My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1141 Goodbye Blood God

Chen Fan's seniors were not talented enough, but the two cheap apprentices he had accepted at the beginning had already broken through the longevity.

The ape power itself is a Dao fruit, but after nearly a thousand years, it has only reached the first level of longevity, which is completely unworthy of the name of its godfather, Liu Erhou!

On the contrary, Zha Luo has not only broken through Changsheng at this time, but has become another sword emperor of Jianzong, he has also comprehended the Dao, broken through the third level of longevity, and his combat power is quite powerful, comparable to the fourth level of longevity!

Although not as good as Chen Fan back then, it was still extremely remarkable.

You know, Chen Fan didn't give Zha Luo the Emperor of the Elements, and he didn't even give Zha Luo much advice. He just taught him some swordsmanship, and his current achievements depended entirely on himself.

But the way he walks is also different from Chen Fan, but it combines the way of destruction, and the future is limitless.

At this moment, apart from Chen Tianqian, Chen Fan and Blood Sword King He Gu, this kid is the strongest in the Sword Sect.

Even the Xu Yu Sword Emperor is inferior to him in terms of strength.

In fact, Jianzong had Chen Tianqian, the junior brother who manipulated the empty whale back then, and he was also at the fourth level of longevity, but unfortunately he fell into the pursuit of many masters back then...


Inside the pavilion, a closed room.

"Chen Fan, is Patriarch alright?" Chen Tianqian looked at Chen Fan worriedly.

And Chen Fan looked at the blood sword king He Gu who was lying on a cold jade bed with a pale face and closed eyes in the room.

Chen Fan gave Chen Tian a dry smile:

"Master, don't worry..."

He Gu's injury was not light, it could even be called extremely serious.

After all, a majestic king has been in a coma for so long, but to Chen Fan, it is nothing.

When he flipped his hands over, he directly took out a pill.

Immediately, visions appeared.

This is another elixir!

After all, Chen Fan has killed so many Demon God Kings, and healing elixir is the most common, and those Demon God Kings have some in their hands, but Chen Fan still has quite a few.

Chen Fan stuffed it into He Gu's mouth indifferently.

With divine power running, Chen Fan easily helped He Gu refine the medicinal power in it.

The weakened aura on He Gu also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And it didn't take long for him to wake up.


"Patriarch, I'm back." Chen Fan nodded to him.


Southeast domain.

Daqian, the imperial capital.

Inside the Star Gate.

In an empty dojo, a young man with a handsome and strange face opened his eyes, but looked solemnly at the empty space beside him.

"Which friend is here?"

Ripples like water flashed past, and a figure appeared in front of the young man, but it caused a look of surprise to flash across the man's face.

"Chen Fan?!"

Chen Fan also looked at the person in front of him with a subtle expression: "It turns out that you, Senior Blood God, helped Dagan sit in charge. I said how could Dagan be so peaceful..."

The sect of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect was destroyed, the core fled, and countless disciples lost their lives, even Chen Fan's niece Chen Xi was destroyed, and her true spirit was incomplete.

But on the side of Dagan, there is a quiet time.

The many disciples of the Star Sect and Chen Fan's master Dong Guzhi are fine.

When Chen Fan first arrived, he was also skeptical.

Until it sensed that the blood god was sitting in the star gate.

Of course, limited by the blood god's body, what was dispatched was still only an incarnation.

It's just that even an incarnation is not something that ordinary kings dare to offend.

Although the Yuhua Sect doesn't care about other alien races and forces targeting the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect, they will not take the initiative to take action.

Although Bai Fengyu had an opposing position with Chen Fan, he was also a person with his own persistence.

"Have you broken through the immortal?"

The blood god also had a surprised and subtle expression: "I never doubted that you can understand the Dao, but I didn't expect you to break through so quickly..."

He is worthy of being a master of the Demon God King, but he can tell at a glance that Chen Fan has broken through.

Chen Fan shook his head: "I have actually practiced far more than the surface..."

Without the Cosmic Light Core, it would be impossible for Chen Fan to understand the Dao so quickly.

The Blood God shook his head again: "That's not what I said. Understanding the Dao can't be achieved by piling up time and hard work."

"I see your breath is sharp, you should be an immortal who has broken through the way of the sword, but unfortunately, I remember that you also practice the Dao of Flame, if you break through the Dao of Flame..."

Blood God had regret on his face.

Chen Fan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "What did you say, senior? The Dao of Sword is the Dao of Application. In terms of merit alone, it should surpass the Dao of Flame, right?"

Blood God nodded: "In terms of improving your strength, the way of the sword is naturally stronger, but if you break through the Flame Dao, there are other opportunities. But since you haven't made a breakthrough, I still won't tell you in detail Well, on the contrary, it may affect your future entry into the Flame Avenue."

Chen Fan was thoughtful in his heart, remembering this matter, but said again:

"Senior Blood God, do you know the whereabouts of Senior Beiming?"

Chen Fan frowned: "I tried to summon Senior 'Beiming', but he didn't respond..."

With the personality of an immortal master, as long as his name is called, he can feel it. Even if the distance is thousands of miles away, the immortal can travel through the space.

But after Chen Fan returned this time, he also tried to call Beiming, but he didn't get any response.

Blood God's expression was complicated: "Because Beiming once blocked him when you fought with the Yuhuamen, but Beiming was sealed into the Yuhuamen's Yuhua Tower on your behalf..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered once again when he heard the words.

Bai Fengyu!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, nodded, then looked at Xue Shen and said:

"I plan to re-establish the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. If Senior Blood God is free, why not take a trip to the Central Region?"

Blood God shook his head:

"No, the catastrophe is approaching, and my true self is in a special state. The condensing of this incarnation also wastes a lot of energy and cannot last forever...Since you have broken through the sword fairy, you can naturally protect this place, so I Avatars can also return."

When Chen Fan heard the words, his eyes flashed, but he thought of the follow-up "Blood Fusion Technique".

He nodded, and said again: "When I finish solving my affairs, I want to discuss some issues with "Blood Fusion" with you, Senior Blood God... I wonder where your real deity is, Senior?"

Hearing the words, the Blood God hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his finger, but a drop of blood like a red diamond floated out from the fingertip.

"Chen Fan, with this drop of blood, you can find my true self... But, when you see it, don't be frightened by me."

Blood God's tone was not joking, but rather helpless and desolate.

After speaking, his body collapsed into blood in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan put away the blood drop, but once again looked thoughtful.


Before the Purple Moon Secret Realm.

Chen Fan's figure appeared in the void.

The former Ziyue Secret Realm has been completely opened to the outside world, but at this moment the Ziyue Secret Realm has been closed again.

However, Chen Fan could feel the special patterns left in the void.

He frowned slightly and raised his hand.

Propelled by the Star God Seal, Chen Fan forcibly broke the influence of these banning talismans under the power of the "Pozi Jue".

After breaking through the immortal, his own power has undergone transformation and advancement, and all of it has been transformed into divine power.

And under the "divine power", Chen Fan was able to display the true power of the "Star God Seal" as a fairy weapon!

His body disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

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