My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 254 Chen Wudao

Under the night.

Thunder howls!

A man with pale skin and less than one meter running wildly in the night!

Then his face changed suddenly, the sword in his hand swung violently, and he looked to the side: "Who?"

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure descended from the sky, and a man suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan!

He was also wearing embroidered clothes but no hat. He was a middle-aged man with short hair.

Chen Fan froze, and looked at the person in front of him in horror!

This person appeared in front of him without warning, not even a meter away!

With Chen Fan's strength, although a lot of blood is burning at this time, and there is no strength left, but his god is extremely powerful and his perception is extremely strong, this kind of thing is unimaginable!

If this person wants to harm himself, he will be powerless to resist!

However, he was wearing embroidered clothes, which also made Chen Fan's tense spirit relax a little.

The man also glanced at Chen Fan in surprise.

"Interesting, did your body awaken some kind of blood power, and it was able to shrink to such an extent?"

Speaking of one of his fingers, a flash of spiritual light instantly flew out and merged into Chen Fan's body.

Chen Fan only felt warm and comfortable for a while, and most of the injuries in his body healed in an instant, and new blood continued to be produced, but if he wanted to regain his original strength, he had to absorb the blood spirit flower!

Chen Fan quickly changed his body to the size of a normal person, then took a deep breath and clasped his fists, "I don't know which senior from Xiuyilou you are, but you are here..."

The man smiled and looked at Chen Fan: "Didn't you call for help?"

Chen Fan was terrified, but he didn't expect the power of Xiuyilou to be so strong.

When I asked for help, someone appeared directly in front of me!

In fact, if Chen Fan was the only one asking for help, the Embroidery Building would not dispatch such a person, only people from the nearby Embroidery Building would come to the rescue!

But when Chen Fan tore the barrier, Le Shaoyuan and other warriors in Xiuyilou also sent out the distress messages.

Many embroidered clothes envoys asked for help, and Le Shaoyuan, a talented and promising fighter from the Sky Building, could attract the attention of a boss of this level!

In fact, its arrival is also a coincidence!

Chen Fan cupped his fists and quickly pointed in the direction of the scarlet barrier behind him, briefly introducing the situation:

"We encircled and suppressed the Wujianmen forces and the followers of the cult 'Paradise', but encountered a trap. Brother Le said that there was a demon descending, and let us find a way to escape. I used all means to finally escape from that barrier..."

The man frowned when he heard the words: "Heavenly Demon?!"

He also stopped ink marks, grabbed Chen Fan's shoulder, and took a step forward!

In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the scarlet enchantment again.

Chen Fan was also terrified. After running for a while, he couldn't compare to others who took one step. What kind of power is this? Who is this from the Xiuyi Building? !

And he narrowed his eyes to look at the red enchantment in front of him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Chen Fan again in surprise:

"I'm afraid it's hard to break through this enchantment, so it's hard for you to escape..."

Chen Fan was also startled, and immediately responded: "The disciple has some special methods..."

The man shook his head, and took another look at Chen Fan: "It's not bad... But, it's also fortunate that you tore up the barrier, otherwise I wouldn't be able to catch up if the distress signal was blocked!"

He waved his hand.

Wow! !

A huge arched door suddenly appeared in the originally extremely tough barrier, and as the door opened, a vast and bloody aura also came out of it!

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the dark place in the distance, there was nothing there, but he seemed to see everything, shook his head and said:

"It's a demon, but it's not a demon, what is this?!"

As his voice fell, Chen Fan felt dizzy again, and when he reappeared, he was already in the middle of the town.

In the sky, a monster with wings on its back, like a black dragon, floats in the sky, and its body exudes a terrifying and tyrannical aura!

Just looking at it, Chen Fan felt his scalp go numb, and his whole body's vital energy stagnated!

On the opposite side, Le Shaoyuan was disheveled, bloody all over, holding a long sword in his hand in a panic, and kept waving the long sword to resist this demon!

Every time Chen Fan saw Le Shaoyuan, he would directly use flying swords to kill people. This was the first time Chen Fan saw him holding a sword, and at this time his aura fluctuated, as if he had been seriously injured.

And at the moment when Chen Faner suddenly appeared.

Le Shaoyuan's originally desperate eyes lit up instantly.

"Master Landlord? Why are you here?!"

Chen Fan also shuddered.

The Embroidery Building is divided into the third floor of Heaven, Earth and Human. The owners of the Human Building and the Earth Building are all ten-level limiters, while the owner of the Sky Building is a master of immortality. Naturally, there is no need to say more about his strength!

"It's no wonder you have such powerful supernatural powers, so you're an expert of this level!" Chen Fan was astonished, but at the same time envious!

I don’t know if this host masters the special supernatural power of teleportation, is it one of the highest secret codes of Xiuyilou...

"It's hard for you..." The landlord nodded at Le Shaoyuan, then waved his hand, a flash of spiritual light floated towards Le Shaoyuan, and Le Shaoyuan's whole body was filled with breath!

At the same time, the Heavenly Demon floating in the sky that day felt the terrifying pressure on the landlord, and instantly turned into a streamer and went away into the distance!

The landlord raised his hand indifferently.

An invisible force erupted, and Chen Fan only felt the colorful lights flickering in front of his eyes, but he was slightly distracted, but he saw the huge demon in the sky suddenly turned into countless pieces of meat!

Just a moment.

The demon who is enough to slaughter all the remaining fighters in an enchantment, who can set off a frenzy of destruction in Jianlong County, and cause countless killings, just collapsed completely under the opponent's one move!

Chen Fan took a deep breath and fell into a daze.

It was only when Le Shaoyuan recovered from his absence that he clasped his fists together: "Thank you for saving my life!"

The landlord shook his head, and pointed at Chen Fan with a smile: "If it weren't for this kid, your entire army might be wiped out right now."

Le Shaoyuan also looked at Chen Fan strangely, "Thank you, Junior Brother Chen Fan!"

Chen Fan waved his hands again and again.

Hearing what Le Shaoyuan said, the landlord was slightly taken aback: "So you are Chen Fan, you are really unusual..."

Chen Fan's reputation in the imperial capital is not small, because he was crowned as the first genius in the big business, which caused dissatisfaction among many genius disciples.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Fan again.

"Cultivate well, your future is boundless."

He said this, and then turned to look at Le Shaoyuan: "The Heavenly Demon is dead, and the rest will be left to you..."

In his capacity, he was willing to come here, but because many Xiuyilou warriors asked for help at the same time, he just happened to be free.

For such a character, such behavior is just a temporary idea!

Even if he didn't come, no one would dare to criticize him.

After saying that, he stepped forward and disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant.

Chen Fan took a deep breath:

"The landlord, is he the chief landlord of our embroidery building?"

Le Shaoyuan also nodded:

"That's right, he is the main owner of my Embroidery Building and the owner of the Tianzhi Building, Chen Wudao, known as the number one expert in Dagan... the death of Emperor Dagan, the stability of the country depends on this lord !"

Hearing this, Chen Fan gasped again:

"No. 1 master?!"

Whether the so-called number one master is true or false, it means that his strength is absolutely powerful!

And since this is the landlord himself, it also means that he is the immortal master.

It is estimated that there will not be many people in the realm of longevity in the whole Dagan!

No wonder the method is so powerful!

Le Shaoyuan flipped his hands and took out a elixir and took it:

"Junior Brother Chen Fan, let's stop talking nonsense. Although the Heavenly Demon has been eliminated at this time, the crisis has not yet been completely resolved..."

Chen Fan also understood in his heart, separated from Le Shaoyuan, and went to rescue other warriors separately!

And at the same time.

In a dark corner, a girl in black and white clothes put down the hood on her head to cover her eyes.

"It's too bullying for Chen Wudao to end up communicating among juniors..."

When Chen Wudao appeared and instantly killed the Heavenly Demon, all his arrangements and visions naturally came to naught.

"The turmoil in Dagan is not so easy to quell, my chance will come again sooner or later..."

Her body is like an illusion, disappearing in the blink of an eye!

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