My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1154 The reason why Immortal Pengxuan is powerful

As soon as He Gu's calling sound fell, there was a roar on the ground.

After a while, a human face appeared on the huge square stone.

On this human face, looking at the two figures in front of him, he stared straight at He Gu, but showed human astonishment: "You are...'Blood Sword King'? You Still alive?!"

As soon as these words came out, a subtle look flashed across He Gu's face: "Do you feel disappointed that I'm alive?"

That Shi Ling chuckled: "No, no."

As he said that, he looked at Chen Fan again, and then his eyes flashed with surprise again: "Huh? It's you, I remember you kid! What's your name?"

He has met quite a lot of talented disciples of Jianzong in the long years.

He also made an agreement with many genius disciples.

Chen Fan was just one of them. At that time, Chen Fan's strength was still weak, so he naturally did not expect Chen Fan to improve so fast.

As soon as Shi Ling said this, a look of displeasure flashed across Blood Sword King's face, his body was filled with aura, and he directed at Fang Shi: "Pay attention to your tone, Shi Ling! , is a peerless sword fairy! How can you be so rude?!"

Shi Ling was stunned by He Gu's words: "Sword, sword is it possible? Sky Splitting Sword Sect can also produce a fairy?"

Ever since He Gu was seriously injured and dying, the Sky Splitting Sword Sect has been inferior to the next generation. Even Chen Tianqian, who is at the fourth level of longevity, has been the head teacher for so many years. Shi Ling really did not expect that the Sky Splitting Sword Sect could produce a sword fairy !

However, it has been two thousand years since he first met Peng Xuan. At that time, Peng Xuan was also the same as Chang Sheng, but I dare to doubt what He Gu said!

Peng Xuan smiled and shook his head:

"You have so little airs, the patriarch shouldn't be too concerned about those."

As I said, I was also giving He Gu a chance to talk, but I flew towards Chen Fan: "Deng Shan, you came here to fulfill the agreement with him. At this time, you are already in charge of the Sword Sect!" , according to the agreement, you will set him free..."

I flipped my hand, but there was a token missing in my hand.

That token is exactly the teaching order inherited by Jianzong.

A stream of light flickered under the token, but it flew under the body of the giant square stone.

However, with the surging aura, his body changed in the blink of an eye, but it slowly turned into a huge stone man. My face was full of surprises, but I also laughed "haha": "Freedom, you Free at last!"

Before laughing excitedly, his body shrunk very slowly, but in the blink of an eye he became as small as a human being. Before, he also flew behind Peng Xuan and He Gu, while his front was towards Peng Xuan They hugged each other.

"Thank you less thank you!"

For a long time, he has come into contact with all human warriors, but he has no understanding of human etiquette.

Peng Xuan smiled, and waved his hand again, only to see a ray of spiritual light flying towards his body.

Chen Fan suddenly felt a warm feeling coming, but his own strong strength made up for it in the blink of an eye, and my face was full of surprise and subtlety: "That's divine he really a fairy?"

"Ashamed to be an innate spirit, but he knows even divine power." Peng Xuan squinted his eyes and said, "Deng Shan, if he has a place to go, he can also stay in your Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. How about you arrange an elder for him?"

Then Chen Fan's own level is only at the seventh level of longevity, but after all, as an innate spirit, talent is self-evident. If you cultivate it well, it means that you can cultivate a demon king, but it is impossible to become a prince or even a prince. It is the king.

Chen Fan could not help but show hesitation when he heard the words.

Seeing my appearance, Peng Xuan shook his head: "He is concerned about your identity, he decides what choice he wants to make."

Deng Shan hastily said: "It's because you are willing to stay in the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, but you have been banned in that 'Sword Realm' for too long, and when you went out that time, you wanted to take a look around... ...I hope the immortal can understand."

Peng Xuan smiled and nodded: "Of course you can understand."

He has been banned in the sword realm for tens of thousands of years, and I am afraid that he is full of resentment towards Jianzong in his heart, so why would he stay in Jianzong!

With Peng Xuan's current strength and level, he will naturally take the initiative to persuade him, or offer some treasures to lure him. For me, it's okay for Deng Shan to stay, but it's not bad if he stays.

As I said that, I waved my hands, but the bodies of the eight people disappeared into the sword realm at the same time.


After finishing the trivial matters, Peng Xuan came to Shi Lingxian Mansion again.

After the Star Picking Tower.

And at that time, Fu Ling also moved and appeared beside Deng Shan: "Deng Shan, is he going to break into the first floor of the Star Picking Tower?"

Peng Xuan nodded, and stepped back into it in a roundabout way.

How long has it been.

Peng Xuan teleported out from the Star Picking Tower full of regret.

"The first floor of the Star Picking Tower is indeed the lowest floor. I thought that with your current physical weakness, you would be able to break through successfully..."

Peng Xuan sighed.

I have already broken through the seventeenth stage of "Blood Fusion Technique", and before I broke through the Immortal, my body also ushered in a new round of leaps.

I asked myself about my physique, which is considered to be the weakest among the immortals and demon kings in the whole sky, but I still broke through the first floor of the Star Picking Tower.

Fu Ling beside him also sighed:

"The Immortal Pengxuan also passed on "Picking the Stars" to the many immortals, but so far, I have been the only one who has completed the eighth level of "Picking the Stars"...even the Immortal Pengxuan himself has to do it. Under the extremely small load on the Yae "Zhaixing", I myself dare to use the Yae "Zhaixing"."

At the beginning, Lorraine also said that he had learned how to reach the stars, but he only practiced the first level, and he learned the seventh level, which shows how easy that supernatural power is.

Peng Xuan narrowed his eyes and asked curiously:

"Immortal Pengxuan is an immortal who has achieved a special way. Why is my body so weak?"

However, Fu Ling's eyes flashed, and he said: "This matter is the smallest secret that involves Immortal Deng Shan. Apart from Immortal Deng Shan and you, is there any other person or weapon spirit involved in this matter... ..."

"Since Peng Xuan has broken through to be an immortal, he is not qualified to know that secret."

"Oh?" Peng Xuan's heart moved because of his curiosity.

Fu Ling continued:

"Speaking of which, Immortal Pengxuan is very similar to Pengxuan. The reason why I don't have such a weak physique is because I obtained a weak bloodline by chance..."

Peng Xuan's eyes flickered, but his heart was indeed so complicated.

Immortal Pengxuan's "star picking" threshold is so low that even immortals can use it at all.

Even if Immortal Pengxuan has "star picking", in terms of physique alone, he is definitely ranked second among immortals.

I squinted my eyes: "Without such an exaggerated physique, the bloodline I obtained from the Immortal Stone Spirit is probably also the bloodline that is ranked at the bottom of the mountain and sea list..."

Fu Ling also nodded, and said: "Before Immortal Pengxuan became a fairy, he discovered the remnants of the 'Giant God's Court' by chance..."

When Fu Ling said that, Peng Xuan's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but said: "Is the blood of the 'Giant God' obtained by Immortal Peng Xuan?"

Fu Ling nodded.

"It's strange..." Peng Xuan's eyes flickered.

In terms of physical fitness alone, the "giant god" race is even more exaggerated than the "anti god".

Rather, it is the same as the entanglement between the bloodline of "Naishen" and the power of Tianyuan, and the "bloodline of giant god" has so little trouble!

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