My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1118 Killing streak!

Compared to before, Chen Fan was indeed much stronger.

Even asking himself has surpassed the level of the Black God and the Prison Tiger Demon God.

If it was one-on-one, he was also confident that he could fight that nightmare ancestor.

But now, after all, it's not a one-on-one situation.

The three demon god kings of the Nightmare Clan join forces, but with Chen Fan's own strength, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an opponent.

He knew this very well, so he decisively activated the ultimate power.

A steady stream of turbulent power continued to swim through the whole body.

His body was completely covered by blazing flames.

Feeling the almost infinite power in his body, Chen Fan was both surprised and excited.

The power provided by the "Ultimate Power" far exceeded his own expectations.

"Although I'm not a fairy yet, my physical body is definitely stronger than ordinary immortals and demon kings, and the 'ultimate power' that I can carry is also more powerful than ordinary immortals and demon kings!"

The stronger the person, the stronger the bonus brought by the "ultimate power".

Even the weakest immortal, the king of demon gods, can become the first rank of immortals in one fell swoop if they use their "ultimate power"!

But at this time, Chen Fan, who activated the "Ultimate Power", can erupt with extremely terrifying strength.

Feeling the surging and terrifying offensive of Yan Zu and that Demon Sky.

Chen Fan felt a little disappointed: "Your strength seems to be... nothing more than that."

The cold front sword in his hand fell down.

However, the majestic sword light easily smashed the joint offensive of the two demon god kings into powder.

"No, it's the 'Ultimate Power', this one is invincible!"

The faces of the three major demon god kings all changed in horror.

While easily defeating the attack of the two demon god kings, Chen Fan turned his sword light, but moved towards the black god with all his strength!

"not good!"

The power of space surged, and Heishen's complexion changed drastically, but he wanted to move away in a hurry!

After Chen Fan activated the "Ultimate Power", the power of this sword was much stronger than that of Bei Ming's sword technique. At this moment, the Black God felt the threat of death!

However, Chen Fan's eyes were cold: "Did you leave?"

He pushed his "Secrets of Space and Space" to the extreme and locked the surrounding space firmly, so that even the Demon God King would not be able to escape back to the world of mind.

"Old Ancestor, save me!!" Hei Shen failed to escape back to the world of his mind, and his face changed in shock, but he went straight to the positions of the two Demon God Kings behind him:

"I can't leave..." Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but a mirror suddenly floated out in front of him.

This is the star-fixing mirror.

With the breakthrough of Chen Fan's cultivation base, his use of the power of the fixed star mirror is also more powerful.

Bright spiritual light flickered and spread from the star-fixing mirror.

Even if the Black God is the Demon God King, he couldn't help but stagnate.

And even in this moment of stagnation, Chen Fan's mighty sword light also hit his body suddenly!


"Shu Zi dare!"

Accompanied by the angry roaring companion, Yan Zu and Hei Tian rushed forward one after another, making wild moves.

But everything was in vain.

At this time, the power of Chen Fan's sword light was too terrifying!

In an instant, Heishen's body was completely covered by the surging sword light.

next moment.

Accompanied by the tragic, dare not cry.

A terrifying force erupted from the original body position of "Black God".

This also means the fall of the "Black God".

From Bei Ming being trapped to Chen Fan killing the "Black God", it seemed like a long time, but in fact it was only a breath of time!

After successfully killing "Black God", Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief, but decisively collected his body and everything left behind in the Immortal Mansion.

At this moment, the resentment and anger in his heart were successfully released at this moment.

He could also feel that in his state of mind, a certain shackle that imprisoned his past was suddenly broken.

At this moment, although he has not made any progress on the Dao, he knows that he has taken another step forward from the road of immortality.


The rest of Mo Tian and Yan Zu are all full of anger, their faces full of anger!

Chen Fan grinned, but without any hesitation, he went towards the other two Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan!

His second target is Mo Tian.

Its strength is slightly stronger than the Black God, but it is still at the same level as him, but it will not be harder to kill than the Black God.

Seeing Chen Fan rushing over, Mo Tian was more flustered and frightened than he was angry, and he turned his head to look at Yan Zu with an ugly expression:

"Old Ancestor!"

The corner of Yanzu's mouth twitched. Seeing Chen Fan attacking him, it was impossible for him to let Chen Fan continue to attack his Demon God King.

He took a deep breath, "Chen Fan dare?!"

Nightmare Zu's eyes flickered fiercely, and then he flipped his hand, but there was an extra short blade in his hand.

He held the short blade tightly, and the wings behind him swung rapidly. With the strength accumulated in his body, the short blade suddenly swelled, but it turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Chen Fan!

The speed was extremely fast, and he came in front of Chen Fan in the blink of an eye!

"Be careful, Chen Fan, this is a fairy artifact!"

Fu Ling's reminder sounded in Chen Fan's ears.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and Chen Fan could have guessed it without Fu Ling telling him.

Yan Zu's attack was more than ten times stronger than his previous attack!

Chen Fan's eyes were full of fierceness, and the sword in his hand fell towards the incomplete short blade.

It is still the thirteenth-fold "Hongmeng Sword"!

Even though Yan Zu's attack is ten times stronger than before, it is still not enough to stop Chen Fan!

Chen Fan's improvement under "Ultimate Power" is too exaggerated!

The mighty sword light suddenly collided with the short blade.

The turbulent impact surged in all directions.

Accompanied by the terrifying roar and collision, a large mouthful of blood spewed out from Yan Zu's mouth.

But the next moment, the short blade was like a deflated balloon, suddenly began to shrink, and then flew out with the violent impact!

Chen Fan's whole body was full of flames, and his aura was menacing!

Even if the master of the Demon God King uses the fairy weapon, it can't stop Chen Fan at this moment!

His eyes were filled with murderous intent, and after repelling the short blade of the fairy weapon, he turned his head to look at Mo Tian again.

Following Yan Zu's move to block Chen Fan, he decisively chose to flee far away!

It's just such a moment, but the person has already flown far enough.

"You can't escape!"

Chen Fan's eyes were shining fiercely, but at this moment he activated the power of the Star God Seal.

Although he already knew that the original name of the Star God Seal was "Da Mie God Seal", Chen Fan still used to call it the Star God Seal.

What he urged was also the power of the "Mie Zi Jue".

Although Chen Fan's own combat power is strong, in fact, it hasn't been long since he himself advanced to the sixth level of longevity.

Although his spiritual consciousness is stronger than the general Longevity Sixth Stage, but compared with the immortal and the demon king, the gap is not so big. Even with the Dayan God Jue and the star god seal boost, his "Mie Zi Jue" is impossible to kill A real Demon King master!

But Chen Fan's purpose was never to kill such a master with the "Mie Zi Jue"!

As long as this kind of expert can be slightly influenced, it is enough for Chen Fan.

The star-fixing mirror cannot be activated continuously, and at this moment the role of the Star God Seal is highlighted!

In an instant, Mo Tian, ​​who was fleeing towards the distance at high speed, suddenly stagnated for a moment.

And at such an instant, the sword in Chen Fan's hand fell with a bang.

It is still the thirteen-layered Hongmeng sword!


The sharp sword light passed by, but flew to the distance in an instant, devouring Mo Tian's body.

And the next moment, Motian's body was once again swayed by a raging force!

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