My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1120 Forced Killing

Bai Fengyu's offensive was extremely terrifying. Even with Bei Ming's help to resist, the power thrown over it was enough to cause a lot of damage to Chen Fan.

It's just that although the damage was terrifying, it couldn't hurt Chen Fan who still had several healing elixir in his hand!

Chen Fan has already offended the Dire Clan badly. He killed two Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan in a row. The last one must not be kept, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

He held on to Bai Fengyu's meritorious power, but forcibly continued to attack Yan Zu again!

When Yanzu saw Chen Fan swinging his sword again, the hope that had just risen on his face turned into despair in the blink of an eye.

Bai Fengyu on the other side was even more angry: "Chen Fan!!"

Beiming laughed loudly, and swung his sword forward again to help Chen Fan share the pressure and block Bai Fengyu.

Even though Bai Fengyu was powerful, even stronger than Bei Ming, but under Bei Ming's best efforts to stop him, the power he could use was really limited.

But he could only watch Chen Fan's sword light fall again and again, Yan Zu became more and more desperate.

"Beiming, you forced me!" Bai Fengyu's eyes were cold.


Raging golden light spread out from the golden spar, and at the same time a suffocating terrifying aura spread out from its body.

"God's palm of merit!"

The golden light on Bai Fengyu's body condensed, but in the blink of an eye it gathered into a huge golden palm.

Beiming's discoloration suddenly changed:

"'Grand Virtue Palm', Bai Fengyu, for me, you actually used such a magical hole card..."

Originally, Beiming could still slightly resist the power of his merits, but as the giant golden hand pressed down, Beiming was directly suppressed by the huge palm!

Just after Beiming was suppressed, Bai Fengyu also went towards Chen Fan again.

However, before Bai Fengyu took action against Chen Fan, accompanied by wailing of despair and regret, a rippling power erupted from the remnant body of the Nightmare Ancestor...

Nightmare Ancestor is also dead!

So far, the three master demon god kings of the Nightmare clan all died in the hands of Chen Fan.

Bai Fengyu managed to stop Beiming, but he was still a step too late. His steps froze suddenly, and he looked at Chen Fan with cold eyes: "Chen Fan!!"

Chen Fan stared back without any fear.

But at this time, Bei Ming laughed loudly after being forcibly suppressed by Bai Fengyu's big golden hands: "Chen Fan, well done!"

With a personality as indifferent as Bei Ming, to be able to behave like this shows his appreciation for Chen Fan's actions.

Just when Chen Fan and Bai Fengyu were staring at each other.

Along with one after another flickering ripples, one after another powerful existence descended here.

Most of these people are demon kings and immortals on the mainland and in the temple.

Bingji Sage Emperor, Xingjun, Yangyan Demon King and others are all among them.

These people also looked at Chen Fan with complicated expressions.

"Chen you know what you did?" Bai Fengyu's tone was extremely cold.

Facing the most powerful beings in this world, Chen Fan didn't show any fear on his face:

"I killed people who wanted to kill me, that's all."

As soon as the words came out, all the immortals and demon kings around looked at each other with subtle expressions.

With the level of strength of the people present, it is natural to know exactly what happened.

To a certain extent, what Chen Fan said was not false at all...

Bai Fengyu was furious, his whole body was full of cold breath, and the terrifying coercion pointed directly at Chen Fan: "I said, you killed the 'Black God' and the two of them, I can regard you as self-defense, but after I came, why didn't you Are you willing to stop?"

Chen Fan sneered:

"I would like to ask Master Bai, why should I listen to Master Bai when I attack someone who wants to kill me? I wonder what connection you have with the Night Dire clan, and I want to embarrass them, who are also human races I?"

As soon as this remark came out, the demon kings and immortals around him all had subtle expressions.

Because it is on the mainland, most of the people present here are immortals, and there are extremely few demon kings.

Ninety-nine percent of the immortals are strong people of the human race, so they would naturally agree with Chen Fan's actions more.

Bai Fengyu was even more angry: "You don't understand the current world structure. You kill one more Demon God King, but have you ever thought how many creatures in our world will be lost in the catastrophe?"

Chen Fan looked straight at him unceremoniously: "With me, Chen Fan, in the Great Tribulation, I will be ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the Dire Clan!"

As soon as this remark came out, Bei Ming nodded first: "Well said!"

All the immortals and demon kings around had strange expressions, and hesitated to speak.

Among the immortals, those who are truly as powerful as Beiming and Bai Fengyu are a minority after all, and there are more people like the three demon god kings of the Dire clan.

If it really counts, Chen Fan, who can easily kill the three Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan, is definitely more important than the three Demon God Kings.

What's even more frightening is that Chen Fan hasn't comprehended the Dao at this time. If he does, how terrifying will his strength be?

I am afraid that even Bai Fengyu will not be his opponent by then!

"Excessive words!"

Bai Fengyu's eyes were still cold: "Even if your role is really greater than the three of them, wouldn't they be able to play a little role? If you kill one less, we will be able to help us with one more calamity!"

Chen Fan sneered:

"Don't talk about the big picture with me. If someone wants to kill me, I'll kill you back. This is the reason for my life!"

Bai Fengyu's face was extremely cold: "You have your reasons for being a human being, and I also have my principles. I once joined hands with everyone in the temple and many immortals and demon kings in the world to make a rule—"

"Regardless of any enmity between us, before the 'big catastrophe' is resolved, we must absolutely not harm each other's lives, and we will punish those who violate it together!"

Chen Fan had heard about it a long time ago, but he had a sneer on his face: "What do the rules made by the immortals and demon kings have anything to do with Chen Fan? You didn't tell me?"

When Chen Fan said this, Xing Jun gave a "cough", but he also turned into a phantom light and flew in front of Bai Fengyu:

"Master Bai, this is the end of the matter. After all, it was the 'Night Dire Clan' who did the wrong thing first. Even if Chen Fan made a mistake, it was for self-protection... If you want me to say, a little punishment is fine. After all, Chen Fan is Junior, he doesn't know the rules we made, but it's normal..."

"Ignorance cannot be used as an excuse to commit evil consequences." Bai Fengyu's eyes were still cold.

Xingjun was also a little helpless when he heard the words, and he looked straight at Bai Fengyu: "I just want to say this, Chen Fan's talent and strength, the future is limitless, and it is the future of our world! Nothing will happen!"

King Xing said this, but many immortals nodded in agreement.

Bai Fengyu snorted: "If it wasn't for that, I would have already suppressed and killed this son, so why waste time here."

Saying that, Bai Fengyu turned her head and looked directly at Chen Fan:

"Chen Fan, because of your unparalleled talent, I will not hurt your life... But the death penalty is inevitable, and the death penalty is inevitable, so I will punish you to be suppressed in my Ascension Tower for ten thousand years. Do you have any complaints?!"

As he spoke, a pocket pagoda floating out of his hand appeared like an illusion.

Hearing this, Xingjun and Beiming also heaved a sigh of relief.

Not to mention Chen Fan's youthful vigor, but Bai Fengyu's personality is also quite strong. If Bai Fengyu insisted on following the original agreement and taking Chen Fan's life, Xingjun would be quite difficult to do.

Bai Fengyu is not only powerful, but also has a very special identity...

As long as Chen Fan can save his life, everything else is trivial!

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