My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1197 The Fallen Court of God

"Lie Ao's own strength is much stronger than Yang Yan's... Lie Ao's death, and one less competitor is a good thing for us." The Blue Demon God narrowed his eyes.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Apart from Lie Ao, how many competitors does Yang Yan have?"

The Blue Demon said: "As far as I know, there should be four more. One is the human fairy Chi Yan. Although his strength is not great, but he occupies the luck of the human race, but it is very likely to be recognized by the Dao of Heaven... ..."

"Where are the others?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Chen Fan didn't have a good impression of Chi Yan, and he was not only lacking in strength, but also lacked courage. Although he had the advantage of being a human race, Chen Fan didn't think that Chi Yan could accomplish anything.

The Blue Demon God continued: "The one who is most likely to achieve the ultimate flame is naturally the son of the Sun God King, Zi Shang, but Zi Shang has been silent for a long time, and it is even rumored that he has already died..."

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

If the Blood God hadn't lied to him, Zi Shang would have died long ago, and it would be impossible for him to get involved in this ultimate battle.

The Blue Demon God continued: "Aside from Immortal Chiyan and Zishang, there are two other..."

"One is the flame elemental lord of the elemental sea, the Flame Demon King, and the other is the special life form of the Demon Prison, 'Fire Melting'!"

"The Fire Demon King is the most powerful elemental lord of the elemental family, only weaker than the Supreme in the elemental sea. He is a powerful demon god that is rare in the world, and there are few opponents under the ultimate. Although the 'Huomelting' own strength No, but he is close friends with the two kings of the Demon Prison, Juli Demon God and Wave Demon God, and these two masters of the Demon Prison should not be underestimated..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, and he licked his lips: "So, the Giant Power Demon God and the Wave Demon God may also make a move this time?"

Chen Fan, who had a grievance with Juli Demon God before, is looking forward to fighting Juli Demon God again at this time.

Compared with before, I have a comprehensive improvement in strength, and although Juli Demon God is strong, he is only at the same level as Sky Snake Demon God. Sky Snake Demon God didn't even force him to use his ultimate power in front of him, but he was I am also confident that I can easily deal with the Juli Demon God...

The Blue Demon God nodded: "If there are no accidents, the two will be there in all likelihood."

Chen Fan nodded again, and asked again: "Apart from these few people, is there anything else?"

Yang Yan's eyes flickered when he heard the words:

"It stands to reason that this is indeed the case, but who knows if there will be some unknown hidden dark horse this time. I can foresee that this competition will never be easy... Needless to say, Lie Ao's own strength is stronger than I am stronger, and I have the support of a powerful monster clan behind me, so I will die so early..."

Chen Fan also nodded.

There will be a price to be paid for pride and arrogance.

Although Chen Fan and Blue Demon God are very strong, Yang Yan dare not say that with their help, they will definitely be able to win the "Ultimate" position.

Before you really succeed, you must not let your guard down.

Afterwards, Chen Fan no longer entered the mind world to practice, but stayed in the outside world with Yang Yan and Blue Demon God...

Lie Ao was attacked, and others may also be attacked!


In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

The few people did not meet the person who attacked Yang Yan, but they finally waited for the fall of the Sun God King.

The sun's light suddenly dimmed to the extreme that day.

There was also bloody rain falling from the sky.

An indescribably oppressive atmosphere enveloped the world under the sky.

The Blue Demon God looked at the sky subtly with his eyes, and took a deep breath: "Heaven and earth share the same sorrow, this is a symbol of the fall of the ultimate existence..."

Chen Fan looked at the sky, but he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Yang Yan Demon God also had an extremely complicated expression, with both disappointment and expectation.

At the same time, at the far end of the sky, in the Scarlet Palace above the sky, the Blood God stared blankly at the sky, but there were two lines of blood tears streaming down his eyes.

However, soon the blood and tears left in his eyes completely evaporated, and then turned into firmness and sharpness.

At the same time the outside world.

With the rain of blood and the bleak sun.

Above the sky, there was a chaotic space that was constantly stirring, and then accompanied by the cracking sound of "click", the sky was covered by countless black space cracks in an instant.

next moment.

Accompanied by howling and roaring, a huge fireball pierced the sky, like a meteorite that destroyed the world, crashing towards a certain direction of the mainland!

Chen Fan's eyes intersected with Yang Yan and Blue Demon God, but the three of them disappeared in place in an instant.


at the same time.

open sea.

In the dark underground palace.

Wearing a red dress, the man exuding fiery intent has dim eyes:

"This sun god king actually lasted for such a long time when he was dying. It's a pity that a person's strength has a limit after all..."

"Stupid people think that they can resist Tianyuan's will, but they are nothing more than a mantis' arm."

Beside the man, there was a hideous figure in white bone armor, surrounded by black air all over his body:

"Lord Alos, you must be careful outside. After all, you are not the deity descending. If the ultimates in this world find you, I am afraid..."

A wicked and strange smile flashed across the face of the man in red named Alos:

"If they could find out, they would have already found out. I have given up the identity of Tianyuan. You can use the power of Tianyuan, but I can't use it at all. Even the heavens in this world can't confirm my identity. These are impossible to do in the end!"


On the vast land.

Flames, blazing fires everywhere.

Space is constantly distorted under high temperature.

When Chen Fan saw it, what was burning was a magnificent, magnificent, but extremely lonely ruins of the temple.

"Sun God Court..."

Shenting, which is high above the nine heavens, will finally usher in such a doomsday, which will inevitably make people feel embarrassed.

Chen Fan turned around, only to see Yang Yan Demon God's face full of excitement and tension.

"Here, those who practice the Dao of Flames can display stronger strength, but other people will be restricted by this place instead..." The Blue Demon God narrowed his eyes.

Although the Sun God King has fallen, the ultimate flame has not been extinguished!

And because of the distortion of space, several people couldn't move directly into the Temple of the Sun at all!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Since the Sun God King is dead, why didn't he explode his power?"

The Blue Demon God shook his head:

"The force of the Sun God King should be restrained in some way or somewhere..."

"No matter what happens, we have to go in, let's go!" Yang Yan licked his lips, but rushed straight towards the temple in flames.

Chen Fan and the Blue Demon God followed closely behind.

The flames in the Sun God Court are soaring, and the space is distorted. Even immortals and demon kings enter it as if they have entered a maze, and they need to slowly find the location of the Sun God King.

Although Chen Fan has been to the Sun God's Court, the place he really walked through was a very small part of the Sun God's Court, and he couldn't judge the specific passage.

The three of them were like ants on a hot pot, dizzy and could only look around.

"If we can get the blessing of heavenly luck, we may bump into the place where the sun god king died even if we bump into it randomly..." Yang Yan's eyes flickered with a faint light.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and was about to say something when he raised his head suddenly.

Accompanied by the whistling aura and a terrifying aura that made people feel frightened, a huge monster broke through the fire and appeared in front of the eyes of the three of them.

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