My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 532 Double Blockade

Chen Fan returned to Qinghe County again.

Since it is very difficult to deal with the ancestor of the Zhao family by himself, it is better to ask a powerful master to help!

He didn't know the specific strength of the demon general in front of him, but knowing that it was at the level of longevity was enough.

Chaos primordial demon has a certain sense of "immortality", even if it is not as strong as that ancestor of the Zhao family, it can definitely match him head-on.

The demon general opened his lantern-like eyes and looked at Chen Fan with great interest:

"Dwarf, you are here again, have you found a way to save me?"

Chen Fan nodded directly, and took out a special gourd with a flick of his hand.

"I have a gourd of water from the Yellow Spring. I don't know if it is enough to help you get rid of the seal?"

The demon general's eyes flickered when he heard the words, with an unconcealable surprise on his face, he said in a low voice:

"I didn't expect you to get this kind of treasure. It's really great. Although the water from the underworld is small, it is enough to help me break a little bit of the seal... As long as there is a little gap, I can break the seal and escape! "

Chen Fan nodded, but did not act in a hurry, and then said:

"I can release your Excellency... But before that, we must first make an agreement."

There was a flash of anxiety in the demon general's huge eyes, he nodded and said:

"I said, if you save me, go out. I am willing to serve you as my master and be driven by you. If you die, I will also help protect your descendants... However, the time will last up to 10,000 years!"

Chen Fan shook his head:

"I don't need Your Excellency to serve me as master, I just want Your Excellency to do a little me deal with a warrior..."

The demon general was taken aback for a moment, but then suddenly smiled: "This is simpler, within a few days... Maybe there are humans who can fight me, but there are no humans I fear!"

Chen Fan nodded, and then asked, "I don't know your name yet?"

The demon general paused for a moment, and then recalled, "According to your human race, my name is... Rama."

"Lord Rama!"

Chen Fan nodded, and took the water from the Yellow Spring and stepped forward, but he didn't wait to get close to the demon.


The chains around his body spread out one by one, intertwined like thick strands of hair, instantly forming a special enchantment ball!


Block Chen Fan far away from the outside!

In fact, the seal that can seal a long-lived demon is also extremely meticulous and complicated.

Chen Fan can also feel the terrifying power contained in this seal...

The voice of the huge primordial demon sounded from inside: "Dwarf, you sprinkle the water of the underworld on the chain, and leave the next thing to me..."

Chen Fan also nodded when he heard the words, and immediately urged his spiritual consciousness to move the water from the yellow spring, and sprinkled it on the densely intertwined chain enchantment.

Chi Chi Chi!

As the water of the underworld sprinkled on it, streams of black smoke rose suddenly, and then the earth trembled.

Accompanied by the size of the primordial demon, there were roaring sounds.

Chen Fan backed away immediately, and then squinted his eyes to see what happened in front of him.

It's just that Yuan Mo's laughter didn't last for too long, neither did the roar and the tremor of the ground, they stopped abruptly, and the water from the Yellow Spring covering the chains also flew upside down!

Chen Fan immediately mobilized his consciousness to collect all the remaining water from the underworld into the gourd.

His face showed pain.

This time, he directly consumed half a gourd of water from the underworld!

It consumes more than the branding of his Taoist weapon!

Immediately afterwards, the stunned voice of the demon general also came from the enchantment ball: "There is a problem with this seal!"

Chen Fan's face also froze suddenly, "Your Excellency, are you kidding me?"

The demon general was full of anger, his huge body swayed back and forth, and the ground trembled accordingly. His demon general shouted:

"It's a double enchantment. I underestimated the importance Dagan attached to me and the power of the seal... Do you have any other means, or an attack card that is powerful enough to reach the threshold of longevity? We will be able to tear this apart if we attack together inside and outside. gap!"

After all, Rama is a peerless demon in the realm of longevity.

Naturally, the barrier arranged by Dagan couldn't be broken so easily.

If anyone with the water from the underworld can rescue the devil, then Daqian's protection is too weak!

Chen Fan frowned deeply upon hearing this.

He has the "Hongmeng Sword", and he is confident that the power of the "Hongmeng Sword" is strong enough to reach the level of immortality, but he is not willing to easily waste the "Hongmeng Sword" on breaking the seal.

Even with the blessing of true energy, the consumption of activating the "Hongmeng Sword" is still very high.

And this may not necessarily help him open the seal.

Suddenly he thought of something.

"I have another way. As for whether it can be done, it depends on God's will..."

He immediately activated the White Emperor Armor, after increasing his true energy, his consciousness was thrown into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he activated the Star God Seal.

Use the "bro" seal of the star god seal.

A flash of spiritual light was instantly imprinted on the chain enchantment...


call out!

The sky streamer flickers.

The ancestor of the Zhao family stopped in front of a vast lake.

"It's strange, the kid's position stopped here just now, why can't he suddenly sense it?"

He frowned, and his consciousness swept across the entire lake.


The lake seemed to be boiling, and countless bubbles were constantly drilling out from under it.

The ground also began to tremble violently.

Then a manic and chaotic atmosphere also came from the bottom of the lake.


He widened his eyes, and saw that in the lake, black chains formed a spherical barrier, shining with dazzling aura, but at this moment, the spherical barrier was full of cracks.

The next moment.


A claw tore the black chain into countless pieces, and the spherical barrier shattered into two halves.

Suddenly, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the lake water stirred up rolling eddies.

The vitality of the surrounding world suddenly ran away, rushing into the vortex in the lake.

Then clatter.

The earth broke open suddenly, gravel and lake water scattered.

The body of a demon with two horns on its head suddenly expanded, and it grew to ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet in the blink of an eye...

It has been maintained at a size of nearly fifty feet before finally stopping.

"Hahahaha! Trapped for thousands of years, I, Rama, am finally free!"

Hearing this voice, the ancestors of the Zhao family suddenly froze!

"Demon General Rama, it turns out that this guy was sealed in Qinghe County!"

Dayong is really powerful, the magic generals in the top ranks, those who cannot be killed are all secretly sealed.

Only a few high-level officials who worked hard thousands of years ago know the specific seal location.

This ancestor of the Zhao family was not strong enough thousands of years ago, and he was not qualified to know the place of this magic seal.

The reason why the demon general was not unsealed when the Yuan Demon Sect invaded was naturally because he could not find...

His eyes were sharp, his face was full of dignity, and his eyes were also looking at a figure floating beside Rama.

At this moment, beside the incomparably tall Rama, this person also looked unusually small.

"Chen Fan! It was him, he released this demon general, how did he do it?!"

The ancestor of the Zhao family also had a look of surprise on his face.

He felt that Chen Fan's breath was a little weak at this time, and the butterfly spirit beast had disappeared, and he didn't know where it went.

He suddenly turned into aura, and in an instant he came before the person and the demon:

"Chen Fan, you actually released this monster. Do you know what kind of strength this monster is, and what serious consequences it will cause? The entire Northwest may be destroyed by him!"

Chen Fan sneered, but he didn't even look at him, but turned to look at the huge magic general next to him:

"Your Excellency, Demon General, please don't forget my promise!"

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