My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1124 Soul Search and Discovery

Chen Fan didn't understand the language of the Yaodao clan, but he spoke the common language of the human race.

Because of the strength of the human race, even foreign races would not fail to understand the common language of the human race.

Hearing what Chen Fan said, the eyes of the powerful Marquis of the Demon Sword Clan flashed a stern look, but he didn't say a word, his body retreated quietly, as if he had escaped into the void, and disappeared before Chen Fan's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan shook his head.

Within the space of this tree hole, even Chen Fan, who has practiced the "Secret Code of Space and Space" to the eighth level, can't easily break through the space, let alone an ordinary sixth level of longevity.

This person seemed to activate some spatial magical power, but in fact, he just used some kind of concealment method.

The red and black threads of Chen Fan's eyes flickered violently.

"Devil Eye" is a powerful pupil magic power. In addition to its own attack and the effect of creating a demon clone, it also has the effect of seeing through concealment and illusion to a certain extent.

The next moment, he moved forward with empty hands, and the cold front sword suddenly fell towards a certain direction in front of him!


Accompanied by the splashed blood, the master of the Demon Saber Clan appeared in reality dripping with blood all over his body.

However, in the midst of thunder and lightning, Chen Fan came to him again.

Above the Leng Feng sword, a sharp breath surged and dense.

"You are the first person I met here, I really don't want to kill you."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

However, facing Chen Fan, the Marquis of the Demon Saber Clan had red eyes, but he had no intention of communicating with Chen Fan. Even in this situation, he still took the initiative to slash at Chen Fan with his two swords!

"Can't communicate? Is this guy crazy?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly, but he was not polite to him. He cut him seriously with a sword, and then took out the star mirror to suppress him.

Afterwards, Chen Fan stepped forward, slapped him on the head, and began to search for the soul.

Normally speaking, Chen Fan's soul is powerful, but it is still very difficult for him to search for an opponent at the level of soul searching.

However, at this time, Chen Fan had already collected all the spells of the Star God Seal, and the effect of increasing his consciousness could be even greater.

Maybe it's not as good as a real fairy, but after the increase, it definitely surpasses most of the kings.

It is not difficult to search for the soul of the demon sword clan.

And the memory of this Demon Saber Clan is quite complicated and long. Even if the spirit is as powerful as Chen Fan, it took a long time to completely absorb his memory.

It has been nearly ten thousand years since this guy entered this place.

He didn't know if this was the ancient tree world.

At first, he strayed into this world in order to chase and kill an enemy, but he never thought that although he finally caught up with the enemy and killed him, he would never be able to leave this world...

After such a long time, he has learned a lot about this world...

There are many creatures living in this world.

There are all kinds of alien races, there are native residents of this world, and there are also many creatures who entered this place later.

Because of the special environment here, the competition for survival among different creatures is quite cruel.

In fact, this strong man of the Demon Sword Clan used to be a strong man who had reached the level of a feudal lord, but because all kinds of medicines and resources were exhausted for a long time, his own strength could not be replenished, and his strength happened. Recession, and even the spirit is a little crazy.

The reason why this guy attacked and killed him was to snatch his own resources, and at worst, he could use his own flesh and blood as a way to replenish energy...

And because of the long years of struggle and torture in the tree hole world, when he attacked and killed Chen Fan, he was already mentally prepared to die.

Chen Fan looked at his red eyes, shook his head, but activated the Star God Seal, and sent him on his way with a "Mie Zi Jue".

Although the Demon Saber Clan is pitiful, it is not a lie that they want to kill Chen Fan, and it is impossible for Chen Fan to repay his hatred with virtue.

It's just that Chen Fan didn't want to continue to torture him, so he didn't put him in the magic castor, and simply ended his pain.

His body trembled and he died instantly.

Chen Fan shook his head and stepped forward, but he took out the golden core from his body. The mind world of this demon sword master was quite empty.

All treasures, pills, and resources are pitifully scarce.

"This guy has been trapped here for too long, and the pills and resources are almost used up..."

Chen Fan shook his head.

The space here cannot absorb the power of heaven and earth normally, and cannot supplement and consume it. As long as there is no way out, as long as time passes, no amount of resources or medicines will be enough!

Of course, Chen Fan has countless pills and resources, so as long as he doesn't waste too much energy in the Zhouguang Core, it won't be difficult for him to stay here until the catastrophe comes.

The premise is that there is no strong person to compete with or snatch Chen Fan.

Moreover, the masters of the Demon Sword Clan not only have pills, resources and other items, but also have pitifully few other treasures and Taoist artifacts.

According to his memory, he exchanged these treasures and resources with the natives of this world.

In this world, there are a group of special ethnic groups and creatures called Catu people. These guys are exactly the people who believe in ancient dragons that Chen Fan once investigated the relic buildings and patterns in the tree hole.

They live on top of the towering tree in the distance.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he shook his head and looked at the towering tree in the distance.

Chen Fan had absorbed the memories of the remnants of the Dragon Elephant Clan Demon God King, and he also had a certain understanding of Gu Long.

The ancient dragon needs to inhabit the ancient tree, and the ancient tree is also the source of the immortal life and terrifying power of the ancient dragon.

If this is really the ancient tree world, the giant tree in the distance is likely to be the surviving ancient tree, and Chen Fan can't be sure whether there is an ancient dragon on the ancient tree.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan restrained his daydreams, entered a state of concealment, and quietly moved towards the direction where the avatar was sensed.


The location of the avatar is also around the towering tree in the distance.

It seems to be very close, but the actual distance is quite far away.

The giant tree is also ridiculously large.

Along the way, Chen Fan carefully maintained a concealed state.

Except for the Queen of the Demon Sword Clan who sneaked in at the beginning, Chen Fan didn't meet any creatures among the vast sands.

In the desert, there are not even a single plant or insect.

In a state of complete dead silence.

Of course, it seems dead silent, maybe hiding somewhere a certain master, waiting for others to fall into the trap.

Although Chen Fan had some confidence in his own strength, he didn't dare to say that he could walk sideways here.

When he was moving towards the big tree, Chen Fan suddenly stopped his pace: "Hey, this breath..."

He fine-tuned his brows, but looked at a position that deviated from the direction he was heading.

He felt an extremely sharp and powerful breath.

"It's the power of the Dao of the Sword..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

That breath is a certain distance from here, but it is extremely powerful.

As a master of swordsmanship, Chen Fan was very keen to distinguish the aura.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but temporarily changed his direction, heading towards the direction where the aura of swordsmanship was flowing.

And as he got closer, the aura containing the power of the sword became more magnificent and terrifying, but besides the sharp power of the sword, there was also a raging and turbulent force!

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