My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1164 Extraordinary Punishment Demon God


The aura surged, and a huge, mysterious character suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan.

Qiqi rolled his eyes and fell heavily to the ground one by one.

boom! boom! boom! ...

These people fell heavily to the ground, like corpses, motionless, but without any consciousness left.

King Xingye looked at this scene with twinkling eyes and a delicate expression, but he immediately stepped forward:

"Thank you Chen Fan Sword Immortal for your help..."

Chen Fan waved his hand, but said again: "They are not dead yet, let Jiaojiao, you and King Xingye take care of them..."

Feng Jiaojiao nodded, but she immediately showed her original shape, turned into a ferocious monster, but kept biting at several guys, and King Xingye was also holding a heavy hammer, mad at the big clan that had lost the ability to resist smashed down...

In the blink of an eye, a few guys have turned into minced meat all over the place.

When Feng Jiaojiao and King Xingye were making up for several masters from different races.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness was agitated, covering the entire Fengmo Holy Land in the blink of an eye, sensing the continuous fighting in the Fengmo Holy Land, but he activated the power of the Star God Seal again.


Thousands of phantom lights stirred up, and the constant fighting and fighting in the Holy Land came to an end again.

Those who can enter the Fengmo Holy Land are the real elite masters of the Fengmo clan.

And the people who attacked them were all powerful alien masters!

It's just that if you don't become the Demon God King, you won't have any resistance under Chen Fan's star god seal.

And as Chen Fan urged the power without any taboo.

Just at this moment, suddenly only a shout of anger resounded throughout the Fengmo Holy Land.

"Who killed my son of the Qi Punishment clan?!"

Chen Fan looked indifferently at the sky in front of him, "Are you here?"

Thousands of streams of light gathered in the sky, but a frightening and terrifying force suddenly rushed towards Chen Fan.

The sky was full of dark clouds, and above Chen Fan's head, a ferocious monster in black armor suddenly appeared. ,

This monster is similar in appearance to those of the previous clan, but it is much more exaggerated in terms of size and momentum!

"It's the Demon God of Punishment!" King Xingye's face changed drastically, and he looked at Chen Fan nervously: "Sword Immortal..."

"Extraordinary Punishment Demon God..." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

He didn't recognize this Demon God of Punishment, but he had heard of the name.

Qi Punishment Demon God is also a Demon God King who was born in the Chaos Sea, and he is the strongest of the Qi Punishment Clan.

The history of the Odd Punishment Clan is not as old as that of the Fengmo Clan, but it is a race that emerged in the last one or two eras.

There have been many disputes with the Fengmo clan.

It's just that the strength of this Demon God of Extradition Punishment is not very strong, slightly stronger than the original God of Wind but limited...

It can barely be ranked in the second level of strength, but it can only be regarded as the weaker second level.

Qi Punishment Demon God looked at Chen Fan coldly, sensing the fierce aura on Chen Fan's body, his face was also dignified: "Human Sword Immortal?! I don't know if the Fengmo Clan is related to any Human Sword Immortal, Your Excellency Do you have to stand up for the Fengmo clan?"

Chen Fan showed a delicate face: "You don't recognize me?"

After all, Chen Fan is the Sword Immortal of the Holy Church, and the headquarters of the Holy Church is in the sea of ​​chaos.

Forget about the Demon Prison, Demon Realm, etc. As the Demon God King of the Chaos Sea, Chen Fan was really surprised that the Demon God of Qi Punishment did not know Chen Fan.

The fact that he killed Bai Fengyu is not a small matter!


He was just surprised.

The world is so big, not all demon kings and immortals care about current affairs. There are indeed some people who live in the world of mind or their own secret space all their lives and don't care about world affairs.

Not to mention the Chaos Sea, not all immortals and demon god kings on the mainland would recognize Chen Fan.

Hearing what Chen Fan said, Qi Punishment Demon God also changed slightly.

When Chen Fan said that, it naturally showed that he was quite famous.

And fame often represents strength...

Qi Punishment Demon God's eyes were subtle: "I have seen Beiming Sword Immortal and Taishang Sword Immortal... Is your Excellency a new sword immortal from the human race?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded.

Qi Punishment was also relieved, and then said: "I have spent a lot of time in the open sea, and I just returned to the Chaos Sea recently, but I didn't expect that there would be another sword fairy from the human race. It is really gratifying. However, I Qi Punishment The clan and the Fengmo clan have an old enmity, are you sure you have to wade into this muddy water?"

Chen Fan grinned: "I killed so many people from your clan, you don't seem to care at all?"

Qi Punishment Demon God's face was also a little ugly when he heard the words. Of course, he didn't care about the death of his own people. It's just a sword fairy, even if it's just a new sword fairy, it's definitely not easy to deal with.

If Chen Fan is willing to leave, he can indeed ignore the death of his clansmen, but Chen Fan directly pointed this out, so naturally he doesn't intend to leave just like that.

Qi Punishment Demon God's face also became gloomy and cold: "Your Excellency, are you really going to stand up for the Fengmo Clan?"

Chen Fan also grinned: "I and the daughter of Yuanfeng Demon God are best friends, what do you think?"

Qi Punishment Demon God also couldn't help being taken aback, couldn't help but look at Feng Jiaojiao behind Chen Fan, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his face became a little weird:

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

The black light around his body suddenly flourished, but between his two claws, there was an extra black halberd.

The Demon God of Punishment firmly held the halberd in his hand, and looked at Chen Fan with sharp eyes. His whole body was full of fierce light, and his terrifying aura was directed at Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan's eyes flickered, this long halberd is a fairy weapon!

No wonder this guy can

With a sneer on Chen Fan's face, he raised his hand.

At this moment, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

Qi Punishment Demon God's face twisted, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he found that he had been accepted into the world of mind by Chen Fan!

"how come?!"

He couldn't believe that he was accepted into the mind world by a sword fairy who had just been promoted before he knew it.

This shows that the opponent's control over the power of space is far better than his own...

Chen Fan sneered, facing a master like Bai Fengyu, not to mention that it was difficult for Chen Fan to bring the other party into the world of his mind, even if he could do it, Chen Fan would not dare to casually bring him into his world of mind.

Although in the mind world, I can exert the strongest strength, but if I fight to the death with a master like Bai Fengyu, it may cause a lot of damage to Chen Fan's mind world!

And if the mental world is damaged, it is not so easy to recover.

And this Demon God of Punishment is just a Demon God King who has barely reached the second level. Even if he uses the ultimate power, he cannot be Chen Fan's opponent. Chen Fan is confident that with himself, it is difficult for the opponent to hurt his mental world.

The mouth corners of Qi Punishment Demon God twitched, took a deep breath, his whole body was filled with aura, and he swung his halberd violently, only to see a huge blue light blade blooming in front of him, and then slashed towards Chen Fan with violent force!

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, and the Dao Yuan Mace suddenly appeared in his hand.

The blood on his body bloomed, and the black air was lingering, and a strange and powerful aura emanated from him.

With the further control of the power of the abyss of heaven, the effect of the power of the abyss of heaven that Chen Fan can exert is also greatly enhanced.

"The power of the abyss? Who are you?!" At this moment, the expression of the Demon God of Punishment also became a bit subtle and astonished.

Amidst Chen Fan's sneer, the Dao Yuan Mace slashed out!


Chen Fan's sword light smashed the blue light blade into pieces in an instant, and the rest of the sword light rushed towards Qi Punishment Demon God!

Bloody light burst into bloom!

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