My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1126 Ancient Tree and City

Time passed, and under the core of Zhouguang, Chen Fan had practiced this sword technique continuously for more than 20 years.

On this day, Chen Fan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened his eyes, and there was a flash of sharpness and appreciation in his eyes.

"This kind of swordsmanship, this kind of swordsmanship... is really perfect..."

The power of this sword made Chen Fan feel intoxicated. The more he realized it, the more terrifying he felt about this Sword Immortal.

He himself couldn't find any shortcomings in this sword technique.

And in his hands, apart from the "Hongmeng Sword", all the other immortal level swordsmanship can't compare with this sword!

"Hongmeng Sword" is a terrifying and powerful swordsmanship that combines the five powers of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Sword.

He stood up and sighed: "If I understand the way of the sword, I should comprehend more new things... Unfortunately..."

Due to his own kendo realm limitation, although he could feel the power and perfection of this kendo, he couldn't comprehend more power of this kendo at all.

But even so, it has benefited him a lot.

These twenty years of hard work have brought Chen Fan a big step closer to perfection in the way of swordsmanship.

"This sword fairy is probably very close to the ultimate sword path..."

Chen Fan was amazed, but also inevitably felt a sense of urgency.

This world is limited by the laws of heaven, and there can only be one candidate for the ultimate of any avenue. If this powerful existence truly understands the way of swordsmanship, no matter how powerful Chen Fan's hang-up talent is, it will be meaningless at all.

"It's useless to think so much!"

Shaking his head, Chen Fan raised a finger.


On his finger, there was a sword light spreading out.

But following this sword light, Chen Fan has a surging power of the Great Dao.

Although this sword light is quite weak compared to the remaining power of the giant sky-swallowing crocodile, it is of the same origin as it.

With the help of this sword light, Chen Fan stepped forward, but at this moment he finally managed to reach the remnant body of the giant sky-swallowing crocodile.

"Senior Fu Ling!"

He took a deep breath, but he directly summoned the Immortal Mansion.

No need for him to say anything, Immediately, the Immortal Mansion had a great inspiration, but it put away the remnant body of the giant sky-swallowing crocodile.

This power of swordsmanship is too outrageous, and ordinary space magic weapon can never bear the power in it, and Chen Fan's mind world can't bear it, and only immortal artifacts like Pengxuan Immortal Mansion can put it away.

For Chen Fan, the value of the corpse of the giant crocodile is nothing, but what is more important to Chen Fan is the remaining kendo power in it!

After bringing the giant sky-swallowing crocodile into the Immortal Mansion, he himself immediately entered the Immortal Mansion, and continued to stimulate the "Core of Zhouguang" to begin to comprehend the way of swordsmanship.

But his avatar was outside, continuing to move towards the direction of another avatar it sensed.

Soon, Chen Fan was already close to the big tree.

But when he got close, he couldn't even see the complete appearance of the whole big tree, because it was too big.

The girth diameter of the whole tree is probably more than 100,000 li. Chen Fan has never seen such a terrifying giant tree in his life.

The huge tree spread out countless huge roots.

"Nine out of ten this big tree is an ancient tree..."

Chen Fan has never really seen an ancient tree, but judging from what he knows, this big tree is indeed very similar to the rumored ancient tree, and such a huge ancient tree is rare in the world.

However, Chen Fan, who was walking towards the big tree, quickly entered the tree hole at the bottom of the big tree.

It is said to be a tree hole, but it is actually more like a crack in an ancient tree than it is.

The ancient tree is really too big.

Going inward along the tree hole, the world inside the tree hole is wider and more extensive.

Soon Chen Fan stopped.

What appeared in front of him was a magnificent city.

Chen Fan could clearly feel that his avatar was within this city.

He once urged the "Star God Seal" to check the status of the avatar and communicate with the avatar, but an inexplicable force blocked Chen Fan's exploration.

He can sense that the avatar is here, but he can't contact the avatar. There are special restrictions set up in this kind of city!

Chen Fan licked his lips, but came to the city cautiously.

The city is beautiful and magnificent, but it is quite different from what Chen Fan saw from the classics, and the architectural style of the ancient dragon clan or some races that worship ancient dragons.

"It should not be the city built by the ancient dragon or the ancient dragon believers... Maybe it is a latecomer who entered it by mistake..."

The strong man of the Demon Sword Clan has no memory of this place, and he probably has never been here.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

The pressure of space here is extremely exaggerated, and creatures with insufficient strength cannot even survive, and even if they can withstand the pressure here, it is not easy to maintain it for a long time in a place without the power of heaven and earth , under such circumstances, it is also very surprising and curious to be able to build a city!

And Chen Fan could even sense the huge magic circle covering the entire city.

The cumulative consumption of maintaining this kind of magic circle is probably quite high.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he quietly came to the front of the magic circle, but it activated the power of the "Broken Word Art" of the Star God Seal.

Although it will take a long time for it to fully cultivate and successfully give birth to the spirit of the weapon, but with the re-collection of the "Star God Seal", the power of its various characters has also been strengthened a lot, naturally including the "broken character" The power of "tactics"!

The level of this magic circle is not low, but it can't stop the power of "Pozi Jue" at all.

In fact, with Chen Fan's strength, it would be very easy to forcibly break through this magic circle unless he was unwilling to expose his figure.

After Chen Fan broke through the magic circle and successfully entered it, he continued to maintain a hidden state, and quickly moved towards his avatar.

After entering it, Chen Fan finally saw other creatures.

However, although this city is magnificent and magnificent, there are very few creatures in it, and they are basically of the same race——

Moon Chanting Demon Clan.

The appearance of this demon race is very similar to that of the human race, except that they are bigger, with pointed ears and sharp fangs, and their skin color is silvery white. Besides, their facial features and limbs are all the same It is no different from the human race.

It is said that the Moon Chanting Demon Clan is a special Demon Clan mixed with human blood.

And the reason why Chen Fan has such a clear understanding of the Moon Wing Demon Clan is because of Feng Jiaojiao.

In the past, the Moon Singing Demon Clan and the Fengmo Clan had great enmity because of competing for territory, and the two races also had terrifying disputes on a population scale.

Later, the Wind Demon Clan defeated the Moon Singing Demon Clan and nearly slaughtered the Moon Singing Demon Clan. There were not a few Moon Singing Demon Clans to be found in the entire Chaos Sea.

Chen Fan did not expect that so many Moon Singing Demons came to this world.

In fact, the number of these Moon-chanting demons is not too many, and they can even be called quite small. After all, those who can survive in this tree hole world also need a certain amount of strength. Heavy pressure.

But compared to the deserted outside world, the gap is quite large.

Apart from the Moon Singing Demon Clan, Chen Fan can also occasionally see creatures of other races, but they are all due to the efforts of the Moon Singing Demon Clan, mounts and the like. Obviously in this city, the Moon Singing Demon Clan is real ruler.

"What a weird place..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he didn't stop, and continued to walk towards the location of the avatar.

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