My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1174 Thai Emperor Dynasty

middle domain.

On the western border, in the sky, there is only a gorgeous boat piercing the sky and coming with clouds.

A handsome young man in white stood at the bow of the boat, looking down at the ground, with a slight excitement on his face.

The boy was fifteen or sixteen years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, holding a palm-sized little fox in his arms.

The little fox's eyes rolled around, but he was full of spirituality.

Beside the boy, however, was a girl wearing a gauze skirt and a green skirt with bare feet. The girl looked only thirteen or fourteen years old at most, and her face was exquisite, but it was obviously exotic. Full of innocence and curiosity:

"Brother Wenhao, is this the Central Region? Is your home not far from here?"

The young man named Wen Hao smiled: "We have indeed entered the Central Territory, but my home is in Yuanshen Prefecture, which is Taihuang Prefecture, but there is still a distance..."

Speaking of which, the young man turned his head, but looked at the strong man sitting on the deck chair on the deck, and said with a smile:

"If I remember correctly, Brother Meng Qi is from Taihuang Prefecture?"

"Brother Chen is as meticulous as a hair, but he even remembers such trivial things... Yes, I am a member of the Taihuang Dynasty of Taihuang Prefecture."

Meng Qi laughed and stood up, and also walked to the side of the two, looking down at the ground, with a slight joy on his face, then turned to look at Chen Wenhao:

"At this time, there is still some time before the Mei Hui will start. Brother Chen and sister Nina might as well stay in my hometown for a few more days, and let me do my best as the landlord."

The girl named Nina's eyes lit up when she heard the words, but she couldn't help turning her head to look at Chen Wenhao.

Chen Wenhao hesitated slightly, and did not answer right away.

But Meng Qi noticed Chen Wenhao's expression: "If brother Chen has something to do, I don't dare to delay..."

Chen Wenhao shook his head: "It will be my cousin's birthday in a few days, but I will go back to Yuan Shenzhou by then. I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in Taihuang Prefecture for too long."

Meng Qi suddenly smiled and said:

"If I can stay for a few days, I will stay for a few days. These days, if it weren't for Brother Chen and sister Nina, I would have died in the Western Regions... Now that I have arrived in my hometown, I must treat you and Brother Chen well!"

Chen Wenhao nodded, and said with a smile on his face: "Although I was born in the Central Region, I have never been to the Taihuang Prefecture a few times. I heard that the Taihuang Dynasty is a famous and powerful dynasty in the world. This time I will Get to know each other well!"

Meng Qi was also full of pride when he heard the words:

"The Taihuang Dynasty has a vast territory and strong strength. In the world, apart from the top forces of the seven holy sects and foreign races, there are few forces that can compare with our Taihuang Dynasty. The reason why Taihuang Prefecture has this name is that It is because of the existence of my Thai emperor's dynasty..."

"I've heard some elders say that the ancestor of my Thai emperor's dynasty, the Thai emperor, is a powerful figure who has reached the limit of longevity, and even if he goes one step further, he will surpass longevity!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Wenhao still nodded with a smile, but the eyes of the little fox in his arms narrowed.

Nina on the other side stared wide-eyed: "The limit of longevity... Is this ancestor of the Thai emperor a king-level longevity?"

"Conferring a king? What conferring a king?" Meng Qi looked confused: "The first emperor of my Thai dynasty is naturally the emperor of the dynasty. What does it have to do with conferring a king?"

Chen Wenhao smiled and explained to Meng Qi:

"I heard from the elders in my family that the cultivation level of the longevity series is divided into one to six levels, and when the cultivation level reaches the sixth level of longevity, the strength goes further, surpassing the ordinary sixth level of longevity, and you can get the title. The king is the division of strength in the longevity series, which is different from the secular title."

"There is such a thing?" Meng Qi also blushed when he heard the words, and said awkwardly: "Brother Chen and sister Nina are well-informed, but I have never heard of these..."

Chen Wenhao shook his head: "Brother Meng Qi, you are only over forty, and you are already at the ninth level of martial arts. After the Meihui, you will definitely be able to join the holy hall, and then there will be people who will spread this knowledge for you. I am just in the light of the elders in my family. Just know a little more."

Meng Qi nodded, showing anticipation on his face, and then a touch of loneliness flashed through:

"It's a pity that I was born one year earlier, and one year later, but I was able to participate in one more Meihui. After ten years, even if I can't break through the tenth stage, my strength can still go further. It's a pity..."

He was able to reach the ninth level of martial arts in his early forties, and he can be called a genius no matter where he goes. Although there is still a big gap with those real top geniuses, it is already amazing!

However, Chen Wenhao smiled and said, "Joining the Holy Church one step earlier means being able to accept the training of the Holy Church earlier. With a difference of ten years, who can say for sure whether it is better to join sooner or later."

While speaking, Chen Wenhao suddenly turned his head to look at the girl Nina.

After hearing the discussion between the two about Mei Hui, the girl's expression also became a little heavy.

Chen Wenhao said to the girl: "I think Nina, your real age should be almost the same as your appearance, you should not even be in your twenties, right? It's too early for you to participate in the May Club, have you really decided?"

A far-fetched smile appeared on Nina's face: "I have no choice, I must participate in this May meeting..."

What the girl said made Chen Wenhao frown slightly.

It's just that he sighed, but didn't say much.

The girl has some secrets and she doesn't want to reveal them. Chen Wenhao already knew about them. Since the other party didn't want to tell them, Chen Wenhao didn't want to force them either.


The Thai imperial dynasty is divided into 12 government offices.

The mansion where Meng Qi's hometown is located is the sixth original Taoist mansion among the 12 mansions.

The original Dao Mansion, Tianyin City.

A gorgeous airship slowly landed from the sky and stopped outside the city.

Chen Wenhao and the other three came down from the flying boat one after another.

It's just that at this moment, the little fox that was held in Chen Wenhao's arms was in the arms of the girl Nina.

The girl seemed to be very fond of the little fox, and couldn't stop stroking the fur on the little fox's head.

On the other hand, the little fox, his eyes were full of humanized depression and unhappiness, but he didn't seem to dare to get angry, so he could only let the girl mess around.

Chen Wenhao put away the flying boat, and looked at Nina with a smile: "Okay, Nina, return Uncle Guang to me, he is already very upset."

Reluctantly, the girl touched the little fox's head vigorously, and then returned the little fox.

Meng Qi, who was next to him, was also very curious when he saw this scene: "I don't understand, Brother Chen, why did you call this little fox Uncle Guang? Is this little fox called 'Uncle Guang'?"

After the little fox returned to Chen Wenhao's hands, it climbed onto his shoulders and lay down.

Chen Wenhao shook his head with a smile: "You see it is young, but its actual age is not young..."

Meng Qi narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Could it be a spirit beast or monster that has achieved success in cultivation?"

Nina shook her head, "I can't feel the evil spirit of the little fox..."

As the two talked, the little fox lay lazily on Chen Wenhao's shoulder, but his eyes showed human disdain.

Chen Wenhao still had a smile on his face: "Uncle Guang is special, when you get along with me for a long time in the future, you will naturally be able to see..."

Chen Wenhao also stopped talking, but turned his head and walked towards the gate of the city.

Meng Qi and Nina quickly followed.

Standing in front of the gate of the city, Meng Qi was also full of excitement: "After ten years of wandering, I, Meng Qi, finally came back!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the two of them: "You two, please come with me!"

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