My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1115 Ultimate Power

Time flies, and years pass in the blink of an eye.

These days, the Blood God is not only in one research tower, but also often goes to several other research towers, as if he is arranging for the guardians to do something.

Chen Fan didn't care what they were doing. Although the Blood God didn't shy away from Chen Fan, he didn't communicate with the guardians through normal methods at all. Chen Fan didn't care about these, he just followed the Blood God.

Or comprehend the blood of the blood god, or ask the blood god some problems and difficulties in the practice of "Blood Fusion".

Chen Fan's hang-up talent is extremely special. Not only can he simply hang-up martial arts, but he can also change and improve the original kung fu according to Chen Fan's own ideas and ideas, and even create a new level of kung fu out of nothing.

A few years later, Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion Technique", the eleventh level, is slightly different from the original one, and the efficiency of on-hook has also been greatly improved.

In the past, it took nearly 100,000 years to complete the hang-up, but now it only takes 30,000 to 20,000 years.

Although it is still very long, it is not unbearable for Chen Fan.

In the blink of an eye, nearly ten years have passed.

this day.

Inside a research tower.

Blood God looked at Chen Fan:

"Okay, Chen Fan, let's call it a day. I've already dealt with the matter of the Blood Demon Mystic Realm. Because of some reasons of my real body, I have to pay a considerable price to continue to maintain the will of the avatar..."

Chen Fan also nodded regretfully: "These days, I will trouble you, Senior Blood God."

Blood God looked at Chen Fan, shook his head and said, "It's you, who let me see more possibilities and futures of "Blood Fusion", but unfortunately, I didn't meet you earlier...otherwise I would not be able to meet you now... Won't……"

When he said this, he suddenly stopped, sighed, then shook his head, and looked at Chen Fan again.

He hesitated and thought for a moment, but he flipped his hand and took out a fiery red bean-like thing.

There was a fiery aura exuding from the flaming red beans, and Chen Fan also felt a special aura that was grand and fiery, making Chen Fan feel palpitations and shock.

Chen Fan's eyes widened:

"This thing is..."

The aura emanating from this flaming red bean is extremely terrifying, but Chen Fan has never felt it before among the demon kings and immortals he has seen.

With Chen Fan's strength at this time, even the Immortal and Demon God King who surpassed him in strength could not give him such a terrifying feeling just by exuding breath.

Speaking of which, when Chen Fan used the sun cover to deduce the ultimate of thunder, he had a similar feeling when he saw that eye...

This thing is probably related to the ultimate existence!

And at this moment.

"This seems to be the ultimate power!" Fu Ling's slightly out-of-control voice sounded in Chen Fan's heart.

Chen Fan couldn't help being startled, and a thought passed through his heart, asking, "What is the ultimate power?"

Fu Ling said subtly: "You can regard it as a special power entity condensed by the 'ultimate' existence..."

Chen Fan was even more surprised, and asked again: "What does it do?"

Not waiting for Fu Ling to explain.

The Blood God looked at Chen Fan with a smile on his face, and said:

"You can use this item as a special consumable that can increase your strength for a limited time, but the increased power will be exaggerated, and it doesn't have any side effects!"

Fu Ling's voice also rang in Chen Fan's ear again, adding:

"This is the 'ultimate power' from the Sun God King."

"To move this thing, you can borrow a small part of the power of the 'Ultimate' existence, but, limited by the individual who moves it, the stronger the strength, the stronger the increase it can carry..."

This so-called "ultimate power", in short, is the special power entity condensed by the ultimate master, which can increase the power of others!

Chen Fan's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he looked at the Blood God: "Senior... are you going to give this thing to me?"

Blood God nodded solemnly: "With your talent, it is really possible to perfect the "Blood Fusion Technique" and change my situation. It would be a pity if you were to encounter an accident and die halfway..."

"With your strength, if you activate this thing, you should be able to gain the strength to compete with or even crush the level of ordinary demon kings in a short period of time..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered when he heard the words.

Even "Blood God" didn't know Chen Fan's true strength at this time.

Because "Blood God" didn't know that Chen Fan was in charge of picking up the stars.

It is based on the fact that Chen Fan has cultivated at the sixth level of longevity and has practiced "Blood Fusion Art" to the eleventh level. He believes that Chen Fan can use this so-called "ultimate power" to compete with or even crush ordinary demon kings. In fact, Chen Fan's real strength far exceeds the expectations of "Blood God"!

And the effect that Chen Fan can achieve by urging this "Ultimate Power" will naturally be stronger.

Chen Fan looked at the fiery red "Ultimate Power" with scorching eyes, but turned to "Blood God" again: "How can I afford such a precious treasure..."

Chen Fan naturally wanted this item.

Especially in the special situation Chen Fan was in right now.

With Chen Fan's own strength, it might be very difficult to contend against the three Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan.

In fact, even if it was one-on-one, he could at most defeat "Black God" and "Motian", and he would most likely not be the opponent of the Nightmare Ancestor.

But if he had this "ultimate power" and reversed his offense and defense, he would really have the real confidence to fight against the Night Dire clan!

It's just that if you want it, you want it, but Chen Fan really can't accept such a precious treasure with a shy face.

Seeing Chen Fan's appearance, the Blood God smiled: "You don't have to worry, because for some special reasons, I still have a lot of this thing in my hand... If I wasn't just an incarnation, I would like to give you a few more individual."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan couldn't help being stunned.

Blood God's attitude was very indifferent, but it didn't seem like he was lying at all. In fact, there was no need for him to lie.

It was only then that Chen Fan took over the "Ultimate Power" carefully: "Senior, you gave such a great gift, and I really don't know how to return it..."

The Blood God smiled: "If you want to thank me, then get stronger faster, and complete and perfect the "Blood Fusion Art" faster!"

Chen Fan also nodded solemnly when he heard the words.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by the blood god, Chen Fan himself will improve and perfect the "Blood Fusion Technique" faster for his own benefit!

Blood God nodded, and said:

"I originally planned to return this incarnation to reintegrate into the main body, but since I met you and the matter has been resolved, then accept my last gift."

Chen Fan couldn't help being taken aback.

However, the incarnation of the blood god in front of him was flickering with red light, and his figure kept shrinking, but in the blink of an eye, he condensed into a blood-colored spar.

Chen Fan was startled, and stretched out his hand, and the blood spar flew into Chen Fan's hand.

This spar is very similar to the drop of blood given to Chen Fan by the blood god, but it is much bigger, and the aura contained in it is much stronger.

"The blood god's incarnations are all transformed from his own blood, and this one is also..."

The Blood God himself is a master who has practiced the "Blood Fusion Technique" to the thirteenth stage, and one drop of his blood contains many changes in the "Blood Fusion Technique".

Although it is impossible to help Chen Fan as much as before, there will be a lot.

Chen Fan opened his mouth, stuffed the red spar into his mouth, and then looked up at the place where the Blood God Avatar disappeared:

"Thank you, Senior Blood God."

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