My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1176 Overbearing

"The Yuan family has not been doing well in the past two years. I have used up a lot of gifts and treasures from the Wang family..." Father Yuan's expression was rather awkward and delicate.

Hearing Father Yuan's words, Meng Qi was in a hurry and wanted to say something ugly, but he couldn't say it, he said helplessly:

"Uncle Yuan, how many treasures are you short of? I've been out for training all these years, but I've gained some. My Meng family will make up for it. Combined with the assets of the Yuan family, I should be able to make up for it..."

Father Yuan shook his head, his face was ugly and he said:

"It's not a question of whether to fill it in or not. It's a question of the face of the Peifeng Wang family. Even if I can return a gift of the same value to the Wang family, but at this moment I suddenly regret it, and the Wang family's face will not be upheld, even if it is just a little revenge. My Xiao Xiaoyuan The family can't afford it either!"

Father Yuan knelt down in front of Yuan Qiongyi while saying that: "Daughter, you should be pitiful for the father and the Yuan family, and marry the second son of Wang. The Peifeng Wang family has more than one long-lived master sitting in the formidable power." The family, the strongest in the family, is said to be a peerless master who can enter the Dao, the strongest family in the entire original Dao Mansion is this Wang family..."

"If the Wang family angers my Yuan family and sends out a Changsheng casually, my Yuan family may completely cease to exist!"

Yuan Qiongyi's face also turned pale.

Meng Qi scolded angrily:

"Uncle Yuan was waiting here. I don't think you really can't wait for a year or two, but you have made up your mind from the very beginning to marry Qiongyi to the Wang family for the sake of the future of the family... It's best if I don't come back. , even if I come back, you can use this to force Qiongyi to obey you!"

As soon as this remark came out, Father Yuan's mouth twitched, but he smiled bitterly and said, "If nephew Meng Xian thinks I am such a person, then I have nothing to say, I am indeed sorry for you two... "

Meng Qi was angry and furious. Seeing Father Yuan's appearance, but he wanted to make a move but couldn't, his face flushed red.


All the furniture and furnishings in the hall trembled crazily with the power of heaven and earth emanating from him.

Nina, who witnessed all this, said angrily:

"Brother Meng Qi, I think... you can leave Tianyin City with the Yuan family sister! You can participate in the Mei Hui and go to the holy hall together. With your strength, you will be able to advance to longevity sooner or later. Come back, the Wang family will not make things difficult for you any more!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Meng Qi immediately turned his head when he heard the words, and grabbed Yuan Qiongyi's hand: "Qiongyi, let's go, let's leave Tianyin City! We will come back when I break through to immortality!"

Yuan Qiongyi stood at the original plan but did not act, her face was full of bitterness:

"I can leave with Brother Qi, but what about the Yuan family and the Meng family? Even if we really enter the holy church and get shelter, how can the Yuan family and the Meng family bear the anger of the Wang family?"

As soon as these words came out, Meng Qi also let go of his hand miserably, with a wry smile on his face, and was speechless for a long time.

The method Nina said is simple, but it can only maintain the relationship and safety of Meng Qi and Yuan Qiongyi, and cannot solve the fundamental problem.

Even if Meng Qi was angry with Yuan's father and Yuan's family for what they did, it was impossible not to worry about the price that his family might bear.

For many families in Tianyin City, the Wang family is a powerful force that cannot be provoked at all.

Seeing this scene, Yuan's father got up with joy and looked at his daughter: "Daughter, are you agreeing?"

Yuan Qiongyi has firm eyes:

"Second Prince Wang, I don't know how to marry, and I don't want to see the Meng family and the Yuan family suffer revenge from the Wang family. After much deliberation, if the daughter dies, the Wang family will never persecute the Yuan family..."

This statement made everyone change color.

Chen Wenhao suddenly smiled, clapped his hands and praised: "This is a good idea."

"Brother Wenhao..." Nina couldn't help tugging at Chen Wenhao's sleeve.

Where would it be a good idea to ask for death!

Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized: "It turns out that if Qiongyi dies, no matter how powerful the Wang family is, it is impossible for them to move to the Yuan family and the Meng family..."

When Nina was in a daze, Father Yuan on the other side also understood, but the corners of his mouth twitched: "This... this is not very good, with the strength of the Wang family, if we know that we are fooling them, I am afraid we will not Nice..."

Yuan Qiongyi glared at her father:

"Father, if you still want my daughter and me to marry into the Wang family, then you should avoid it as soon as possible. If the Wang family really knows the truth, my daughter would rather die than do what you want!"

As soon as Yuan Qiongyi said this, Yuan's father also smiled coyly: "I, how could I be that kind of person..."

Yuan Qiongyi just hummed.

Nina also suddenly understood at this moment: "Sister Yuan's 'death' is a 'fake death'..."

He is indeed young and naive, although his strength is good, but he has too little experience, and it is only at this time that he understands.

"The idea is indeed a good idea, but..." Chen Wenhao showed a delicate expression, suddenly shook his head, and looked at the top of his head, but he didn't know what he was looking at:

"If the other party has learned the news in advance, naturally there is no way to deceive others..."

Everyone was startled.

Meng Qi was a little strange: "Brother Chen, how did you say that?"

Chen Wenhao said: "You should know that if you break through the tenth level of cultivation, you can awaken your spiritual consciousness. The stronger your strength, the higher your spiritual consciousness. Any conspiracy under the spiritual consciousness is meaningless..."

Chen Wenhao's words fell, and several people all looked together.

And as if to confirm what Chen Wenhao said, a chilling sneer suddenly sounded in the sky.

The dome of the house above their heads was smashed into pieces by the surging force, and then the phantom light surged, but two figures suddenly descended from the sky.

These two people are old and young, the old one has white hair, and the young one looks only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Seeing the two of them, Yuan's father and Yuan Qiongyi's expressions changed drastically.

Yuan's father knelt down directly at the young man: "Second Master Wang, please forgive Qiong Yi for her ignorance..."

Meng Qi and Yuan Qiongyi's expressions changed drastically when they heard Yuan's father address him.

Second Prince Wang glanced at Yuan's father with cold eyes, but looked at Yuan Qiongyi again:

"If I hadn't told Elder Xuan to keep an eye on your Yuan family, I'm afraid you wouldn't have known that you, Yuan Qiongyi, are so quick-witted and intelligent... You are indeed the woman I like!"

As he spoke, he tilted his head slightly, his cold eyes swept over everyone present, and finally looked at Yuan Qiongyi again:

"No one can stop the person I want. If you refuse, or if you die, no matter if you die real or fake, I will let the Yuan family and the Meng family be buried with you!"

What the young man said made Yuan Qiongyi look miserable.

When Chen Wenhao saw this scene, he couldn't help shaking his head:

"Why is the Second Prince so overbearing?"

"In the original Dao Mansion, Peifeng Wang's family said one thing, and I have always been so domineering!" Then the second son of the king looked at Chen Wenhao, he sneered, his eyes swept over Chen Wenhao, and then when he saw Chen Wenhao Nina, he was startled, but his eyes became a little hot.

Although Nina looked young, she was pure and charming, beautiful and flawless, but her temperament and appearance were much better than Yuan Qiongyi's.

Seeing the other party's scorching gaze, Nina couldn't help but step back, hid behind Chen Wenhao, and glared at Second Young Master Wang viciously.

On Chen Wenhao's shoulder, the little fox grinned at the Second Young Master Wang.

Chen Wenhao still had a smile on his face, stroking the little fox's chin slightly...

Second Prince Wang licked his lips, raised his palm and pointed at Nina: "This girl will be my concubine together with Yuan Qiongyi, I may consider to spare your lives..."

"Dream your spring and autumn dream, I will hack you to death first!"

On the other side, Meng Qi naturally couldn't agree to what the other party said, but he didn't care about anything. He suddenly pulled out the black knife on his back and swung the long knife. The power of heaven and earth surged, but it turned into a dazzling blade and charged straight To the Second Young Master Wang!

"Stupid." Second Young Master Wang turned his head with a cold face, but suddenly a layer of blue light surged around him, completely covering the entire hall.

However, Meng Qi's sword light did not cause any waves at all, and it collapsed under the blue light in an instant.

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