Chen Fan's avatar is only at the ninth level of martial arts.

Among the inner disciples, they are not particularly strong.

Naturally, this "bearded man" was dissatisfied.

In his opinion, Chen Fan's sudden step into the mission, lacking in strength, is nothing more than a descendant of a certain important person who participated in this mission and came here to "gold-plate" forcibly...

After all, although this is a small task, it may involve the Mozong, so it will naturally be different.

Dissatisfied in his heart, he glanced at Chen Fan lightly and said:

"No matter what your identity is, junior brother, since you have been assigned here, I hope you will obey orders honestly... If something goes wrong, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chen Fan smiled and didn't say much.

The "bearded man" turned his head to look at the jalan queen, and said, "It's urgent, so I won't be courteous to you, queen. Please tell me the specific situation."

He still had a haughty look on his face.

After all, he is a true disciple of Jianzong, and he surpasses Queen Jialan in terms of status and strength.

The queen had just finished telling Chen Fan, and she was speechless.

He also glanced at Chen Fan unhappily.

Originally thought that Chen Fan was the only Sword Sect envoy who came over. Although Chen Fan was not strong enough, Queen Jialan didn't dare to neglect him.

Now it seems that it is winking at the blind, a waste of time.

There is a huge difference between inner disciples and true disciples, and Chen Fan's cultivation is not too strong, and there are several inner disciples who are ten-level disciples. In comparison, Chen Fan is indeed quite ordinary.

Queen Jialan was upset, but she didn't dare to show anything, but she smiled and explained the situation again.

"I see……"

The "bearded man" smiled after hearing the Queen's description, and said indifferently, "The disciples of the Demon Sect didn't dare to show their faces. Even though it's rare, it's just a small problem."

The demon's ability is strange, but its individual strength is not considered strong, and its combat effectiveness is not very powerful at the same level.

And if the Demon Sect really had enough combat power, it would have started a full-scale war long ago, so it wouldn't be so sneaky.

Therefore, the disciples of Jianzong didn't pay much attention to this mission.

"Trouble queen, send someone to take us directly to the Xuanjin vein!"

Although this "bearded man" is not very good-tempered, he is not a sloppy character, so he directly asked to go to Xuan Jinmai.

But Chen Fan also felt that there seemed to be something tricky in it.


No matter what the tricks are behind it.

As long as the person behind the scenes doesn't intend to leave immediately, there is a high probability that they will attack again, just find a chance to kill three hostile tenfolds!

Whether it's the evil spirit or the demon sect warrior, he has the confidence to solve it quickly.

The queen also hurriedly said: "I will immediately send someone to take the envoys there."

He led Chen Fan and others out of the hall, and at this moment, a figure ran in from outside in a panic, but it was a female official.

"It's bad, it's bad! My Lady Queen, news came from the Xuanjin Vein that the No. 3 mine was attacked just now, the mine was destroyed, and 70% of the warriors inside died. Stolen!"

There are many mines in the Xuanjin Vein.

Among them, the three largest mines have the largest scale and the number of guardian warriors, and the formation protection is also the strictest.

The sum of the three mines is larger than all the other mines.

The cumulative losses of the several mines that were attacked before were not small, but they were still bearable.

But this time even the third mine was robbed, that's no small matter!

Queen Najalan's face was pale: "What's the situation, where is the master sent by my Jialan country?"

Queen Jialan has already dispatched domestic masters, and there are quite a few of them in the tenth division. Why did things happen so quickly!

The female officer smiled bitterly and said:

"Things happened too fast and too suddenly. My Jialan Country has limited number of tenth-level masters, and they are still distributed in various mines. By the time other masters rushed to support, it was already too late. I, Jialan Country, guarded the second mine. The five people in the cave were ten heavy, and four of them died..."

The bearded man also frowned when he heard that: "Don't waste time, let's go quickly!"


A group of people immediately went towards the Xuanjin vein.

between rushing.

However, there was a disciple of the Ninth Heavy Sword Sect who approached Chen Fan and smiled at Chen Fan:

"Senior Brother Mo is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, Junior Brother, don't worry about it. I, Liu Yunfei, I don't seem to have met you, Junior Brother. I don't know, Junior Brother, which academy disciple are you from?"

The so-called senior brother Mo was talking about the "bearded beard". He was not fake to Chen Fan before, and his attitude was indeed a bit tough.

Chen Fan didn't care too much, and waved his hand: "My name is Chen Fan, I just joined Jianzong not long ago, and I haven't been assigned to any courtyard yet..."

The Jianzong is divided into seven courtyards, each with its own specialties.

Generally, disciples who are promoted from the outer sect to the inner sect will choose the first academy to join.


When becoming a true disciple, most of the internal resources of Jianzong can be used at will, so it doesn't matter who is in that school!

So Chen Fan didn't even bother to choose a certain academy to join, after all, he was about to become a true biography!

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yunfei's eyes lit up.

Just joining Jianzong, he became an inner disciple, and he was also arranged to forcefully insert other people's tasks, which also shows that Chen Fan is definitely not an ordinary person!

Although Chen Fan's strength is not very strong, but his appearance is extraordinary, he does not look like an ordinary person.

How could anyone have imagined that Chen Fan, who had cultivated at the ninth level of martial arts, would be able to obtain and directly start the True Inheritance assessment just after joining the Sword Sect...


All the mines in the Xuanjin Vein are equipped with powerful defensive formations.

This formation was also arranged by experts sent by the Sword Sect, and its level was extremely high.

It is difficult for ordinary people to break through.

And Chen Fan and other Jianzong envoys followed the guards sent by the queen, and quickly arrived at Xuanjin, the location of the No. 3 mine.

After arriving, Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The powerful formation has already collapsed.

The huge mine has also collapsed.

Queen Najalan also followed the crowd herself, frowning and shaking her head: "This..."

As one of the largest mines in the Xuanjin Vein.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of warrior miners mining, and there are all kinds of infrastructure outside the mine. There is no shortage of housing construction, rest and entertainment places.

It has even developed into the size of a small town, but at this time the "small town" is already in a mess, with a large number of warriors killed and injured, and the mine not far away has completely collapsed.

As the crowd entered, a stream of light flew over immediately, and a tenth-layer female warrior in black came in front of the crowd: "My Lady Queen!"

"Are there any clues left?" Queen Jialan asked.

The woman in black smiled wryly and shook her head:

"The goblins came and went, and after wreaking havoc, they disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace. Not even a dead goblin was left, and the survivors didn't see anyone other than the goblins—"

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