My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1147 Ultimate Appearance

"not good!"

Bai Fengyu's body froze, his expression changed drastically, but he panicked and activated the golden light all over his body, condensed into a huge palm again, and pressed towards Chen Fan.

Facing the raging golden light, Chen Fan raised the Leng Feng sword again.

His whole body was filled with blood and black energy, and the sword light came crashing down.

This time, what he chopped out was also the thirteenth heavy "Hongmeng Sword"!

It's just that the power is very different!

Facing the power of merit, the Hongmeng Sword's characteristics of annihilating and assimilating everything can achieve better results.

Under the blessing of ultimate power, the power of Chen Fan's sword has reached the point where he himself feels astonished.

But the big golden hand that Bai Fengyu condensed was like a mantis holding a chariot, and it collapsed in an instant.

The turbulent sword light rushed towards Bai Fengyu's body.

The golden feathers on his body shone brightly, constantly resisting Chen Fan's terrifying sword light, but even so, his body was still mottled and blood splattered everywhere.

Its aura also weakened rapidly.

It's just that when Chen Fan's sword light was exhausted, although his aura weakened a lot, he didn't really suffer from fatal injuries.

"The defensive power of a fairy-level treasure is really amazing..." Chen Fan also had a flash of surprise on his face, and then it turned cold again in an instant: "It's just that you can block my first sword, and you can also block my second sword. The third sword?"

But the cold front sword in his hand slashed down again, and the mighty sword energy rushed towards Zhou Bailan!

Zhou Bolan's complexion changed slightly, a flash of shock and determination flashed in his eyes, his eyes radiated golden light, and behind his face, a golden scroll suddenly appeared out of thin air!

Under the golden scroll, limited golden light radiated, and the front once again condensed into a huge golden palm, moving towards Chen Fan's sword light!


Indescribably terrifying explosions and roars agitated, after all, it was Chen Fan's sword light that was superior, breaking through the protection of the little golden hand, and the remaining horror crashed down on Wu Kangqing's body.

The golden scroll behind him turned into dust in the blink of an eye with terrifying power.

"The golden scroll should be transformed by the power of the merit list..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he thought that when he fought Wu Kangqing back then, Wu Kangqing also used the power incarnation of the Gold List of Merit.

"Zhou Bolan is one of the reincarnations of the weapon spirits on the merit list, could it be that Bai Fengyu is also one of the reincarnations of the weapon spirits..." This thought suddenly came to him.

This possibility is quite large.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan put away his miscellaneous thoughts, looked straight at Wu Kangqing, who had a normal and ugly face, and guessed in his heart:

"Zhou Bolan should also have the ability to use the power of the golden list of merit, and what I defeated should only be one of the incarnations of the golden list of merit, otherwise I might be able to stop it at all..."

The Gold List of Merit and Virtue is the lowest immortal weapon, and the shattering power is basically something that can be controlled by immortals.

After all, Wu Kangqing is just one of the thousands of reincarnations of Qi Ling, not the real Qi Ling!

The body of the Gold List of Merit and Virtue is probably not in the Yuhuamen, but in the hands of the ultimate being in front of Zhou Bolan...

Many thoughts flashed in his heart, but Chen Fan had already slashed out with a sword.

It is still the 18th heavy Hongmeng sword!

Before Chen Fan activated his ultimate power, his strength had surpassed that of Zhou Bailan too little.

Zhou Bolan obviously has the ability to continue to borrow the power of the Gold List of Merit and Virtue. In the case of successive gold list incarnations being broken, he can only rely on his own strength to block Wu Kang. Unfortunately, even if he activates the God of Merit Palm, he can't stop Chen Fan's sword light at all. In the slightest, they can only rely on their own defenses to resist!

When this sword passed, Zhou Bolan's whole body was bloody and bloody, and his aura became even weaker.

And Chen Fan's seventh sword followed suit.

Zhou Bolan's eyes were full of fear, panic and willingness, he gritted his teeth, but suddenly raised his head to the sky:

"Master, save me!!"

Hearing Zhou Bolan's cry for help, Chen Fan's expression froze, and he secretly thought it was good.

Wu Kang's eyes flickered, but the light of the sword in his hand didn't stop, and he slashed towards Zhou Bolan again.

At this moment, thousands of golden lights suddenly bloomed in the void, and a figure condensed by the golden light suddenly blocked Zhou Bailan's face.

Space and time seem to freeze at this moment.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, but he could only feel an indescribable and unresistable terrifying coercion descending on him.

The golden figure glanced at Chen Fan, and raised his hand calmly. The magnificent golden light surged, but nervously defeated the terrifying sword light that Wu Kang had cut out.

No matter whether it is the power of Tianyuan or the sword energy of the primordial, there is no way to match its magnificent power!

Chen Fan's complexion suddenly changed slightly.

On the other side, the corner of Zhou Bolan's mouth twitched, with a delicate expression, he looked respectfully at the figure in the golden light: "Master..."

"Hmph, do you mean you will always come to me again?"

The figure in the golden light snorted hotly. It seemed that although he and Zhou Bolan were apostles, it was obvious that something had happened between the seven of them.

Zhou Bolan's face was full of sweetness and simplicity, but she was tall and silent.

The golden figure shook his head, and then turned his head to look at Chen Fan: "You are so old, why is your hostility so small?"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, he took a deep breath, but he clenched his fists to him in a humble way: "I've seen the Supreme..."

Facing this existence, Chen Fan still felt palpitations and horror, even though the person might have descended in real life.

Just feeling his existence, Chen Fan can be sure that he will be the ultimate opponent!

This is already beyond another level of weakness!

Even though the methods are as few as Chen Fan's, at this moment, he feels his own insignificance.

Wu Kang even raised the courage to resist.

"This is the ultimate..."

And that golden light figure is not only magnificent, but also exudes a sacred and inviolable aura of majesty.

"The matter between you and Zhou Bolan is out of my sight... I should have been involved in matters of your level, but he is not old with me after all, and he asked me for help, so I can take care of it... "

He stared straight at Chen Fan, but he seemed to have sensed something, but his eyes were flickering with subtlety:

"Promise to me that you will not attack Zhou Bailan again, I can let you go."

When he spoke this sentence, Chen Fan looked at Wu Kangqing by necessity, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he had something to say for a while.

How could he be willing to just give up on Wu Kangqing.

Seeing that Chen Fan was silent for a long time, the golden figure shook his head.

"Although I'm above the limit of heaven, I can kill you, but I can also make you suffer..." He raised his hand calmly, and the golden light gathered into a small golden hand and grabbed Chen Fan!


Chen Fan's expression changed suddenly, but Wu Kang felt that the space seemed to be solidified on this claw. He couldn't move at all, and "The Secret Code of Space" also couldn't break through the space.

The Star God Seal trembled crazily, but it was also reminding Chen Fan that this move was terrifyingly powerful!

And at the moment when the little golden hand was about to grab Chen Fan, a sword light suddenly appeared in the void behind Chen Fan, but this sword light defeated the little golden hand in an instant!

At the same time, amidst the surprised eyes of the golden figure, a figure in fluttering white clothes appeared behind Chen Fan.

"Young Lorraine!" Wu Kang's eyes lit up, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Jin Guang finally said that the restriction of heaven would kill him, he might also give him another chance to attack Wu Kangqing. The reason why Chen Fan didn't give him a reply immediately was because he was waiting and expecting Lorraine's appearance.

And Lorraine really disappointed him.

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