My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1258 Demigod

"Lanaro, I really didn't misread you. Although you are still young, your understanding of the divine light of order has surpassed most of the young Titans in the tower!"

Osaibi, who also advanced easily, looked at Chen Fan excitedly.

"Wait a while, I will let you see my strength, you will definitely be convinced by me!"

And Chen Fan still had the same attitude as before, he didn't say a word, and didn't bother to talk to the other party.

A total of eight juvenile Titans have completed the promotion, and the second battle after the promotion will be a "ring" melee.

If eight people fight in a melee, lose consciousness or fall off the "ring", it will be considered a failure and the ranking will be determined.

The so-called "ring arena" is actually a huge special plant like a mushroom, but the mushroom head on the top of this plant is extremely flat.

It didn't grow naturally, but was cultivated by the Titans through special means.

Before the game started, a female Titan came towards Chen Fan on her own initiative:

"Lanaro, I have already made an agreement with the other six Titans, and when we fight later, we will attack Osaibi together..."

"Your strength is not weak. With you, the few of us even have a chance to join forces to defeat Osaibi..."

Chen Fan shook his head: "It's not necessary."

The person who said it didn't explain at all, and walked away.

And the female Titan turned her head with an ugly expression, and got together with the other Titans.

"Ranaro declined."

"This guy doesn't know Osaibi's dominant strength at all. It is impossible for a single person to stop Osaibi."

"Lanaro is too young and too arrogant, it doesn't matter, after this qualifying match, he will have a long memory!"

The battle started quickly, and several other Titans also entered the "ring" one by one.

Except for Chen Fan and Osaibi, the other six Titans got together.

Osaibi looked at Chen Fan excitedly: "Lanaro, I like you more and more. Only the weak will hug together to keep warm, and the strong can rely on themselves..."

Chen Fan's eyes were full of indifference, white light bloomed on his body, and his body floated up.

The next moment he raised his hand, and in his hand, countless white lights gathered to form a huge white sword.

"Sword of Order!" An icy voice came from Chen Fan's mouth, and the next moment the white lightsaber in his hand slashed out, and endless white light spread from the sword of order!

boom! !

Indescribable terrifying power surged on the huge and incomparably large battle field.

Under the stunned and amazed gazes of the young Titans, the seven-headed genius Titans including Osaibi couldn't stop the terrifying power at all, they flew out one after another, and all fell off the ring with just one blow.

All the juvenile Titans spurted blood one by one, were seriously injured, and all had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Especially Osaibi, who wanted to show his strength in a frontal battle and convince Chen Fan, but who would have thought that he couldn't even block Chen Fan's casual move.

Chen Fan shook his head and put away the white lightsaber in his hand. He looked at the audience, Frodo, the tenth-level teacher who was in charge of combat guidance.

"This level of ranking battle is too boring. Next time, I won't participate."

Hearing Chen Fan's words, the corners of Frodo's mouth twitched:

"As one of the most talented heirs of King Titan, Osaibi already possesses the strength of level seven within less than a thousand days and nights after being born..."

"But it was defeated so easily by you, and your divine art, although it also contains the power of order, should not be the divine art of our race?"

Chen Fan nodded calmly: "The sword of order is a magical technique created by me."

Although the so-called magical arts are very different from the supernatural powers and secret methods in Chen Fan's world in terms of their working principles, they are essentially the same kind of things.

For Chen Fan at this time, it was extremely easy to create a divine technique.

Frodo was amazed, not to mention the other young Titans.

Chen Fan flew directly off the ring: "I have to go back to practice, I won't come back next time!"

Frodo hesitated to speak, but in the end he did not say anything and left Chen Fan behind.

The ranking battle itself is a strategy to motivate the Titans to forge ahead, but since Chen Fan can easily defeat other opponents with an absolute advantage, it is meaningless whether he will participate in the ranking competition or not.

What's even more frightening is that it has only been a hundred days and nights since Chen Fan entered the tower.

Frodo looked at the disappearing back of Chen Fan with a complex expression, but turned around again, only to see Osaibi's face was pale and he looked absent-minded.

Shaking his head, Frodo stepped forward and patted Osseby's head: "Ranaro is a different kind, you don't have to compare him to Prince Osseby..."


In the grand hall.

King Titan sat high on the throne, and he also looked at Titan who was kneeling in front of him with surprise on his face.

"Then Ranaro is really so powerful?"

Kneeling in front of the Titan King was none other than Frodo, the tenth-level Titan teacher in charge of actual combat in the Tower of Excellence, who nodded solemnly.

"Lanaro is the true God's Chosen One. His talent is unparalleled. I believe...he will definitely become the thirteenth god-position holder of our Titan family!"

The Titan family in the Nawu plane has been cultivated and flourished for an unknown number of tens of thousands of years, and there is only one god and eleven demigods.

It is too difficult to break through the god position!

King Titan raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes flickered, and then said: "In this case, then raise Lanaro's authority in the Tower of Talents to the highest level..."

"In addition, you can lend him a god crystal of order to practice!"


the second day.

Above the tower, at Chen Fan's house.

"Huh? The treasure bestowed on me by King Titan??"

Chen Fan took a white spar handed by Frodo in front of him, his eyes shimmering.

The power of order and rules surged on the white spar.

Because the news that Chen Fan easily won the first place in the tower qualifying competition spread, the Titan King paid enough attention to Chen Fan, so Chen Fan also gained a lot of benefits.

In front of Chen Fan, Frodo hastily said:

"This is not for you, but lent to you temporarily. It is called the Divine Crystal of Order, and it is a rare treasure of our Titan family. It can help you complete the practice of the rules of Order faster..."

Chen Fan nodded: "Okay, I understand, if it's okay, Frodo, you can go, I will continue to practice."

"Lanaro, you..." Frodo hesitated to speak, but he only thought of Chen Fan's talent, but he tolerated Chen Fan's rudeness, and left.

When Frodo left, Chen Fan picked up the Divine Crystal of Order, sensed its power for a while, and then resolutely stuffed it into his mouth!

He didn't care whether it was temporarily borrowed or bestowed by King Titan, what was in his hands naturally belonged to him.

He was already on the verge of breaking through to the position of God, but the arrival of this Order God Crystal just happened. This substance contains a lot of order power, plus Chen Fan's own talent and powerful true spirit.

But it is enough to help him break through the demigod!


Time passed.

a month later.


In the Titan Temple, in the vast hall, King Titan frowned and looked at the sky outside the window.

At this moment, the sky is full of turbulent dark clouds and dense purple thunder.

King Titan's face was serious.

"In Lan Yu Continent, another existence has climbed to the position of demigod... unexpectedly at such a critical moment..."

"If the Panlong clan exists..."

Deep worry flashed in his eyes.

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