My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1131 Invitation

Chen Fan's expression also changed awe-inspiringly.

The Demon God King of the Kaine clan is not that powerful.

Both in momentum and strength, they were almost the same as the "Moon Song Demon God" that Chen Fan just killed.

It was precisely because of his lack of strength that Chen Fan continued to attack him.

It's just that his methods are beyond Chen Fan's comprehension.

I hit this guy with all my strength, but now he appeared in front of Chen Fan unscathed, which made Chen Fan very afraid.

The Kayin tribe is an ancient dragon family that has long since disappeared in the long river of history. Chen Fan's understanding of them is limited to the ancient books of the temple and the memories of the masters of the Moon Singing Demon tribe, but he lacks sufficient understanding.

After the Demon God King of the Kaine tribe appeared, he did not attack Chen Fan immediately, but said:

"My friend from the human race, I apologize to you for not asking the reason just now. However, although your excellency is strong, it is impossible to kill me on the ancient tree..."

"I would like to apologize to Your Excellency for the offense caused by my Cain clan, please don't blame me..."

What he said made Chen Fan narrow his eyes slightly.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Fan put away the sword in his hand.

Hearing this, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and put away the Leng Feng Sword.

He is not a fool.

The opponent's ability is so weird, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to kill him, but if I can't kill the opponent, there is no need for me to continue to fight with him.

Although he was displeased with the actions of the two Caines, after all, he did not have any deep hatred with them.

If you continue to fight, there is a high probability that there will be no results.

Moreover, the Kayin tribe is not the Moonsong Demon Clan. This race has survived and multiplied in this ancient tree world for countless epochs, but it has more than one Demon God King master!

Seeing that Chen Fan put away the sword in his hand, the Demon God King of the Kayin tribe also heaved a sigh of relief, and then turned into a streamer and moved closer to Chen Fan.

"Forgive my poor eyesight, I didn't see your strength, so that I offended you, please forgive me to apologize to you again."

After knowing Chen Fan's strength, the Demon God King of the Caine tribe was very polite.

Chen Fan waved his hand and sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was also very polite: "Hehe, if you don't fight, you don't know each other..."

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Nezula also said again: "Nezula of the Kayin clan, do you know your name as Sword Immortal?"

Chen Fan also said bluntly: "My name is Chen Fan."

In the ancient tree world, no one knew his name, but Chen Fan didn't care about reporting his real name.

Nezula also nodded suddenly: "So it's Chen Fan Sword Immortal..."

And at this moment, with the flashing aura, the Cain tribe who had attacked Chen Fan before also galloped over, and apologized to Chen Fan with a look of panic: "My lord, please forgive Yintu's disrespect..."

On the other hand, he obviously doesn't understand the language of the human race. Although he speaks the language of the human race, it is a bit awkward and awkward.

The Demon God King of the Nakain tribe also hurriedly said to Chen Fan:

"Yintu is a junior that I value, but he is too arrogant... because some people from other races often invade the territory of my Kayin tribe and hurt my Kayin tribe, but Yintu treats you as a Be one of those people."

"So that's how it is..." Chen Fan nodded, with a calm expression on the surface, but a sneer in his heart.

From the memories of the experts of the Moon Singing Demon Clan, Chen Fan also has some understanding of the current situation of the ancient tree world.

Because the Kayin tribe knows how to absorb and absorb the power of ancient trees, some foreigners who accidentally fell into the ancient tree world, or creatures like the "moon-chanting demons" who took the initiative to enter the ancient tree world, although there are also willing to make friends with the Kayin tribe, Exchange resources, treasures, or conduct other transactions with them.

But there are also quite a few who don't have enough treasures or are unwilling to give up their treasures to exchange and trade with the Cain tribe, but not only compete with each other, but there are also some people who regard the Caine tribe as prey...

Those people are called "poachers".

There are quite a lot of Cain tribes living on the ancient trees, and they are constantly multiplying and growing. They are the largest life group in the ancient tree world.

It's just that there are so many masters among the Kaine clan, and there is more than one master of the Demon God King. Those who dare to attack the Kaine clan are generally courageous and powerful enough masters!

Even though the status quo is like this, Chen Fan will not easily believe Nezula's words because of this.

When Yintu attacked him secretly, he didn't ask about his identity, and he rushed to kill him as soon as he came up.

And Nezula shot at him for Yintu without asking why, neither of them are kind people.

If it wasn't for their own strength, Nezula and the two would not have bowed their heads so easily.

Of course he wanted to think so, but Chen Fan wouldn't show it easily.

Nezula smiled, but said again: "Not far from here is where my tribe is. I wonder if Sword Immortal Chen Fan has time to go to my tribe... I am willing to apologize to Sword Immortal for my previous actions..."

Chen Fan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.


After a cup of tea.

Chen Fan followed Nezula and Intu to a tribe of the Cain tribe.

Among the entangled branches of the ancient trees, there is quite a wide space.

From the top to the bottom of the whole ancient tree, there are dozens of Kain tribes living together.

It's just that there are very few tribes with demon king masters, and they are generally in the higher layers of ancient trees, and it is difficult for ordinary weak creatures to climb up.

"Welcome to my tribe, distinguished human guests."

Nezula was extremely polite.

He took the initiative to invite Chen Fan to visit.

Chen Fan also nodded with a smile on his face, looked around, and also looked at the strange buildings in the tribe with some curiosity.

Although I have seen buildings of similar style from the memory of the masters of the Moon Singing Demon Clan, but seeing it with my own eyes is a different feeling.

These buildings are made of ancient trees, not only in strange shapes, but also with complicated and wonderful lines carved in them.

But among the various buildings, there are also some special totems erected.

These totems are of various kinds, including all kinds of exotic animals and plants.

Nezula invited Chen Fan to a spacious building.

A Catu attendant brought over an oversized cup filled with green sap.

"This is the 'Essence of Ancient Tree', a gift from a great ancient tree..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but raised his cup and took a sip without hesitation.

At this moment, he has already replaced the deity with his avatar.

His true self never followed Nezula into this tribe.

Even if there is something wrong with the things inside, it will cost him at most one avatar, which is not a serious price for him.

Of course, the probability that this thing will have problems is not too high.

And everything was just as Chen Fan expected, there was nothing wrong with the ancient tree essence.

The ancient tree essence tastes slightly sweet, slightly bitter, with a faint aroma. Although it is not delicious, it contains abundant life energy.

This cup of "Ancient Tree Essence" contained more energy than ordinary heaven-level pills.

At this moment, Chen Fan suddenly turned his head and looked outside the door.

Accompanied by the surging spiritual light, a figure rushed in from outside excitedly.

"I heard that the sword fairy of the human race is visiting again. It is really an honor for my Kayin clan..."

This is also a Catu creature, but its body is bigger than Nezula, and its breath is stronger, but it is a master of the Demon God King!

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