My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 660 Wonderland, Breakthrough

Chen Fan's first goal right now is to be promoted to the tenth level, followed by the promotion of the sword domain, and then the other major domains and martial arts.

He really doesn't lack other things.

Entering the Enlightenment Pool in advance is much more attractive to him than one or two strange objects or pills!

"I heard that the Dao Enlightenment Pond has two major functions, one is to speed up the accumulation of cultivation, and the other is to improve the progress of enlightenment..." Chen Fan licked his lips, his heart was about to move.

If he could enter the Dao Enlightenment Pool, he would also be able to comprehend the two Dao domains of wind and water faster.

A few years is not too short for him, the difference between the early years and the later years is huge.

After all, he has practiced so far, plus the ten years in Yuanshang Secret Realm, it has only been twenty years.

Moreover, Chen Fan's age also met Meihui's requirements. Zong Zhengxiu wanted to participate so much, so Chen Fan naturally didn't want to miss it.

"Junior Brother Chen Fan, wait, let's talk..."

Zong Zhengxun's voice sounded again.

"If senior brother can't meet my request, then there's no need to talk anymore, I will enter the Enlightenment Pond tomorrow." Chen Fan turned his head and said something, then turned and left.

The Zongzheng brothers were left behind, each depressed.

Zong Zhengxun sighed:

"Directly promoted to the tenth level, just kidding, there is no side effect to go straight to the tenth level, only the holy medicine can do it, that kind of thing, Jianzong can't get it easily, how can I get it!"

The corner of Zongzhengxiu's mouth twitched: "I'm afraid this person didn't deliberately use this as an excuse to shirk..."

Zong Zhengxun shook his head helplessly: "Even so, can we do something?"

Zong Zhengxiu took a deep breath: "I'll go find Senior Brother Zhan!"

After that, he turned around and left.

Zong Zhengxun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, but he did not catch up.

Senior Brother Zhan is not omnipotent. When things have developed to this extent, he doesn't think Senior Brother Zhan can do anything else.


Zhanjian Myeongdong House.

Zong Zhengxiu didn't see Zhan Jianming at all.

The identities of the two are very different. Compared with Zhan Jianming, Zong Zhengxiu is just a slightly talented junior.

"Senior Brother Su, that's the way it is, I really have no choice..."

Zong Zhengxiu stood in front of a young man in white shirt, his face was full of apprehension and worry.

The young man in white was holding a peach blossom fan in his hand, and a sneer appeared on his face as pale as if it had been powdered.

"Senior brother trained you sharply, you can't even beat a new disciple? Let the opportunity slip away for nothing, how do you want senior brother to help you?"

The corners of Zong Zhengxiu's mouth twitched slightly, and his face was flushed: "Senior brother Zhan is a figure in the sky, it doesn't mean that Chen Fan is not someone close to Canghai Sword Emperor. If senior brother exerts a little pressure, that kid must—"

Before Zong Zhengxiu finished speaking, Senior Brother Su's slap was already on his face.

Zong Zhengxiu immediately sprayed blood, flew backwards, and hit the wall behind him heavily.

Senior Brother Su had a cold face on his face: "Why doesn't Senior Brother Zhan need your advice? There are some things that you shouldn't say..."

The corners of Zongzhengxiu's mouth twitched, and he looked at Senior Brother Su with a red face, clenched his fists tightly, and his face was full of unwillingness.

Senior Brother Su looked at the young man's cold gaze, but sneered again: "What? Don't you think I shouldn't teach you a lesson?"

Zong Zhengxiu lowered his head: "Junior brother dare not."

Senior Brother Su raised his eyebrows, then shook his head and said:

"You don't have to think about entering the 'Wonderful Realm' ahead of time. Now that Canghai Sword Emperor is in the sect, even the senior brother can't do anything to Chen Fan, but...even if you can't be sent to the 'Enlightenment Pool' in advance, senior brother For the sake of 'Mei Hui', I will find another opportunity for you..."

He stepped forward and patted the young man on the shoulder: "It's just that, when it's time for the Meihui, you must never let senior brother down again."


Chen Fandong Mansion.

One day passed, and the Zongzheng brothers did not look for Chen Fan again.

"It seems that they can't find a way to ensure that I break through the tenth level..."

Chen Fan shook his head, and also flew up.

Go directly to the Jiange, and you are about to enter the so-called wonderland.

Chen Fan also went through a series of inspections before entering, and even signed a special contract, and was told a lot of precautions.

Holding his newly obtained True Inheritance Disciple Token, under the guidance of an elder of Jiange, he came to the back mountain of Jianzong, in a special cave.

After going through many formations, he finally came to a pool.

"This is the Enlightenment Pond?!"

The so-called Enlightenment Pond looks like an ordinary stone pool.

But the radius is several feet.

However, just before Chen Fan came to the pool, he could feel the turbulent aura stagnated in the air and drilled into his body.

He doesn't do anything, the small circulation is activated automatically, and the speed of his real kung fu can be increased by dozens or even hundreds of times.

"As expected of a wonderland!"

Chen Fan looked excited, but he didn't immediately step into the pool, but entered the Hall of Stars and replaced it with the main body.

The progress of his "Origin Technique" is also increasing rapidly.

According to this progress, "Origin Technique", which would take several years to reach the Nine Levels of Consummation, should be able to break through in a few days!

The so-called Enlightenment Pool.

As long as you provide enough energy and wait for enough time, a special wonder called "Yuan Ling Dao Liquid" will be formed in the pool, and every drop is priceless.

This "Tao Liquid" has only one function, and that is to accelerate the comprehension of the realm!

Chen Fan stepped forward and entered the pool.

As soon as the body came into contact with this liquid, I felt my brain buzzing, as if a new world had opened up, and flashes of spiritual light appeared in my mind, and I also had ideas for many things that I couldn't figure out about martial arts before.

And above his on-hook slot, the progress bar of several moods that had been sluggish at first also began to rise slowly.

"This Dao liquid has many similarities with the spirit of nature that I absorbed in the 'Yuan Shang Secret Realm' back then. Could it be that this Enlightenment Pond was also handed down at that time?" Chen Fan's thought flashed by.

Chen Fan didn't study it carefully, because he didn't care about daydreaming at all.

This time is too precious, and he didn't think about it too much. He immediately took out the Chaos Stone and the Eye of Wind, and under the dual effects, he began to focus on the comprehension of the artistic conception of wind...

Chen Fan himself comprehends only one kind of Dao at the same time, but the problem is that he has the ability to hang up the phone. In this enlightenment pool, he can be regarded as blessed with special buffs. All Daoes are being comprehended at a high speed, and the consumption of "Tao Liquid" is also extremely high. fear.

He himself was thoroughly immersed in the understanding of Tao.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

He originally thought that it would take several years for him to reach the "Origin Technique" Nine Levels of Consummation, but he has already reached it in a few days.

And he thought that after the ninth level, he would face his biggest bottleneck. Without a suitable opportunity, he would not be able to break through the tenth level in a short time.

It was just unexpected that after his "Origin Technique" Ninefold Consummation, his brain crashed.

"Origin Technique" naturally started the tenth on-hook practice!

At the same time, both his body and consciousness ushered in a transformation.

Without feeling any bottleneck, he just broke through the tenth level!

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