figure it out, Chen Fan didn't waste any more time and energy on this matter.

But it never occurred to him that the twists and turns, Yuhu brought this person at this time, and it just happened to be the fourth level of longevity, and nine out of ten it refers to the original person.

Yuhu showed a calm smile on his face: "I really didn't know at the beginning, but with a little effort, I was able to find some traces..."

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes slightly.

But he stepped forward and slapped the head of the "hidden demon clan" master.

Chen Fan directly activated Sou Hun!

It's only a fourth level of longevity, unless there is some kind of spiritual treasure protection, it can't stop Chen Fan's soul search.

After searching the soul, Chen Fan also confirmed what Yuhu said.

This guy is Rui Chi's secret personal friend, not many people know about it.

And the "hidden demon" family is also a special race that is very good at concealment and camouflage.

When Chen Fan was intercepted and killed, other than Rui Chi himself, no one else knew the existence of this "hidden demon".

After Rui Chi's death, this guy had sent corresponding news to the horned demons, but at that time, the Meihui was over, and Chen Fan had already become a disciple of the first rank of the temple. How could the horned demons offend him? But act like it never happened!

The Leng Feng Sword has not been refined yet, yesterday chapter 7 said it was wrong to take out the Leng Feng Sword, it has been changed. Because it was so easy, I wrote it directly...

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