As soon as Chen Fan reached out, the golden mirror floated into Chen Fan's hand.

After getting the mirror, Chen Fan also had a flash of joy on his face.

This is a complete mirror.

Since he already had three mirrors in his hand, Chen Fan was naturally very happy to get this mirror, because it meant that he could make up four mirrors.

Haotian Mirror has twelve mirrors in total.

The four mirrors can be combined into one to form a fairy!

But he decisively put away the mirror, and then looked at the boy again:

"Being able to get this mirror, you are also a person who has a chance, but this mirror is too precious, but it is not something you can grasp."

"It's just that since I got this mirror from you, I will naturally give you some compensation. If you have any requests or needs, you can ask them!"

Although Chen Fan could ignore it and take the mirror away, he just didn't do that.

As a fairy, and the top fairy in the world, he naturally still has a certain tolerance.

Moreover, he still asked himself that he could satisfy the needs of a mere fifth-level martial artist!

The young man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then his eyes lit up, "Can I ask for a heavenly elixir?"

Chen Fan smiled: "Of course, it's just that you're only at level 5. Except for some special pills, you probably won't be able to use most of the heavenly pills..."

This kid's cultivation base is too weak, with a mere fifth-level strength, but any heaven-level elixir of normal cultivation, he can't bear it.

On the contrary, some healing elixirs with moderate medicinal power or some special types of elixirs can bear it.

The boy's eyes flickered, and his face was full of excitement, but he quickly licked his lips, but suppressed the excitement, but he didn't say the request immediately, but thought for a long time before saying:

"I don't need any external things, I just hope that you, senior, can accept me as a disciple!"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Fan couldn't help laughing out loud.

This kid was obviously already extremely tempted by the heavenly elixir before, but in the end he was able to bear it and changed his request, which is also a wise person.

"Although I promised to meet your needs before, it is not so easy to be my apprentice."

Chen Fan smiled: "However, I can give you a chance. Have you heard of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect?"

The boy's expression also showed surprise when he heard the words:

"Senior, are you an expert of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect?!"

Although it has been out of Yuan Shenzhou, it is also in the middle domain, and the Sky Splitting Sword Sect is becoming more and more powerful, and its reputation is much greater than before. This young man has heard of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, but Chen Fan does not know Accident.

Chen Fan smiled and nodded, saying:

"I am a swordsman. If you want to be my disciple, you naturally need to have certain achievements or talents in the way of swords... I can teach you a few sword moves and give you a chance to join the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. If you are really talented enough, you and I will naturally meet again in the future, and then I will give you a chance to become a teacher!"

As he spoke, Chen Fan waved his hand, and a ray of light followed his finger and flew towards the boy's head.

The boy's body froze, and he suddenly felt a lot of information in his mind.

As a sword fairy, Chen Fan taught sword moves to the boy himself, which is something that ordinary disciples can't even imagine.

This is similar to the "Hongmeng Sword" left by "Yang" in Chen Fan's mind back then, which can help Chen Fan practice.

Chen Fan also left similar projections in his mind, which can help young people practice swordsmanship, but where he can go in the future still depends on whether he has talent.

Afterwards, Chen Fan waved his hand and casually threw a token to the young man: "You take this token and go to the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect by yourself, and you will become an inner disciple of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect."

The young man hurriedly bowed and bowed, excitedly saying, "Thank you, senior!"

With the strength of a young man, he may have the opportunity to join the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, but let alone an inner disciple, it may be difficult for an outer disciple.

It is naturally a great opportunity for him to have the opportunity to directly become an inner disciple of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect!

Although Haotian Mirror's sub-mirror is powerful, its cultivation is too poor to be used at all, and it is better to keep it in hand to exchange for such an opportunity.

Chen Fan smiled: "The future depends on you..."

His figure also suddenly disappeared in front of the young man.


Mind world.

Chen Fan took out the four mirrors he had already obtained.

The mirrors, which were originally independent of each other and had no connection with each other, converged with spiritual light, and then the four mirrors merged with each other, turning into a mirror in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan was also overjoyed.

"The four mirrors can be smelted together without a specific combination..."

He licked his lips, and picked up the new mirror that was fused together.

Consciousness penetrated into it.

Soon there was a lot of information in his mind.

Everything was as Chen Fan expected, after the four mirrors merged into one, what they displayed was still the original abilities of the four mirrors!

It's just that the upper limit that all abilities can achieve has been greatly increased.

The mirror that Chen Fan got from the boy was named "Thick Soil Mirror", but its effect was mainly defensive.

Four mirrors in one, the effect of "Thick Soil Mirror" is more powerful than the "Cloud Gold Clothes" worn by Chen Fan.

After all, it is a part of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, even if it only restores the power of the Immortal Artifact level, it is not comparable to ordinary Immortal Artifacts.

And the most powerful thing about the Haotian mirror is that Chen Fan can switch the state of the four mirrors into one at any time, and the power of all the mirrors can be greatly increased!

And Chen Fan also decisively used the power of the four mirrors in one to cover the sun and the moon to try to push the information of the mirrors that he could not deduce before. Although the ability of the moon and sun cover mirror has greatly increased, Chen Fan can The results of the deduction are still quite vague.

He can only tell the approximate location, but there is no way to determine the exact location.

Chen Fan could only find it slowly...


Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

A wide hall.

Chen Fan smiled and looked at the opposite man with short red hair:

"I don't know what the name of the immortal is? Why did you come to my Heaven Splitting Sword Sect?"

Chen Fan pretended to be confused, but this man exuded a scorching aura. Needless to say, he must be an immortal from the "Avenue of Flame", and he came here to ask Chen Fan for help.

The man also showed a smile on his face: "Sword Immortal Chen Fan is very polite, and my name is 'Chi Yan'. This time, I came here to ask for your help, Sword Immortal Chen Fan..."

Everything was as expected by Chen Fan, and Chi Yan also expected Chen Fan to help him win the "ultimate" position.

"Sword Immortal Chen Fan, you and I are both humans, so naturally we should help each other... If your excellency can help you win the 'Ultimate' position, I will definitely not treat you badly, Sword Immortal!"

"I ask Immortal Chiyan to allow me to think about it." Chen Fan squinted his eyes, with hesitation on the surface, but a sneer in his heart. This "Chiyan" was full of empty talk and big talk, without any actual performance.

Yang Yan came to invite Chen Fan, but he came up with a complete Haotian mirror as a meeting gift, and then promised Chen Fan a fairy sword, and no matter whether he succeeded in the end, he would give it to Chen Fan directly.

Compared with the Yangyan Demon God, this Chiyan Immortal is far behind.

Apart from being human, Chen Fan didn't think highly of him at all.

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