My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1256 Baptism

Above the huge corolla, there is a hollow like a flower bud.

Delosi looked excitedly at the huge Titan with a magnificent figure and a red body in front of him.

It is the supreme leader of the Titan tribe where Chen Fan belongs, the elder of the Titan tribe, Tilanna, and a powerful Titan who has reached the tenth-level legendary realm.

"You said this is Lanaro, the infant Titan who was born only ten sunsets?!" Tilanna also looked at the little Titan Chen Fan who was following Delosi in amazement.

A day in the Nawu plane is about three times that of Chen Fan's world, and ten sunrises and sunsets are almost a month.

The so-called birth of the Titan family refers to the time when the Titan mother injects the embryo into the special plant called La Luolan.

For a normal Titan, it often takes more than 30 suns and sunsets before a baby Titan can successfully develop and leave La Roland.

Delosi looked excited:

"Yes, Lord Tilanna, Lanaro also mastered the 'Light of Order', he is the 'God's Chosen One' chosen by the great god!"

Although in this plane, the ancestor of the Titans, the Titan God who ruled order, has not shown his face in front of the creatures of the Titans for a long time, the Titans still call them "God's Chosen One" A gifted infant Titan.

Chen Fan also immediately raised his frail arm, and at the same time, a milky white halo bloomed on his palm.

Chen Fan can't use the avenues and supernatural powers he has practiced in the past, but he needs to use the methods of practice in this world to improve himself.

However, revealing the identity of the "God's Chosen One" can get the attention of the Titans, but it is more convenient for him to grow up as soon as possible.

When she saw Chen Fan showing the divine light of order, Tilana also showed a shocked and excited expression.

"It's the God's Chosen One! I didn't expect our tribe to have a God's Chosen One!"

The Titan clan on the Nawu plane is divided into dozens of tribes. The tribe led by Tilanna is a tribe that ranks extremely low, with thin bloodlines, and the possibility of returning to the ancestors is extremely low.

For hundreds of thousands of years, there will not be a God's Chosen One.

"Lanaro, come with me, I will take you to the Titan Temple to meet the Titan King! In the Titan Temple, you can obtain the most superior training conditions of our Titan family!"

The so-called King Titan is not the God of Order of the Titan family, but just a demigod.

The Titan god has been in hiding for quite a long time, and only occasionally passed down oral instructions and orders. He is the spiritual leader and object of faith of the Titan family.


The magnificent and magnificent tree shrine.

Tilana led Chen Fan to stand in front of a titan with a huge body, a golden crown on his head, and sitting on a huge throne with dazzling eyes.

And around the temple, there are also many sports guards following.

These Titans are bigger than each other, and the smallest one is not inferior to Tilana.

The body size of the Titans is the strongest proof, which also shows that most of the people present are existences of tenth level and above.

Tilana faced the huge Titan with the golden crown on her head:

"The great Titan King, this is the young Titan Ranaro, who is suspected to be the chosen one of our family! He has just been born for ten days and nights, he has successfully developed, left La Luolan, and mastered the magic..."


With the sound of Tilana's voice.

All the Titans in the entire hall started discussing enthusiastically!

King Titan held a golden scepter and slammed it down to the ground.

With a bang, the earth roared continuously.

The entire temple also fell silent in an instant.

King Titan stepped down from his throne, stepped forward, and walked in front of Tilana and Chen Fan.

He bent down and leaned over to look directly at Chen Fan.

"Young Titan, let me see your strength."

Compared to his body size, Chen Fan wasn't even as big as his fingernails.

But Chen Fan didn't have any fear when facing him.

He raised his hand, and a divine light of order burst out from his body!

A demigod is equivalent to the ultimate expert in Chen Fan's world. Although he is also very powerful, Chen Fan has already surpassed him by too much.

And if he doesn't care about the loss of the true spirit, he can even rely on his true god-level personality to forcibly use the true spirit to obliterate King Titan!

Although he can't use the great power of the great world where he lives, the strength of his true spirit itself surpasses King Titan by far!

As Chen Fan used the divine light of order, King Titan's eyes also burst into light.

"Lanaro, you are qualified to be baptized and go to the 'Tower of Excellence' to receive the most superior training from my Titan family!"

Only the most outstanding young genius Titan of the Titan family can enter the "Talent Tower".

In the entire Titan family on the Nawu plane, there are only dozens of young Titans who are being trained by the "Tower of Excellence".

These young Titans are not chosen by the gods, but also the best geniuses of the Titan family.


In the grand and magnificent golden palace.

The huge and incomparably golden statue shone with dazzling golden light.

Chen Fan raised his head and looked at the huge statue, which was carved by the god of the Titan clan!

The golden light shone directly on Chen Fan's body.

At this moment, Chen Fan is accepting the so-called "baptism".

"Baptism" is a special ceremony of the Titan family, which can enhance the blood concentration of the baptized person.

The stronger the bloodline, the easier it is for a Titan to comprehend the rules of order and master more powerful powers.

The only ones who can accept the baptism are God's Choice and top geniuses of the Titan family.

Before joining the Tower of Excellence, the baby Titans will go through baptism.

Even some Titans who performed well enough will undergo more than one baptism.


At the beginning of the baptism ceremony, the soul and body of the baptized person will also be automatically checked. If there is any abnormality, they will be punished by God!

This is to avoid some "seizures" from happening.

As the highest dimension, the spirit world exists in countless planes, and there are countless kinds of magical arts, of all types.

And because of the special nature of the spirit world, there will often be souls from other worlds coming, so the Titans will naturally have corresponding countermeasures.

If you want to accept the excellent training of the Titans, you must first be baptized.

If it was another existence, as long as it was weaker than the order gods of the Titans, it would be impossible to escape the test of the baptism ceremony.

But the problem is that Chen Fan's personality is equivalent to a true god, and in this world he is the main god.

That is an existence far more powerful than ordinary gods, how can the power left by a mere god be able to find out Chen Fan's specialness!

So Chen Fan successfully completed the baptism and successfully entered the Tower of Excellence.

With the increase in blood concentration and the cultivation of the best conditions of the Titans, Chen Fan's strength also began to rise rapidly.

With his true spirit strength and comprehension speed, plus his talent for hanging up, his practice of divine arts and comprehension of rules is frighteningly fast.

After joining the Tower of Excellence, in just three months, he has advanced himself to the tenth level, only one step away from obtaining the god position.

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