My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 612: Recondensing the Clone

The guy who was suspected of being a blood phantom said that he could only save Sang Ning's residual consciousness and bring it back to the Blood God Cult, but he couldn't save his body.

Chen Fan was not worried that there would still be Sang Ning's consciousness remaining in this body.

Judging from the current situation, this big guy still retains his original consciousness.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he suppressed his hairy heart. He didn't refuse the big guy's approach, and even reached out and touched the big guy.

at this time.

The size and aura of this big guy are much larger than before, but other than that, there are no other changes.

Seeing Chen Fan stretching out his hand, the beast also swayed, looking intimate.


Seeing nothing unusual, Chen Fan took a deep breath and wiped the cold sweat off his head again.

"No wonder King Shentu said that this beast will not be easily killed by me. Not only is it tenacious in vitality, but it also possesses that extremely strange power..."

A flash of fear flashed across Chen Fan's heart.

Fortunately, I didn't really kill this guy at the beginning, otherwise I'm afraid I would have died long ago.

"However, this guy seems to show that power only under certain circumstances, so I don't have to worry too much..."

He took a deep breath, but packed up all the items left by Sang Ning after his "death", and finally put away the deformed blood demon, and left without looking back.

This blood demon is a big problem, but it has to be said that it is also an effective hole card in Chen Fan's hand. Although Chen Fan is very afraid of it, he will not let it go easily!

I was lucky enough to save my life this time, but it may not be the case next time.

Chen Fan didn't dare to appear in the outside world at all this time. After finding Xiaodie in a certain storage space left by Sang Ning, he let Xiaodie carry the Star Palace away, while he went directly into the room. into the Hall of Stars.

"Sang Ning of the Blood God Sect is not completely dead, and there is another more powerful existence behind it. It's better not to expose my body so easily."

Chen Fan made up his mind, and immediately re-condensed the avatar, and would never leave the level if the avatar was not completed.

And because of this incident, his mental will has also been greatly impacted, and he will see hallucinations from time to time, which also needs time to cultivate slowly!


The process of condensing the Devil Killer clone is simply divided into two steps, the first step is to condense the body, and the second step is to inject cultivation.

The cultivation of the avatar is generally affected by the progress of Chen Fan's Demon Killing Eye and the state of his own cultivation. Even after the will is transferred, the avatar can continue to practice.

Chen Fan had bought a lot of materials for condensing the avatar in Kunwu City before, and the process of recondensing the avatar went smoothly, but in the process of injecting cultivation into it, he encountered trouble!

Chen Fan couldn't directly inject the "Origin Qi" he cultivated into the avatar.

"Origin Technique" cannot support the cultivation of a second creature, even if this creature is Chen Fan's avatar!

Chen Fan felt dizzy.

He had no choice but to temporarily transfer his consciousness to the avatar, let the avatar operate the "Baiyun True Kungfu", and with enough Yuanjing and elixir, his avatar reached the limit of the "Baiyun True Kung Fu" level nine in a few days!

"In the future, use the avatar for activities..."

Of course, even if he uses the avatar, he doesn't worry about delaying the growth of the main body's cultivation. His "Origin Technique" is always on the hook, and he only needs enough Yuanjing or elixir in the future to catch up with the progress quickly.


No one's wilderness.

Chen Fan's body suddenly appeared.

Of course, this body is just his avatar.

However, the two bodies share all the weapons and equipment.

Chen Fan put on the White Emperor Armor, wore the Flying Shadow Sword on his waist, and added the same nine-level cultivation base. Unless his strength reached the level of Sang Ning, it would be impossible for others to see the difference between Chen Fan and before.

Compared with his body, his strength has naturally dropped a lot, but with his current state and swordsmanship, it is not difficult to defeat the third-level Dao domain warriors, and it is enough to protect himself outside.

This body has just been condensed, and without the "God-Defying Blood", the possibility of being targeted is naturally extremely low.

He immediately activated the Star God Seal, but found that Lingyunmen and the others hadn't left, as if they were waiting for him, he also went straight towards Zhongli Hongyi and the others.


South domain.

Qianyan Country, a small town on the edge.

The surviving warriors of Lingyun Sect gathered together.

Luo Fangyan walked back and forth in the room, with helplessness written all over his face: "Where did brother Chen Fan go, why can't I get in touch with you...Could it be that something happened..."

Beside him, Lingyunmen Zhongli Hongyi, father and daughter, and several Lingyunmen's top ten layers also had complex expressions.

Beside Zhongli Hongyi, a gray-haired warrior couldn't help saying:

"Miss Luo, suzerain, that senior won't know when he will come back, we can't wait here forever..."

"The longer we stay, the easier it is for us to expose our position. Recently, I have discovered that someone is spying on us and looking for our identity... If Gu Yuefang receives information and retaliates, we will not be able to stop it at all!"

Although Gu Yue Fang had already existed in name only, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.

Hu Tian alone is enough to destroy the rest of these people.

This place is still within the range of Qianyan Country, so they really don't feel safe.

At this time, beside Zhongli Hongyi, a young man in black also stepped forward, and couldn't help but say:

"That's right, master, we won't have a leader if we wait like this. I suggest...we'd better leave for the time being. This is Qianyan Kingdom after all, and the remnants of Guyuefang probably haven't left too far away..."

"Anyway, Miss Luo has Senior Chen's contact method. If he is safe, Miss Luo will naturally be able to contact him!"

Zhongli Hongyi also frowned helplessly, with a troubled face:

"The scope of the communication stone is limited. If we follow Miss Luo to the central region, I am afraid that it will exceed the scope of the communication stone..."

"If it wasn't for Senior Chen Fan, our Lingyun Sect would have been wiped out. None of the people present would have been rescued by Senior Chen Fan. Senior Chen had obviously encountered an accident. If we just walked away, how could we do him justice—"

"The sect master is right!" The grey-haired warrior said helplessly:

"But the problem is... With the strength of us people, waiting here is meaningless to Senior Chen Fan."

"If senior Chen Fan really encounters any troubles, what can trouble him, how can we stop it!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yuru, you go with Miss Luo and take the other disciples first." Zhongli Hongyi sighed and said:

"I'll stay here for a few more days and wait for Senior Chen Fan. If this senior is seriously injured or his cultivation is damaged, I'm at the third level of the Dao Domain, so I can always help..."

And at this moment, an extremely loud voice from the outside world sounded: "Let's go? Where are you going?"

The sound was not loud but it reached the ears of everyone present.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.


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