Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but he gritted his teeth and moved forward, slashing out with his sword again.

This time he activated the triple "Star Reaching" and used the twelfth form of the Reverse Sword Art!

This time, Chen Fan's sword energy did go a certain distance, but it still couldn't reach the melting point of the fire, and was burnt out by the terrifying flames again.

Chen Fan also had no choice but to disperse the fury, and put away the Absolute Sword.

"Ultimate..." Chen Fan took a deep breath.

His strength is so strong that it has already surpassed the level that ordinary immortals and demon kings can achieve.

But compared to the real ultimate, it is still the gap between heaven and earth.

How can a firefly compare to a bright moon?

Chen Fan also looked helplessly at Huo Rong and Yang Yan who were still advancing towards the remains of the God King:

"Huo Rong came so much earlier than Yang Yan, and its strength is also stronger than Yang Yan. Doesn't it mean that Huo Rong will get the ultimate source in nine out of ten?"

The Blue Demon God also sighed helplessly, and then said:

"But who can absorb this source, but it still depends on who the Heavenly Dao values ​​more..."

Having said that, the reluctance and helplessness in his tone were not concealed at all.

It seems that the Blue Demon God has no confidence in Yang Yan at all.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, secretly thinking that it was not good.

It doesn't matter if he can't help Yang Yan, the key is that he also beat Juli Demon God and Wave Demon God very badly, which also prevented Huo Rong from achieving the ultimate.

If Huo Rong really succeeds, he might also hate himself for it.

Although I can be regarded as having a background like "Lorraine" and the attention of heaven, it is naturally not a happy thing to be remembered by more ultimates.

He took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, but he suddenly started to step forward.

The Blue Demon God looked at Chen Fan in astonishment, but he was inexplicable:

"Chen Fan, you haven't comprehended the Dao of Flame, no matter how strong your body is, you can't withstand the ultimate fire!"

Chen Fan nodded: "I know, but I still want to try."

Chen Fan himself is also a practitioner of the Dao of Flames, and he is even only a thin line away from Wutong. Although there is a high probability that he cannot bear the power of flames at this time, he might as well give it a try.

Not to mention being able to directly comprehend the Dao of Flame, as long as one can get close enough to Huo Rong, and then make a full shot, it should be able to influence other people!

As long as you stop Huo Rong, you will be considered successful, and if you can use the ultimate fire to comprehend the Dao of Flames, that would be even better, but the probability of that is not high...

chi chi chi ~

As Chen Fan stepped forward and approached the body of the Sun God King, a raging flame was ignited on his body, and white smoke continued to rise from his body.

Even Chen Fan, who is in charge of the Flame Dao, does not have much resistance against the power of the "Ultimate Fire" at this moment, but he is relying on his own powerful body to forcibly step forward.

Of course, the existence of the ultimate fire can also bring Chen Fan to understand the Dao of Flame, but it can't help him immediately understand the Dao of Flame.

It may also be because of his utilitarian desire to really understand the Flame Dao immediately, which made him unable to take the last step even though he had some understanding.

At this moment, if Chen Fan didn't expect too much from the Dao of Enlightenment and comprehended it, it would be more likely to understand the Dao of Enlightenment.

But understanding the Flame Dao means having the opportunity to ascend to the sky in one step and directly achieve the ultimate. How could Chen Fan not expect it.

Chen Fan strode forward, but he quickly caught up with Yang Yan who set off later.

Although Yang Yan has already comprehended the Dao of Flames, his physical body and strength are far inferior to Chen Fan, so that Chen Fan is a latecomer. However, Chen Fan has not comprehended the Dao of Flames. If he continues to walk, the damage he receives will The heavier it is, the faster he seems to walk, but it is impossible for him to go as far as Yang Yan.

And Yang Yan seemed to understand Chen Fan's plan, but taking advantage of Chen Fan passing by, he raised his hand and took out an item, and handed it over: "Chen Fan, here you are!"

Chen Fan, who was burning with raging fire, paused slightly, but saw that Yang Yan was holding a khaki bean-like spar in his hand. Even in the raging fire, this spar was not damaged at all.

But it is an ultimate force.

Judging from the shape and breath of the ultimate power, this ultimate power should come from the same ultimate master as the one given to him by the blue demon god.

Chen Fan naturally accepted it unceremoniously. The "ultimate power" he had stimulated before had already exceeded the limit.

If he could have this ultimate power, he would naturally be able to go further.

It's just that after receiving the ultimate power, Chen Fan didn't activate it immediately, because he was able to resist the terrifying flames around him for the time being, but it was not yet time to activate the ultimate power.

Chen Fan continued to step forward, taking several steps at an extremely fast speed, and the flame burning on his body became even more intense.

At this moment, an urgent voice came from the spirit of Chen Fan's defensive fairy cloud golden clothes: "Chen Fan, I can't go any further, my limit is probably here, if I go any further, I could be permanently hurt!"

The reason why Chen Fan was able to make it this far was because of his own physical strength, but the more important reason was because of the cloud gold clothes.

As for the ninety-nine weapons such as the White Emperor Armor, it is not to mention that they cannot resist such a terrifying power at all.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows but took out a mirror.

This is exactly the Haotian mirror with four mirrors in one.

He activated the power of the "Thick Soil Mirror" on it.

Above his body, a thick layer of halo suddenly rose up.

The four mirrors of the "Thick Soil Mirror" can only exert the effect of the fairy weapon, but after all, it is a part of the supreme fairy weapon. Even if it can only reach the fairy weapon level, the effect is far beyond the comparison of ordinary fairy weapons.

And more importantly, its body is extremely tough, even with the power of the ultimate way, it is difficult to destroy it.

At the same time, Chen Fan was also the force that activated the "Ultimate Power".

A thick khaki-yellow light rose from his body, and his aura suddenly increased.

The ultimate power is the crystallization of the ultimate power. The Dao of Earth is very good at defense. Under the current situation, it is more useful to Chen Fan than the ultimate power of the sword.

But he stepped forward again.

And as he continued to step forward, the power of the ultimate way of the flames he endured became even more terrifying, and more and more power passed through the protection of the thick soil mirror and cloud gold clothes.

The flames burning on him became even more intense.

He gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

One step, two steps, three steps, but he still maintained the state of moving forward at a high speed, but chased towards Huo Rong.

Seeing Chen Fan approaching, Huo Rong's face flashed a touch of tension and urgency. The black light spread on his body, but he had already activated the ultimate power, and he gritted his teeth and moved forward...

However, as the saying goes, haste makes waste.

It is the right way for a person to adapt to the flame slowly and move forward slowly. Under the influence of Chen Fan, he moves forward urgently, but he can't bear the horror of the "ultimate flame".

His face suddenly changed drastically, his body was blazing with bright flames, and his body was scorched black in the blink of an eye.

There was also a tragic wailing from his mouth.

As the Demon God King of the Flame Dao, it is quite a delicate thing to say that his person would be injured by the flames.

"The Ultimate Way of Flame" is really too powerful.

In this state, he had to step back, three or four steps in a row, before the blazing flames burning on his body slowly dissipated.

But when he failed in his attempt and retreated, Chen Fan had gradually caught up...

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