My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1143 Sword Sect Reestablished

Zhongyu, Yuan Shenzhou.

The ruins of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect had now become ruins and relics.

There are many weak warriors who try their luck among them.

When Sky Splitting Sword Sect left, it was impossible to take everything away, and naturally left behind some treasures and resources.

It's just that most of them were also divided up by the forces and masters who besieged Sky Splitting Sword Sect back then.

Only some weak warriors would care about the leftovers.

A ripple flickered in the sky, and Chen Fan's body appeared in the air again.

As soon as his thoughts moved, thousands of auras surged.

Many martial artists who explored in the ruins were all wrapped up by invisible forces and flew high.

When everyone was transferred away, Chen Fan had a thought, and the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion flew high, and then continued to expand, but smashed countless ruins and relics into powder, and then stood up again in the Sky Splitting Sword Sect Above the old site!


Qionglouyuyu are displayed in this world.

In fact, the space of the Immortal Mansion is naturally much larger, and Chen Fan only showed a part of the Immortal Mansion.

The advantage of Xianfu as the headquarters of the sect is great. If Jianzong encounters any accidents, or Chen Fan encounters any emergency, it is very convenient to directly put away the Xianfu.

And the larger internal space also allows Jianzong disciples to have more space to be active.

Of course, Chen Fan naturally sealed off some important places, such as the Zhaixing Building.

Chen Fan floated and flew towards a magnificent hall among the many buildings in front of him.

The empty hall.

Chen Tianqian, He Gu, and many elders of Jiange were waiting in the middle.

Seeing Chen Fan approaching at a gallop, they saluted and bowed one by one.



The re-establishment of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect was also the moment when Chen Fan really took charge of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect.

Chen Fan nodded calmly, then looked at a certain position: "Senior Sister Chen Qingru!"

Chen Qingru also stepped out immediately, with a solemn face: "Teacher."

Thousands of years have passed, Chen Qingru has also broken through the longevity, but it is only the second level of longevity, but it is even worse than Zhaluo.

Chen Fan nodded, but turned his head again and looked to the other side: "Zaro."

Zha Luo also stepped out immediately, with a respectful face: "Master."

Chen Fan nodded again, and then looked in another direction: "Senior Sister Rong Ziqi!"

"Teacher." Rong Ziqi also stepped forward.

Rong Ziqi is also at the second level of longevity at this time.

After that, Chen Fan also ordered several rising stars of Jianzong in turn.

Among them, Zhan Jianming was also included.

Although Chen Fan had an ugly fight with Zhan Jianming at the beginning, Zhan Jianming is not a villain. Even if Jianzong was in a critical situation, he still followed his teacher and did not abandon Jianzong. Go, he has already broken through the third level of longevity, and in Jianzong, he is considered a pretty good cultivation base.

Chen Fan glanced over several people and said:

"My Sky-Splitting Sword Sect is re-established, and the ceremony of changing the master will be held half a month later. I will trouble the three of you to send the invitations to the mainland, the sea of ​​chaos, and the hands of various sects and forces."

In fact, the world is so big that there are still many special and strange spaces, such as magic prisons, demon realms, etc., but Chen Fan has never been in those places, so naturally there is no need to invite people there.

As soon as this remark came out, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, all with embarrassment on their faces.

The world is so big and there are so many forces, a few of them seem to be strong, but Zha Luo and Zhan Jianming, the strongest, are only at the third level of longevity. No one will take a few people to heart.

Chen Fan said directly: "Don't worry, I will send someone to help you!"

Chen Fan planned to send his avatar to assist him personally.

During the long retreat, his "Secret Code of Space and Space" has reached the level of nine levels of perfection.

Because he has already comprehended the Dao and broken through the immortals, his grasp of the power of space is already extremely strong. In addition to the "Secret Code of Space and Space", he can reach anywhere in the world with just one thought.

Because of the "Secrets of Space and Space", even the masters of immortals, few can compare with Chen Fan in the use of space power!

Several people heard the words, and then they nodded one by one.


With the assistance of Chen Fan's avatar, the envoys of the Sword Sect were dispatched.

The invitation from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect was sent to the hands of all major forces in the world at an extremely fast speed.

Of course, Chen Fan never showed his face.

The avatars he sent out were all concealed.

He never showed his strength, and even urged "Nixu" to hide himself all the time, so until now, the only ones who really knew that Chen Fan had become an immortal were Blood God, Lan Ruo and others.

And the invitation card for the re-establishment of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect also made many forces and sects feel strange.

Because of the uproar caused by Chen Fan's incident at the beginning, although hundreds of years have passed, it is not such a long time for such a powerful sect.

So far, there are still many forces and masters who are constantly searching and tracking down the whereabouts of the remaining party of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

As it spread to all major forces at this time, some people were happy and some were surprised...


Before the Jianzong rebuilding ceremony came, a lot of people had already gathered outside the Jianzong, including many human and foreign masters.

Of course, there were not many people who really gave gifts for Jianzong Zhongli, and more people were watching the excitement, or those who wanted to share some benefits from Tiantian Jianzong...

It's just that Jianzong is always in a closed state. Even if these people have evil intentions, they can't break through Jianzong's protective formation at all...

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and at the same time, there were suddenly raging dark clouds approaching above the sky.


A dense group of heavenly demons galloped from a distance.

But in front of the many heavenly demons, there are masters with black bodies and wings on their backs.

"It's the masters of the Night Dire clan! They really won't let the Sky Splitting Sword Sect go, there's something to watch!"

"Split Sky Sword Sect dared to openly hold the re-establishment ceremony, I am afraid it also has some trump cards..."

Although the three Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan were all dead, the so-called emaciated camels were bigger than horses, and there were still a few kings and many masters in the clan.

But at this moment, among the many heavenly demons, more than half of the masters and masters of the Night Dire clan have already arrived.

The leader was a night-dire clan king wearing thick black armor, holding a huge halberd-like weapon in his hand, pointing horizontally at Jianzong!

"Bomb the gate of the Heavenly Sword Sect! Kill!!"

Accompanied by the order of the master of the king.

Countless heavenly demons galloped down, heading towards the flickering phantom light barrier outside the Immortal Mansion.

At the same time, Ye Dire, who were enfeoffed as Marquises and Kings, all attacked in unison, continuously attacking towards the gate of Jianzong Mountain.

Under normal circumstances, foreign races would not dare to act and cause trouble in the mainland, but Chen Fan offended the Yuhuamen after all. Although Bai Fengyu did not take the initiative to attack Chen Fan's relatives and friends and the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, he would not stop others from Sky Splitting Sword Sect made a move.

At this moment, among the surrounding crowd, there were quite a few people with cold faces, watching this scene with sharp eyes.

But he was already ready to take advantage of the fire...

Inside the barrier, Chen Fan twisted his neck slightly: "It's finally here..."

But he decisively activated the star god seal in the sea of ​​consciousness!

Thank you Mind Dominator, Ordinary Book Desolate Guest, Fat Zhang Shuxian, Peanut Milk is a bit sweet for your rewards

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