My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 393 Situation and Choice

After finishing the retreat, Chen Fan went to see the prince immediately.

Prince Liu Lun had a subtle expression: "It's really a coincidence that you recover from your injuries and leave the customs... You should not go out in a short time, and stay in the Prince's Mansion."

Chen Fan was slightly taken aback, then narrowed his eyes: "I've been in seclusion for the past few months, what happened?"

The prince nodded his head and spoke eloquently.

Only now did Chen Fan know.

It turned out that the Yuan Demon Sect sent out a great master of immortality, leading a large number of demon troops to attack Dagan head-on!

Several counties in Dagan fell, and hundreds of millions of people died, shaking the entire Dagan.

"Billions of people died?!"

Chen Fan also stared wide-eyed.

The population of an ordinary medium-sized county may be just over 100 million.

100 million people died, equivalent to the death of an entire county's population!

This horrific number is horrifying.

Too many people died!

You must know that there are many frictions between Dagan and Dachang, and there have been wars on the border for several years, but the cumulative number of deaths is only tens of millions!

Hundreds of millions of people died in a major invasion of the Yuan Demon Sect, but this is a bit too exaggerated.

The prince is also nodding his head:

"The reason why the Demon Army of the Yuan Demon Sect can cause such terrible harm to Daqian is also because of the assistance of many disciples of the Yuan Demon Sect lurking in Dagan, as well as the actions of the remaining forces of the Qingyi League."

"Yuan Mozong's magic gate method requires dead people to practice, including summoning demons and raising demons, all of which need to kill living beings. Although most of the dead are civilians and low-level warriors, so many people have died, it is still a big deal to me The fate of the country has had an extremely profound impact..."

Chen Fan also understands why Daqian pays so much attention to Daqian as soon as there are traces of Yuan Mozong's actions, and even the Ascension Sect in the center of the mainland will send assistants.

It is really a demon sect like the Yuan Demon Sect, who has gone too far!

Even Dachang next door, after fighting with Dagan for so long, rarely did such a brutal massacre happen.

And his expression was a little anxious, and he couldn't help but said: "I don't know from which side the demon army of the Yuan Demon Sect invaded Dagan, and which counties were invaded?"

Naturally, he was most worried about the northwest region!

The prince also hurriedly said:

"Don't worry, the northwest region is close to the Dao Sect of the Spirit God after all. The Yuan Demon Sect is attacking with all its strength. Naturally, it wants to avoid the edge of the Dao Sect of the Spirit God and dare not get too close to the Dao Sect. They invaded from the east of Dagan..."

A full-scale invasion is different from the previous small scenes in various places. One or two heavenly demons or generals will not attract the attention of the Lingshen Dao Sect, but the Yuan Demon Sect has a full-scale invasion, and the Lingshen Dao Sect has to worry about it.

And if there was an accident in Qinghe County in the northwest, the prince should have informed Chen Fan to leave the customs.

While Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes became sharper and he frowned.

"In the past, the Yuan Demon Sect was just creating chaos in various places in Dagan. Occasionally, some Yuan Demon Sect disciples were active. Why did they suddenly attack in an all-round way?"

Chen Fan couldn't help but said: "Could it be that the Seven Saint Devil Emperor made a move?!"

Although Yuan Mozong was strong, he didn't dare to attack Dagan with all his strength.

After all, Yuan Mozong did not have other enemies on the mainland.

But Yuan Mozong dared to make such a big move, Chen Fan could only think that the Devil Emperor had come!

The crown prince shook his head: "It's not the Seventh Sacred Devil Emperor who made the move this time, but the direct disciple of the Seventh Sacred Devil Emperor, Gong Jianxiu, is also a peerless master at the second level of longevity!"

Chen Fan's face also turned cold: "Eternal Life Level 2?!"

The realm of longevity is already the highest realm of warriors pursued by countless warriors!

Even Chen Fan is a powerful fighter who is powerless to face with all means!

Even the masters of Daqian and Immortality are mostly at the first level.

The strongest Chen Wudao is the third level, but he is only one level higher than this person.

The prince had a subtle expression and continued:

"The Seven Saint Devil Emperor's subordinates are extremely powerful. He has been eyeing Daqian for so long, and a full-scale invasion will happen sooner or later. However, the god operator of Tianji Tower said that this devil emperor seems to be in a special place and cannot return..."

"But this time Gong Jianxiu led so many demon troops to fight together, it is a signal... I am afraid that the demon emperor will come soon."

The prince narrowed his eyes slightly:

"It's just that before the Devil Emperor arrives, it's an opportunity for us. The owner of Xiuyi Building, Chen Wudao, is the number one powerhouse in Daqian. With his strength, if he can kill Gong Jianxiu before the Devil Emperor arrives... we In the future, the odds of winning against the Seven Saint Devil Emperor will be greatly increased!"

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes slightly.

The prince continued:

"At this time, the eastern region has almost become the battlefield for my Dagan and Yuan Mozong to fight."

"Chen Wudao and the other immortals have all rushed to the east. The Zhenma Division itself was established to resist the Yuan Mozong. At this time, most of the members have gone to the east..."

"If you leave the customs at this time, you will definitely be recruited by the town magician."

The prince advised:

"Although I am currently in the upper hand, the danger is still too high. You should continue to retreat, wait until the end of the war, we will win, and you go out, and I will naturally help you arrange the operation credit..."

Chen Fan shook his head, and said decisively: "No, I'm going to the east now!"

The prince also frowned helplessly when he heard the words:

"Chen Fan, I know that your heart is about the country... It's just that this is not the time to be impulsive. Do you know what the chaos in the east is like?"

"As my top genius, you are still the first genius recognized by the Tianji Building. It would be a pity if you died in the hands of the Demon Sect or some secret forces at this cultivation level."

But the crown prince takes his own safety very seriously!

Chen Fan could also feel that the prince was really anxious.

This made Chen Fan feel delicate.

I haven't been with the prince for a long time, but I have to say that the prince still cares about me very much.

It's just that sometimes it makes Chen Fan a little uncomfortable.

He looked directly at the prince:

"The front line of the Demon Sect is long enough, and I have an advantage in the strength of Dagan. This is a great opportunity for me to make contributions. I am not a fool...but how can the real strong hide?"

In fact, the Duke of the Yuan Demon Sect led an army of millions of demons, plus an unknown number of Demon Sect disciples.

Almost all the counties in the east of Dagan became the battlefield between Dagan and Yuan Mozong.

Just a few Dao Fruits and Longevity, how easy it is to meet them!

Moreover, there are no eggs under the nest, and Chen Fan's full strength can even threaten Daoguo, and he has already stepped into the highest level of strength in Daqian.

If you don't dare to go here, what kind of martial arts are you practicing!

Needless to say.

This kind of chaos is what he likes best.

Whether it is fishing in troubled waters or secretly revenge, it is a very suitable opportunity!

Everyone is in a ball, it is quite reasonable for anyone to die, it is a normal thing...

Seeing Chen Fan's resolute attitude, the prince also sighed:

"Sometimes, I really have to say, I admire you very much... Such an excellent talent, and this kind of courage, no wonder you can come to this point."

"I'm not talking nonsense, there are still two years until Yuanshou's ceremony, I still need your talent, I need you to help me win the emperor's spirit, you...don't die on the battlefield."

Speaking of which, the prince's eyes were subtle, but he solemnly pulled down a dragon-shaped pendant from his heart.

Handed over.

"You put this thing away. This thing is Dragon Soul Jade, which is related to my Tianzi Qi, which can be transformed into Tianzi Sword!"

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