Under the induction of Chen Fan's star seal, Feng Cao actually entered the ancient ruins.

And he came alone, without anyone else around him!

"How dare he leave the imperial capital? Aren't you afraid of running into Zhongli Chenghe?"

Zhongli Chenghe escaped from Heavenly Prison, Feng Cao, as Zhongli Chenghe's apprentice and a traitor from the Xingchen Gate, dared to leave the imperial capital at such a time, it was really courageous.

However, the space in this ancient ruins is chaotic, and immortal masters dare not enter. In fact, they are still safe when they enter.

And Chen Fan's eyes flashed suddenly:

"Zhao Tianhua said that the secret realm that will be born is a medicine garden in the ruins here, and the person probably came here for those elixir!"

It has been able to survive until now, even if it was only the most common elixir at the beginning, after so many years, it has become a peerless elixir of more than ten thousand years.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but his consciousness converged from the light spot where he was, and then he sensed to find the light spot where Zhongli Chenghe was.

It's a pity that Zhongli Chenghe should still be recuperating in the Yuanshang Secret Realm, so Chen Fan couldn't sense it, so naturally he couldn't inform him that he was waiting outside.

shook his head.

Feng Cao's goal should be the elixir secret realm, while Chen Fan's goal is contrary to these people.

And although he wanted to kill Feng Cao.

But he is not impulsive.

"With my current strength, even with the suppression of the Star God Seal, I can at best match this person. If I want to kill him, it is impossible..."

Chen Fan restrained his thoughts rationally.

Turn your head and move on.

And he soon arrived at his destination.


A deserted area, among the ruins.

"This is it, such a remote place, I don't know how Zhao Kong found it!"

There are weed-covered ruins everywhere on both sides.

Chen Fan raised the jade tablet in his hand, and soon a spiritual light rose from the jade tablet.

And in front of the countless ruins in front of him, there was an illusory door in the style of a purple-red vortex portal.

Chen Fan stepped straight into it.

The body moved around, but when he opened his eyes, he entered an empty hall.

The main hall still maintains a style similar to that of the external ruins.

On the top of the empty hall, there is only a staircase that glows like an illusion.

Chen Fan took a deep breath and looked towards the stairs in front of him.

"That's it!"

The key to Chen Fan's opportunity is this staircase.

According to Zhao Kong, this staircase is a special test for the ancient ruins.

There are eighteen steps in total.

The more steps you can step on, the more corresponding opportunities you will get.

But each layer is under enormous pressure.

The reason why Zhao Kong was able to practice to the seventh level of Martial Dao so quickly was because he reached the seventh level of the stairs, where he got a set of special secret techniques and a very special Void Saint-level pill!

The huge potency of that illusory sage-level elixir was deposited in his body, which provided him with great convenience in his practice, and he was able to break through the seventh level so quickly!

It's just that people with different cultivation levels are on the ladder, and they bear different pressures.

"One jade card can have three trial opportunities, so Zhao Kong has already used it twice, and now there is only one chance!"

Chen Fan licked his lips.

It's just that Zhao Kong is subject to certain special regulations and cannot disclose it to Chen Fan. What kind of pressure is the pressure of this test? Is it on the body or in the soul?

But Chen Fan didn't care. Compared with his cultivation, his consciousness and body were both extremely powerful.

Then Zhao Kong can get the elixir of the virtual saint level, why can't he get a elixir of the true saint level?

After a little grooming, he stepped onto the first flight of stairs.

But after taking this step, his mind was shocked.

I felt a rush of pressure all over my body.

At the same time, his sea of ​​consciousness also set off turbulent waves.

A torrent of pressure poured in.

At this moment, Chen Fan's spiritual world and physical body were both shocked by terror, and it turned out to be both pressures!

After a few breaths, Chen Fan opened his eyes with a slightly dignified expression:

"My cultivation base is only at the ninth level, but the pressure I'm under, without the peak strength of the ninth level, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist... This trial is simple, but not easy..."

Chen Fan tried it, and he could activate the Star God Seal without any hindrance.

"This test can't help but use foreign objects?"

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled.

I didn't expect it either.

For him, this is naturally great news. The Star God Seal in his hand is a treasure that can withstand the impact of the immortal master's soul!

He licked his lips, but deliberately did not activate the Star God Seal to resist the impact of the spirit.

"Such a good opportunity is hard to find outside..."

But he wants to take advantage of this opportunity to hone his consciousness and will!

His "Forging God Art" is about to be completed, and his spiritual consciousness is about to break through the peak of Bing Xin, but this challenge is an excellent opportunity for breakthrough.

And the impact of this first level, although powerful, is not enough to hurt Chen Fan, and it does not have a great effect on his training.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan stepped up the stairs again.

The previous pressures might be overwhelming for other ninth-level warriors, but it was an easy test for Chen Fan.

He continued to step forward in one breath, until he reached the seventh level before he felt a little bit difficult!

The pressure Chen Fan was facing at this moment, even a martial arts master who had just entered the tenth level could not resist it.

"Zhao Kong said that he only reached the seventh step for the second time, and in exchange for the Void Saint-level pill, this kid actually managed to get here..."

Although this step is different according to each person's cultivation level, the pressure they face is also different.

But it is extremely difficult for Zhao Kong to reach this level, and his own strength and will probably far exceed his current cultivation!

"Zhao Kong's master, Jimo Zi, is an abandoned disciple of the Yuan Demon Sect. Although his strength is not very strong, he probably has some special methods for teaching disciples..."

Chen Fan shook his head.

After a little adjustment, he stepped onto the eighth stage.

After reaching the eighth level, the pressure he received was also great, and his speed of advancing backwards also slowed down a lot.

And when he reached the tenth level, or the eleventh level, his body could still bear the pressure at this time, but he couldn't hold it mentally.

"It's too exaggerated. There are 18 steps in total. I am much stronger than my fellow cultivators who are warriors. It is a little difficult to support when I reach the eleventh step. It shows that this impact is enough to affect the spiritual consciousness that is close to the peak of Bing Xin. warriors..."

Those whose spiritual consciousness can reach the peak of Bing Xin are generally at the third level of the Dao Domain, or even at the Dao Fruit Realm!

Chen Fan originally wanted to directly activate the Star God Seal to resist the impact.

I just thought about it carefully, but I gritted my teeth and held on.

"Since I want to take this opportunity to hone my spiritual sense, I can't rely on others as soon as I feel the pressure!"

He gritted his teeth, got used to the eleventh step, and then stepped onto the twelfth step.

The moment he stepped onto the twelfth step, his face instantly turned pale.

It was as if his head had been hit head-on with a huge, invisible hammer.

This pressure has almost reached the limit of his own spiritual resistance.

It's just that his eyes are shining, but there is a stern smile on his mouth, "This is the taste!"

Under the constant impact of the soul, his consciousness was indeed damaged, but this terrifying pressure also made his sea of ​​consciousness more condensed, and the efficiency of "Forging God Art" practice was also constantly improving.

Where there is pressure, there is motivation.

If left to the outside world, Chen Fan's practice of "Forging God Art" in a day may not be as fast as a quarter of an hour of practice under such pressure!

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