My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 237 The So-Called Assassination

Came to Xihuang.

As far as the eye can see, the earth is a piece of earthy yellow, and there are sporadic black spots in the distance!

Chen Fan checked the map, quickly confirmed his position, and headed straight for the Tarot tribe.

He turned into a phantom and ran across the vast land at an astonishingly fast speed!

Occasionally there are one or two low-level monsters in the wild, not even qualified to harass Chen Fan.

He is so fast.

"I used to think that there are monsters everywhere in the Western Wilderness. It turns out that there are so few monsters in the real Western Wilderness!"

In fact, if Chen Fan headed towards Wan Yao Ridge, there would be monsters everywhere along the way!

It's just that Xihuang is big enough, not just monsters!

The wind howled.

Chen Fan didn't arrive at his destination until the sun went down.

He looked into the distance, but saw dots of flames.

There is the location of the Tarot tribe!

Chen Fan restrained his breath and headed towards the tribe not far away!

The tribes that can gain a foothold in Xihuang naturally have certain strengths!

And the priests of his tribe possessed nine levels of strength, Chen Fan naturally did not dare to underestimate them in the slightest.

Otherwise, it would have been annexed by other tribes, or destroyed by monsters.

Chen Fan naturally didn't dare to underestimate him.

He was like lightning, and soon came before the tribe.

In front of the gate of the tribe, several huge totem poles are erected, and three patterns are mainly inscribed on the totem poles.

They are bears, wolves, tigers...

It means the three totems believed by the Tarot tribe!

This Tarot tribe is said to be small, but in fact, it has at least a population of more than 100,000, and the proportion of strong people is terrifyingly high!

Of course, no matter how high the proportion of strong people is, because of their size, it is simply not comparable to Daqian.

Even in a big city, a few masters are enough to destroy this kind of tribe!

Of course, there are nine warriors, and it is also a small tribe like Xihuang, which is quite powerful!

Chen Fan immediately held his breath, changed his clothes and sneaked into the Tarot tribe.

It's just that the Tarot tribe is very big, no matter how strong Chen Fan's infiltration ability is, he can't find the high priest Gapal immediately, and he can't help but scare the snake, and he also temporarily sneaks into the Tarot tribe to collect information silently, waiting for the opportunity!

The day after tomorrow is the day of sacrifice for the Tarot Tribe. Nagapal will naturally appear at that time, and Chen Fan is not in a hurry!

And he has the "Heavenly Heart Invisible Judgment", so he can change his appearance and hide it more conveniently.


In the blink of an eye, two days later.

After changing his face and changing clothes, Chen Fan came to the center of the Tarot Tribe, in front of a huge square.

Huge totem poles stood on the square one after another, and at the same time, lingering fires were lit on the totem poles.

Under the lingering firelight, in the middle of the square, a figure was dancing a strange dance, while on the periphery of the square there were densely packed figures, obviously ordinary tribe members!

The square was surrounded by ordinary people cheering, and Chen Fan was among the crowd.

"It's finally about to start, the ceremony of the Tarot Tribe!"

At this time, Chen Fan was wearing a loose robe in the style of the Tarot tribe, and in such a restless and dense crowd, naturally no one doubted his identity!

And he just silently watched the sacrificial ceremony held in the middle of the square.

Under the light of the fire, figures in the middle of the square stopped dancing.

Soon there was a loud roar, but a white tiger leaped from the darkness in the distance, and a figure was sitting on it!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

On it is also a figure in a gray robe, but with a special crown on its head and a strangely shaped staff in its hand!

Ordinary people in the surrounding tribes also knelt and saluted one after another, obviously their status was unusual.

"My lord priest!"

"Master Japar!"

Chen Fan hid in the crowd but his eyes lit up, but he was not in a hurry to make a move.

"Bring up the sacrifice!"

Following the appearance of the figure riding the white tiger, a voice sounded loudly, and immediately someone escorted the figure onto the high platform of the square!

These people include men, women, and children, some wearing other tribal costumes, and some dressed in grand costumes. They are all bound by ropes, and they are the so-called sacrifices!

The white tiger opened its mouth wide, let out a long roar, and jumped towards the sacrifices!

Men, women and children are all panicked and in a mess.

The person sitting on top of the white tiger suddenly tapped the white tiger's body with the staff in his hand, but the white tiger turned his head sideways, and went straight to the outside of the square, in the direction of the ordinary people around.


The white tiger shifted around and soon came to the edge of the square.

At the same time, the members of the Tarot tribe around the square crowded over enthusiastically one by one, and all shouted for your lord.

Chen Fan also remained calm, pretending to be a fanatical believer, and squeezed forward with the flow of people.

But when he got close to the position, it exploded in an instant, and the thunder was rippling. His body quickly rushed to the square, and the high-grade spirit sword in the Sumeru Ring appeared in his hand in an instant!


Don't hide your killing intent anymore!

Yuan Dan burst out instantly, turned into a phantom, and walked towards the white tiger, holding the sword firmly in his hand.

At this moment, everyone around trembled, feeling the terrifying power.


The giant white tiger didn't have time to dodge, so it jumped into the air and charged at Chen Fan on its own initiative!

The bloody wind blows, and the ordinary people of the Tarot tribe around scream and scatter!

This white tiger is huge in size, and it is at least a monster with a seventh layer or more. It is very scary!

But Chen Fan didn't change his face, and the Thunder Killing Sword Qi slashed out vertically and horizontally.


After a sword.

Amidst the white tiger's wailing, it was chopped into two pieces by Chen Fan!


A lot of blood was splashed, but Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked to the other side.

The person riding the white tiger just now had already switched positions when the white tiger rushed out!

The speed was so fast that even Chen Fan didn't have time to change his move!

Following Chen Fan's sudden attack, the square was in chaos at this time, but no one expected that an assassin dared to assassinate the High Priest!

"It's a killer! Come on, kill him!"

"Dare to assassinate the priest and destroy the sacrifice, this person must die!"

One after another, figures rushed towards Chen Fan's position, many of them were people with gray robes covering their faces, and they were all the so-called "soldiers of the gods" of the Tarot tribe!

Chen Fan's body transformed into lightning again, heading towards the priest!

His physique has been strengthened, and his explosive power has also been multiplied many times. With the blessing of the thunder and lightning artistic conception, his speed is frighteningly fast!

Even Nagapal looked ugly.

Chen Fan cut the white tiger in half with one sword, and he was also shocked!

The strength shown by Chen Fan is already enough to threaten him!

He secretly thought something was wrong, raised the strange staff in his hand, and waved it forward!


In an instant, a strong gust of wind hits our faces!

"It really is the artistic conception of wind!" Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

People from these tribes also practice martial arts and mind, and even know many martial arts and mind skills.

Otherwise, Su He wouldn't have recognized Chen Fan's Thunderbolt Yiwu at a glance!

Chen Fan moved forward with a horizontal sword, the power of heaven and earth surged wildly, and the sword energy with killing intent came out!


The sharp sword energy instantly passed through the strong wind and headed towards Nagapal!

Japal's body turned into a phantom, his eyes suddenly flashed with purple brilliance, his body suddenly became light, and he moved backwards quickly with the impact of Chen Fan's rippling sword energy!

"What kind of movement technique is this?" Chen Fan also frowned.

It would be fine if the opponent showed a powerful move that broke Chen Fan's sword energy, but this person easily avoided Chen Fan's move with such a wonderful movement technique, which made Chen Fan a little unexpected!

"At the beginning, I wanted to attack the demon girl Qingluo, it seems that she has used a similar technique..."

As Chen Fan failed to make a contribution, all the "God Warriors" around him also swarmed!

Each holding a weapon, all kinds of true energy rolled towards Chen Fan one after another.

Chen Fan's eyes were sharp, but he instantly activated the defense of the high-grade spiritual weapon embroidered clothes!

At the same time, a sword was slashed vertically and horizontally, defeating most of the moves.

At the same time, the rippling spiritual light in Chen Fan's hand flickered, blocking the remaining rippling true essence and power of heaven and earth!

Although the embroidered clothing is a standard spirit weapon, it is also a top-grade spirit weapon with a very strong defense.


Although there is no problem for the time being, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

The strongest person in the Tarot tribe is the high priest Japar.

Chen Fan's initial plan was to strike suddenly and kill the opponent quickly.

With the death of the Ninth Layer Warrior, the tribe will naturally be defeated.

But I underestimated how difficult it is for a martial artist of the artistic conception of wind!

Although the warriors around Chen Fan are not afraid, but they block the way, and they will cause Chen Fan a lot of trouble!

"Foreigners, catch them quickly, and I will spare you a way out!"

The High Priest Gapal's voice was cold and stern, but he was a certain distance away from Chen Fan. Obviously, he was also very afraid of Chen Fan's strength just now!

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Fan to give up directly.

He also has a "Ten Thousand Miles No Trace Talisman", so his own safety must be guaranteed, and the High Priest Gapal is probably a relatively weak existence in Jiuzhong, but Chen Fan does not intend to run away!

Instead, he raised his sword again, and the sword light was piercing!

Chen Fan's body flickered back and forth like a phantom.

Chi Chi Chi!

The fighters of the Tarot tribe, who were a little closer nearby, couldn't even take a single move, and they were bloody.

In an instant, he lay down on the ground and counted people!

Even the "Warrior of God" who has reached the seventh level can't stop Chen Fan's terrifying ultimate move at all!

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