My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 590 Blackmail

To be honest, Daoguo cultivation is not bad, even very strong.

No matter where it is placed, even in such a huge dynasty as Daqian, he will be respected and treated as a peerless powerhouse!

But for Chen Fan at this time, he was not too afraid.

Hearing that the person is not Changsheng, Chen Fan also heaved a sigh of relief, and asked again: "I heard... there are immortal masters sitting behind your Gu Yuefang?"

Hu Zong nodded again and again: "My mother's great-grandfather, Gong Xian, is the immortal figure behind my Gu Yuefang!"

People in the realm of longevity have a long lifespan, and generally they will not have too few children.

Except for the newly promoted Changsheng, or Changsheng with weird personality and temper, other longevity masters usually have a big family behind them.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief again.

The owner of Gu Yuefang and that Gong Xian are quite different in seniority, and may be valued by them, but they will definitely not be treated as their own flesh and blood. The probability of wanting to obtain the fragments of the Heavenly Book is naturally much higher...

As for Gu Yuefang, there is only such a long-lived patriarch, and nine times out of ten it is only the first level of long-lived.

This also made Chen Fan more confident.


at the same time.

Ancient Moon City.

In an elegant garden, a middle-aged man in a white robe was furious, extremely angry:

"What? Zong'er was forcibly taken away in his villa, trash, what are you doing to eat?!"

The person is Hu Tian, ​​the owner of Gu Yue Fang, and also the founder of Gu Yue Fang.

Of course, if he hadn't relied on a master of immortality behind him, Gu Yuefang's business might not have reached the current level.

As a martial artist of the tenfold, Dao fruit realm, he also has many heirs.

But Hu Zong was the only one among the sons born to his original wife who successfully entered the top ten.

If it were other heirs, he might not care if a group of them died.

However, Hu Zong is the son listed by him as an inheritor, so he is completely different from others!

On the opposite side of him, there is a row of warriors dressed as guards kneeling.

Uncle Geng was in the middle.

His head was dripping with cold sweat:

"It's because the subordinates are incompetent. There are more than one assassin, they are too powerful, and their actions are too erratic. We don't care about the formation. There is nothing we can do..."

Hu Tian frowned, and said unhappily: "Where are the Yuhuamen? They just watched Zong'er being kidnapped?"

The warrior smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that you from the Yuhua Sect didn't take action, but they couldn't stop that person...that person's methods are really powerful."

"Can't people from the Yuhuamen be stopped?" Hu Tian's expression was even more stagnant, standing tall enough, he also knew the horror of the Yuhuamen best.

My Gu Yuefang looks amazing, but in fact, it can't even compare to the feathers of Yuhuamen.

Although Luo Caiwei's strength is only at the second level of the Dao Domain, but without the strength of Dao Fruit, it is impossible to be her opponent.

People like this can't be stopped...

He frowned: "There shouldn't be such a powerful master among those who escaped from Lingyunmen. Who the hell is it... It's other forces who discovered the secret of Lingyunmen..."

Thoughts were running wild in his mind.

Gu Yuefang expanded extremely fast, so it was inevitable that there would be enemies.

As for the forces that can be regarded as enemies by Gu Yuefang, there are not many in the entire Qianyan country.

"Anyway, no matter who the person who kidnapped Zong'er is, since he didn't choose to kill Zong'er, but chose to capture Zong'er alive, it means everything can be changed!"

He also settled down for a while, and then immediately waved his hands to repel the surroundings, sat down on the chair helplessly, and kept rubbing his temples with his hands.

At this moment, he stood up suddenly, but the jade tablet on his waist was continuously emitting light.

" Zong'er?"

This jade tablet is also a communication device, similar to a communication stone.

He also realized that it was not Hu Zong who was contacting him, but the person who kidnapped Hu Zong was looking for him.

It's nothing more than wanting to negotiate terms with myself.

He took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his state, wiped away the anger, anxiety and other emotions on his face, and then picked up the token.

Soon, the projection of Chen Fan's disguise appeared on the token.

"Your Excellency kidnapped the dog Hu Zong?"

Hu Tian looked as stable as Mount Tai, and did not show too much anxiety and worry:

"Your Excellency is not an ordinary person who can break through the numerous guards around Gouzi and take him away. Naturally, you know the strength of my Gu Yuefang. You should know how unwise it is for you to do so."

Chen Fan sneered, ignored him, and said to himself, "If you want your son's life, you can exchange it with this thing!"

What Chen Fan held in his hand was the fragment of the Heavenly Book!

"Tomorrow afternoon, twenty miles west of the west gate of Gu Yue City, I want you to wait for me there alone. If you follow any other warriors by your side, don't blame me for being cruel."

After saying this, Chen Fan's projection disappeared instantly.

Hu Tian was left with his head full of bulging veins, tightly clutching the token in his hand.

However, he has been able to cultivate to the present level, and his state of mind is not generally strong. Although he is angry, his heart is still very calm.

And hearing that this person did not come for Lingyun Sect, he was also relieved.

Then a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

This person dared to face himself directly, which also showed that this person was confident that he could not take him down, that is to say, this person was probably also a master at the Dao Fruit level.

He never thought that Chen Fan would have the combat power of the longevity series. After all, if he really had such strength, there would be no need to use Hu Zong as a hostage.


Outside Gu Yue City.

In a remote cave.

Chen Fan, who was sitting cross-legged, put down the token in his hand with flickering eyes.

Gu Yuefang is strong enough.

Maybe this Hu Tian would not really go to the agreed place without his helper, maybe he would go with a powerful warrior from Gu Yue Fang, but he would always come in all likelihood.

Whether it is for his self-esteem as the owner of Gu Yuefang, or for his son's life.

As long as he comes, no matter what lineup he brings, even if the longevity boss comes with him, Chen Fan will not be too scared.

His strength is the greatest guarantee of his self-confidence!

And if you can get the new broken pages of the heavenly book, it is worth paying a little price.

A sneer flashed across his face, and then he re-entered the Hall of Stars.

After healing and taking care of Cheng Caiying's second daughter, the female assassin has come to life.

Looking at this woman's face, Chen Fan had a strange expression.

It is his round face that is completely inconsistent with his swordsmanship of appearing and disappearing.

It's not that his face is big or ugly, on the contrary, he can be called beautiful, but because of the shape of his face, he feels more cute, like the little sister next door.

It's just that Chen Fan knows his swordsmanship is good, so naturally he won't be fooled just because of his appearance.

And when he saw Chen Fan coming, he also reached out and patted his head, feeling very depressed:

"I'm so stupid, if I knew you were so powerful, I wouldn't go up and block for you..."

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