My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 223 Resolving Confusion, Pointing Out Points

Chen Fan was startled again: "Blood against God?"

He had heard from the owl that the purpose of practicing blood fusion was to change his own blood, and he also knew that there was a chance to completely transform his blood, but this was the first time he heard the word "against the gods"!

What is against God?

The man raised his hand and pointed upwards.

"The blood of Nishen is on it. I don't know exactly what it is, I only know that the so-called 'Nigod' is a powerful special race, a family that has long been annihilated in the long river of history."

Chen Fan was stunned, and looked at the stairs next to him, there was another floor above!

The man continued:

"Everyone who has successfully mastered the "Blood Fusion Technique" within three years will be able to obtain a drop of God-defying blood. Taking the 'Blood of God-defying' into his body is the beginning of a real change of blood. The so-called blood beast is actually It is the incarnation of countless layers of blood thinned by the blood of the anti-god!"

Chen Fan's thoughts turned, and he finally understood why the owl called the blood crystals "external blood".

"The more blood crystals you absorb, the closer you are to the race of 'Ni Shen', and the triple "Blood Fusion" is a threshold, a threshold that can absorb the 'Blood of Ni God' in the body!"

The man had a look of melancholy on his face:

"This is the greatest reward for us, and it is also the greatest shackle for us...Although I practiced the third level of "Blood Fusion" within three years, absorbed the blood of the God-defying God and left, but as time passed, the blood of the God-Defying God The blood is constantly being liberated, but my "Blood Fusion Technique" cannot break through to a higher level, and cannot accommodate this power..."

The man smiled wryly: "The highest level of "Blood Fusion" only exists in theory. I spent thousands of years practicing the highest level of "Blood Fusion", unable to suppress the gradually liberated blood against God, and carry the power of this drop of blood expansion, So I had to go back here..."

millennium? ! !

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he took a deep breath: "Is it so difficult to practice blood fusion?"

And what kind of a drop of blood is this "anti-god" family, even the boss of the immortal state can't carry it!

The man just smiled: "Your time to practice triple is shorter than mine, maybe it will be possible in the future."

Although he said so, Chen Fan could read the loneliness in the man's tone.

The other party did not have any expectations for him to be able to practice "Blood Fusion".

Chen Fan swallowed, and couldn't help but said, "Could it be that I...can't help but absorb this God-defying blood?"

The man laughed and shook his head:

"Do you think you have a choice? When you step into the Blood Demon Tower, you have only two paths, either lose your sanity in devouring blood crystals, or absorb the blood of God and leave here, and continue to smelt and liberate the anti-god spirit Blood……"

Hearing this, Chen Fan took a deep breath.

Every time the "Blood Fusion Technique" is practiced, the next level will automatically appear in my mind. This is obviously some brilliant use of spiritual consciousness!

Chen Fan didn't know how heavy the "Blood Fusion Technique" was, and he didn't know if he had a chance to practice it, but when he had no choice, he had a special confidence in his heart!

And soon, he also shook his head.

According to what this person said, he has been away for thousands of years, has not practiced the highest level of "Blood Fusion Technique", and the blood of the anti-god is not doing much, Chen Fan does not think that there will be any problems in a short time!

With his talent, if he could really live for a thousand years, he would have reached the so-called longevity realm, or even higher. If he couldn't bear the power of the God-defying blood, then Chen Fan would have nothing to say!

He smashed his mouth, stepped forward, and boldly said:

"Senior, this junior has something to ask for! Senior's "Blood Fusion Technique" must have been practiced to a very high level. I don't know if this junior will have a chance to get advice from senior."

Since blood fusion is so important, Chen Fan naturally hopes to improve his comprehension faster!

He researches and dissects blood demons, and he will improve. If such a character teaches himself, he will improve faster!

The man was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and nodded: "Of course."

As he spoke, he flipped his hands.


Chen Fan felt that the world was turned upside down, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed!

The surroundings completely turned bloody, and an existence like a river of blood appeared in front of him.

"Here?" Chen Fan looked around in a daze.

"This is in my body."

As soon as the man raised his hand, the river of blood suddenly started to roll, engulfing Chen Fan and rushing out!


Like a great river rushing, Chen Fan couldn't control his body, but he didn't feel the pain, but he could clearly feel the flow route, state and nature of the blood.

"This is the first blood fusion technique!"

Chen Fan's head buzzed, his eyes stared straight at the blood rushing in front of him, and his eyes became scorching hot.

The man next to him narrowed his eyes again: "This kid's understanding is really amazing!"

After a while, the man flipped his hand again, the blood was flowing, but it flowed in a different direction.

"This is the second level..."

Chen Fan kept looking at the magnificent spectacle in front of him, and the runes flickered in front of him again and again...


At some point, Chen Fan opened his eyes again.

He returned to the Blood Demon Tower again.

The rushing river of blood seemed to be just a phantom, completely gone!

Chen Fan took a deep breath, bowed slightly, and cupped his fists in thanks: "Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

The characters flashed in front of him several times.

His understanding of "Blood Fusion Technique" is also rising steadily.

The fourth level of the "Blood Fusion Technique", which originally took several years to complete, can be completed in a few months!

Of course, it is useless to improve the realm of "Blood Fusion Technique", but it also needs to absorb the power of blood crystals to strengthen the body!

The man smiled and shook his head: "If you really break through the limit of "Blood Fusion", just don't forget me."

This person is powerful, but he has no airs!

Regardless of whether it has any purpose or not, Chen Fan will naturally keep everything in mind to clear up Chen Fan's confusion and teach Chen Fan the blood fusion technique.

Chen Fan nodded: "The junior will never forget the help of the senior, but he just doesn't know...the name and identity of the senior..."

The man narrowed his eyes, with a little exclamation on his face, and shook his head:

"My name is Simo. I'm not from Dayong. I'm from the central part of the mainland, from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect!"

Chen Fan was startled, but shook his head with a wry smile.

He had never heard of the name of Sky Splitting Sword Sect!

It's just that he noticed the vocabulary used by Simo, Dayong...

Dayong is the name of the dynasty before the fall of Dagan!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched: "Dayong has been destroyed for nearly a thousand years, and now we are called Dagan!"

Simo raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words:

"Dayong was the largest country in the southern part of the mainland back then, and the entire continent was ranked in the top ten. I didn't expect it to be destroyed so quickly..."

Dagan, Dachang, and Daqing are all located in the southern part of this continent!

In addition to Xihuang, there are other vast lands in the mainland, but they are too far away from Daqian, and Chen Fan doesn't have a clear understanding of them!

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