My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1190 Disappointment and request

Chen Fan stepped into the Blood God Palace.

Thousands of years have passed, and the once ferocious and terrifying blood-colored behemoth has undergone tremendous changes.

Many pustules and tentacles on its body have shrunk.

Its size has also shrunk a lot.

Although Chen Fan and the Blood God haven't really perfected the thirteenth level of "Blood Fusion Art", but the rebuilding of the eleventh and twelfth level "Blood Fusion Art" has already improved the condition of the Blood God. few.

The Blood God looked at Chen Fan: "You should have felt it... the mutation of the sun..."

Chen Fan nodded: "Is there something wrong with the Sun God King?"

Blood God nodded heavily, his expression was extremely complicated:

"Although I don't know what happened to the mutation, but judging from the current results, the 'God King' can no longer continue to maintain... He is likely to fall early."

"If the 'God King' falls, there will be no one to resist the gap in the world. This catastrophe is likely to erupt earlier and more intensely than we expected..."

Chen Fan took a deep breath, feeling a little helpless: "I haven't yet understood the 'Avenue of Flames'..."

Without comprehending the Flame Dao, Chen Fan would naturally not have the opportunity to compete for the ultimate flame.

The blood god also sighed when he heard the words, his face was full of regret: "There should still be a certain amount of time before the true fall of the god king, but... the remaining time will not be too long, and you don't have to have too much hope... ..."

Chen Fan also took a deep breath and nodded helplessly.

Originally, in the expectation of the blood god, the god king could sustain for another few thousand years, and he would not fall until the residual heat of this catastrophe dissipated.

Chen Fan has the core of cosmic light, so the time he has is naturally very long.

But at this time, some kind of mutation may have occurred in the Sun God Court.

Either Tianyuan has carried out a more terrifying erosion, or for other reasons, the Sun God King cannot sustain it so long in advance, the gap in the world will naturally leak more power of Tianyuan, and the catastrophe will naturally erupt earlier.

Blood Shinto:

"In the world, there are only a few demon god kings and immortals who understand the flame road. If the god king dies, those few people will probably compete fiercely. Since Chen Fan, you failed to finally break through the flame road, you can choose one person Supported."

If it can help a fairy or a demon king to achieve the ultimate, there will naturally be a powerful alliance in the future.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, but couldn't help but said:

"What about other ultimates? If the ultimate exists, it will be easier to obtain the ultimate source, right? Don't they have any idea about the ultimate source of flame?"

The Blood God shook his head: "If there are other ultimates who have understood the Flame Dao, they will naturally have the opportunity to compete for the ultimate source... But among the ultimates in this world, none of them have understood the Flame Dao."

"If you don't master the Dao of Flame, other ultimates will be restricted by the way of heaven, and you cannot participate in the competition of the origin. The ultimate existence is too powerful. If you compete with each other, a slight mistake may cause bad results... So only those who understand The Demon God King and Immortals of the Flame Avenue are competing..."

"But other demon kings and immortals can also help!"

Chen Fan was unwilling, but couldn't help but said: "I haven't comprehended the Dao of Flame, can I just take away the ultimate source of Flame, and wait until I understand it before absorbing it into my body..."

Chen Fan is confident that with his own strength, if the ultimate is not released, he may not be able to defeat all other masters and take away the ultimate source!

Blood God shook his head:

"The ultimate source is extremely special. It cannot be carried by any item, but only a master who understands the Dao of Flame can absorb and smelt it into the body... You have not mastered the Dao of Flame, but it is impossible to get close to the ultimate source of flame, let alone snatch it." gone."

Chen Fan smiled wryly and was speechless, but he also knew that unless he could comprehend the Dao of Flame in the last time period, he would have no chance to compete.

"In that case, we really need to choose a master to support..." Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

In this competition, it is impossible to make a move in the end, but in the whole world, most of the top demon god kings in various strange places will not be idle...

"Senior Blood God, do you have any backup options?"

The Blood God smiled wryly and said, "Even if I have repaired the twelve-level "Blood Fusion Technique", I still cannot leave this place easily, let alone when the incident happened suddenly. I never thought that I could help others. I am more familiar with the Immortal and Demon God King of Flame Avenue, 'Yang Yan'..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Yang Yan..."

Yangyan Demon God is Wucheng's father, and also a master Demon God King who joined the temple!

He has a detached personality and likes to be lively, but he is also a guy who doesn't care about the rules.

Chen Fan had asked him to refine medicine pills and weapons.

Speaking up.

Chen Fan also only knew such a demon king who practiced the Dao of Flames...

"How is Yang Yan's strength?" Chen Fan looked at the Blood God.

The Blood God shook his head: "Generally, it's only better than some demon kings and immortals who are newcomers, so it can be considered the third grade."

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

There are only a few demon kings and immortals in the world, so it is naturally impossible for everyone to be a master.

The strength of the third level is not bad, but it is definitely not strong.

Although it is not necessary to be the strongest to get the ultimate position, but the stronger the strength, the probability of success will naturally be higher!

As the way of the four basic elements, the Avenue of Flames is also a very powerful avenue.

And Yang Yan only has the third level of strength, so there is really no advantage...

If Chen Fan wanted to help, he naturally wanted to help the person with the greatest chance!

Seeing that Chen Fan was lost in thought, the Blood God also said: "Chen Fan, you don't have to make up your mind in a hurry. With your strength, these people will try to win you over. , you see who is willing to take the initiative to contact you, it is not too late for you to make a choice!"

Chen Fan also nodded.

In the world, there are only a few immortals and demon kings whose strength is at the first level.

These masters of the Flame Avenue naturally have to find a way to win over helpers.

There are quite a few people who know Chen Fan's strength, and at that time someone will take the initiative to find Chen Fan.


After bidding farewell to the Blood God, Chen Fan immediately returned to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

But at this moment, Jianzong had already had guests visiting.

"Yangyan Demon God..." Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

He thought that someone would come and look for it.

But I didn't expect this guy to come so fast.

With a hearty smile on his face: "Sword Immortal Chen Fan, long time no see!"

Chen Fan also nodded slightly, and was very polite: "Yangyan Demon God is polite. I don't know Demon God, what do you need to ask me?"

Yang Yan Demon God suppressed the smile on his face, and then said: "I don't want to talk nonsense, Chen Fan, you should have seen the sun's change, if there is no accident, within a hundred years, the Sun God King will definitely fall! "

The person is also direct.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he looked at Yang Yan Demon God silently.

Yang Yan Demon God also continued:

"I originally wanted to train my cheap son to comprehend the Dao of Flames and let him compete for this seat. Unexpectedly, the facts changed too quickly. Although that kid has some talents, it is too difficult to comprehend the Dao of Flames before the rest of the time. high……"

The son that Yangyan Demon God spoke of was exactly Wucheng.

Wu Cheng is a mixed race of human race, has a part of human blood, and is also a disciple of Wuliangzong.

If he can comprehend the Dao of Flames, there will be more helpers, whether it is the luck of heaven, or the helpers behind him.

However, no one could have imagined that everything would be so long in advance.

Yang Yan continued:

"Although I am not strong enough, as a Demon God King who also understands the 'Way of Flame', I am really unwilling to give up this opportunity!"

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