My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1192 Concern

Yang Yan left.

Chen Fan was playing with the Shura Sky Extinguishing Mirror in his hand, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

If it weren't for Yang Yan's mediocre strength, Chen Fan might have agreed to the other party directly.

Of course, if the strength is not enough, it may not be impossible to achieve the ultimate.

Especially if I support the person...

One's own strength is fine, but what is more important is one's identity and the attention received by the will of Heaven...

If what the Blood God said is true, and Zi Shang has really passed away, then Yang Yan, who has won his support, may not have the chance to obtain the ultimate source.

And with his own support and obtaining the ultimate source, then his chances of being recognized by the Dao of Heaven will be greatly improved, but there is no small chance of obtaining this seat.

Of course, if Chen Fan can comprehend the Dao of Flame before the Sun God King really falls, he will do his part.

It's just that for the rest of the time, Chen Fan really didn't have much confidence.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan put away the Asura Extinguishing Heaven Mirror: "Wait and see, will someone else win me over..."

There may be more than one Demon God King and Immortal on the Flame Avenue, and naturally some of them will know Chen Fan's strength, and some of them may come to win him over.

Yang Yan was able to take out one of the Haotian mirrors and a fairy sword as a reward, and others may also pay generous rewards.



A special space full of streams of light.

Before the dreamlike illusory door.

Xing Jun, who closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes. A light curtain flickered in front of him, but it quickly condensed into a silhouette, but it was Chen Fan's figure!

Xing Jun saw Chen Fan coming, but he was excited:

"Ni Jianxian, you came just in time, I have great news, I want to tell you!"

"Oh?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xingjun: "What news?"

Naturally, Chen Fan came here for the half of the Haotian Mirror.

As an immortal, Xingjun lost his composure in this way, which also shows that something big happened.

"This matter is related to the fantasy world..." Xing Jun's eyes were shining with an undisguised light.

Chen Fan also had a twinkle in his eyes: "Oh?"

For thousands of years, Chen Fan went to the Dream Realm to explore the branch spirit, but it has already been destroyed.

After all, there are many dangers in the fantasy world, and the laws of the fantasy world are different from this world. Not only can you not use the power of Tao, but you can't even train your true essence...

It's just that Chen Fan's spirit separation was not in vain, but there was also a lot of news and knowledge about the fantasy world before his death.

Even if the laws change, Chen Fan's spirit division is far superior to ordinary creatures.

It's not just Chen Fan's split spirit, Xingjun and other experts in the temple have also split their spirits to explore the dream world, and even passed back some of the dream world's practice and powerful methods.

It's just that it may also be due to the restrictions of the laws of the world. The practice and powerful methods of that world are no longer applicable in the local world.

And because the time is too short, the number of masters going to that world is also too small, and the spirits of these masters have not come into contact with the existences that are too high in the fantasy world...

As the catastrophe approached, Chen Fan no longer had too much expectation for the fantasy world...

Xing Jun had excitement and surprise on his face, "What do you think this is?!"

But he waved his hand, and an indescribable mirage suddenly appeared on his body.

Chen Fan immediately felt a wonderful feeling of being out of place from the phantom light.

"Is this... the power from the fantasy world?"

Chen Fan was also a little surprised.

Although there is a communication channel between the fantasy world and this world, it cannot carry the power of the entity, it can only exchange some information.

Xing Jun nodded:

"My split spirit in the fantasy world joined a special force similar to a 'sect' by accident, and the creatures in it believed in a certain powerful existence in the fantasy world, and through worshiping and offering sacrifices to that existence , you will be able to obtain the gift of that existence..."

"After my spirit sent back the news, my body crossed the world to worship that existence, and I got a reply... Although this power is still very weak, it can't increase me much... But you know what it means behind it ?!"

Xingjun looked a little excited.

And Chen Fan was shocked, his eyes were full of surprise: " could..."

Xingjun's eyes were full of excitement: "This shows that the personality of the existence itself is far beyond the power of our world, and it can bestow power to others across dimensions..."

"With such a great existence, I don't think even Tianyuan may have anything to do with 'Him'!"

"If 'He' is willing to protect our world..."

Xingjun and others worked hard, and finally got in touch with the fantasy world.

But it can only be sent to the ghost, and some non-physical information can be sent back.

But at this moment, as long as he worships that existence, that powerful existence in the dream world can cross two worlds and bestow power. How terrifying is his existence?

There was not much joy in Chen Fan's heart, but more fear and fear, but he immediately shook his head:

"Senior Xingjun, I advise you not to have too much hope. Let's not talk about whether that existence can really be strong enough to resist the invasion of Tianyuan for us... Even if he is really powerful to this point, you can ensure that he Do you have good or evil thoughts about us?"

Why Tianyuan spent such a long time invading this world without interruption is naturally a conspiracy.

This also shows that there are places in this world worthy of Tian Yuan's covetousness.

What Chen Fan is worried about is to lure wolves and drive tigers away. Even if he can really drive away Tianyuan, there will be endless troubles...

What Chen Fan said, Xing Jun shook his head and said: "If it is really the end of the road, shouldn't we grasp this chance of survival?"

Chen Fan couldn't help being silent for a moment, but he said again: "Maybe... things may not really come to an end..."

Lord Xing shook his head again: "Sword Immortal Chen Fan, you are younger after all, you have never experienced a catastrophe, you don't know the horror of Tianyuan, and you don't know the crisis of our world at this time... This catastrophe may be different In the past..."

Chen Fan sighed, he was naturally aware of the danger of this catastrophe.

The Sun God King is no longer able to maintain it. If he falls, Tianyuan's invasion will naturally be far more than before.

And losing the Sun God King, this world is not just as simple as losing an ordinary ultimate combat power...

Chen Fan shook his head, but said: "Anyway, Senior Xingjun, you'd better be more cautious, don't worship him lightly..."

You can gain power by offering sacrifices. Chen Fan always feels that this kind of powerful way is not so normal...

Xing Jun also nodded: "Don't worry."

Chen Fan hesitated to speak, but finally did not say any more.

Xingjun can become a fairy, and his mood and will have also been sharpened. Chen Fan believes that he is not a person who is easy to enter...

And if, as Mr. Xing said, the world has finally come to an end, and this world cannot resist the invasion of Tianyuan, then why not take shelter of that existence...

Shaking his head, Chen Fan suppressed the many thoughts in his heart, and then got back to the topic, and said, "I have something to ask you here..."

Xingjun raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter with the sword fairy, just say it."

"It's like this, but I've been searching for the whereabouts of the Haotian Mirror recently..." Chen Fan said: "I heard that you have half a mirror of the Haotian Mirror in your hand, Immortal?"

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