My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1135 Bold Idea

Chen Fan swung his sword with all his strength and slashed towards the sky.

This period of retreat is also the longest time Chen Fan has spent in retreat since his practice.

Although he failed to make breakthroughs in various avenues, his strength has made considerable breakthroughs, especially the 12th level breakthrough in "Blood Fusion Technique" and the improvement in strength brought about by his further control over the power of Tianyuan.

If it is said that before entering the ancient tree world, Chen Fan managed to break away from the weakest level of demon kings and immortals, and was inferior to the nightmare ancestor of the Nightmare clan, then at this moment, he is confident that even without The ultimate power can also easily defeat the Demon God King at the level of Nightmare Zu.

Maybe not as good as Bei Ming, but I'm afraid he is also a figure of the same level.

However, the result disappointed Chen Fan.

This move of mine did tear apart a lot of phantom lights, but none of them could compare to one of the seven sword marks.

Not to mention wanting to tear the sky apart.

"My hard power is not enough..."

Chen Fan took a deep breath, restrained his breath and the cold front sword in his hand, then raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance.

Even in the face of his big movement just now, the ancient dragon in the distance is still prostrate on the ground, as if he has never heard of it.

"This is good news. This ancient dragon should not care about my behavior, which means that I can try as much as I want..."

Of course, hard power is not enough, even if Gu Long doesn't care about it, it doesn't make sense.

Chen Fan's thoughts turned, but he glanced at Gu Long, and then entered the Immortal Mansion.

But he came straight to the Star Picking Tower.

His goal, of course, is the seventh floor of the Star Reaching Tower, and the third floor of "Star Reaching".

"Chen Fan, I advise you not to have too much hope. Your physique is indeed very strong. Even most of the immortals and demon kings I have seen can't compare with you. The gap..."

Fu Ling appeared beside Chen Fan.

"I have to give it a try." Chen Fan took a deep breath.

In fact, although the avenue cultivated by Immortal Pengxuan is not very powerful, Immortal Pengxuan's own terrifying physique alone can tell that he is special.

Chen Fan entered the Star Picking Tower immediately, but after a while, he was reported out of the Star Picking Tower again.

"Failed..." His face was full of helplessness: "It seems that only if I really break through the immortal, transform my body, or have a breakthrough in the "Blood Fusion Technique", can I break through the seventh star picking tower."

It goes without saying that both are difficult.

It is impossible for Chen Fan to do it in a short time.

Chen Fan left the Immortal Mansion resolutely, and then looked at Gu Long in the distance with his eyes subtly scorching.

His own strength is not enough, and it is impossible to make any big breakthroughs in a short time.

Breaking through the avenue is too illusory, and the progress of "Blood Fusion" is too long.

In other words, relying on oneself alone, it is impossible for oneself to escape from this world.

"Who said I can only rely on myself..."

Looking at the ancient dragon in the distance, a bold thought rose in his heart——

Attract Gu Long to make a move!

Judging from the sense of oppression that this ancient dragon brought to him, it was absolutely equivalent to the "ultimate" terrifying existence.

Even if he makes a casual move, it will definitely be much stronger than his own limit power!

Maybe it can tear the boundary between the ancient tree world and the outside world.

Of course, the risks in this are also great.

The ultimate existence made a move, but it was impossible for Chen Fan himself to stop it.

Even though this ancient dragon looks quite Buddhist, it might not be difficult to kill him in a flash...

"My deity can't make a move, I have to do it slowly..."

His thoughts turned rapidly, and he soon had a corresponding plan.

Soon his true self hid in Pengxuan Immortal Mansion, and then sent a clone to keep approaching Gu Long, and soon came to Gu Long.

Gu Long's sense of oppression was outrageous, but so far he didn't care about Chen Fan's behavior at all, and didn't respond in any way.

In fact, if he wanted to, it would be impossible for Chen Fan to get close just by exuding enough power!

The avatar also slashed at Gu Long with lightning speed!

Of course, not to mention clones, even if Chen Fan himself shot with all his strength, it would be difficult to hurt Gu Long.

So this sword didn't leave any trace on Gu Long's body at all.

Chen Fan's clone slashed out with a sword, and immediately fled away.

What surprised him was that Gu Long still didn't make any reaction or action.

"how come?"

Chen Fan was also a little surprised.

As the ultimate existence, as an ancient dragon, with such dignity, he would let a small bug's provocation go unnoticed?

With his strength, he might be able to instantly kill his avatar with a casual move.

Chen Fan couldn't understand.

He took a deep breath: "Could it be because my strength is too weak? Gu Long doesn't care at all?"

Chen Fan's avatar is actually quite powerful, and I'm afraid there are few opponents among the kings.

But without the blood against the gods, he couldn't use the double "Star Reaching", and the difference in strength between him and his true self was ridiculously large.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Fan's avatar turned his head decisively again, approached again, but started to unleash his sword again!

Sword lights fell on Gu Long one after another.

But it seems to be nowhere near itching.

Even the thirteenth-fold "Hongmeng Sword" left only shallow scratches on Gu Long's body.

It is also able to recover in seconds.

Gu Long remained indifferent.

"This... what should I do?" Chen Fan stopped, still a little at a loss, do you want the deity to do it himself?

It's just that the moment this idea appeared, he shook his head decisively.

If the deity makes a move, even if Gu Long can be forced to take action, the deity may lose his life directly.

And if there is no deity, Chen Fan will lose at least 99% of his strength!

Then even if he could leave here, it would be meaningless.

In the outside world, it is impossible for him to stop Bai Fengyu...

The avatar teasing Gu Long is the bottom line of what Chen Fan can do. It is absolutely impossible for him to put himself in danger!

Just when Chen Fan was at a loss, a voice suddenly sounded beside his ear:

"I didn't expect that after so many years, someone finally climbed to the top of the ancient tree... You are quite courageous. Unfortunately, it is impossible for Gu Long to talk to you."

Chen Fan's expression changed sharply, but he turned around in astonishment. At some point, there was a figure behind him.

This is a human youth, dressed in white, with a long sword on his back, and a subtle smile on his face.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered. Although he hadn't broken through to being an immortal, his spiritual consciousness far exceeded that of ordinary longevity masters. To be able to appear behind him so silently, his level of strength was absolutely ridiculous!

Chen Fan's thoughts turned, but he couldn't help but startled, and then his eyes flashed, but he clasped his fists and asked tentatively:

"This senior, isn't he the Sword Immortal of Lorraine?"

The boy in white smiled and nodded.

It's not hard to guess.

The human race, holding a sword, is still at the top of the ancient tree, and can meet so many conditions at the same time, nine out of ten are the Lorraine sword fairy.

Seeing the other party admit it, Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Judging from the state and tone of this sword fairy, he is not the kind of tough and domineering person, but he seems to be easy to get along with.

At this moment, Fu Ling was a little surprised and also rang in Chen Fan's ear: "So it's him..."

Chen Fan was taken aback, "What, Senior Fu Ling, what did you say?"

Instead of waiting for Fu Ling to reply.

This Lorraine also suddenly let out a "Huh", with a strange expression on his face: "Are you the descendant of Immortal Pengxuan?"

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