My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 666 Sword Sect Reward

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

He doesn't know the cultivation base of Canghai Sword Emperor, but his spiritual consciousness is definitely above the third level of immeasurable.

You can see through the hidden face of your "Heavenly Heart Invisible Judgment".

The pressure brought to Chen Fan was no worse than that of a master of the third level of longevity.

"Sword Dao itself is a branch of Dao, far stronger than ordinary Dao... Even if the person's cultivation level is not the third level of longevity, his strength is definitely not inferior to the ordinary third level of longevity!"

shook his head.

Chen Fan understood.

His strength is far from what he can match now!

"I remember Hu Jiuguang said that the person behind the Tongtian Demon Sect is also a boss of the third level of longevity..."

Chen Fan's eyes intertwined.

In fact, Hu Jiuguang didn't know the real trump card and strength of the two great magic sects.

Jianzong sent four or five immortals, plus one Canghai Sword Emperor, which is quite a terrifying lineup.

Yu Jin looked nervous.

She doesn't have as much confidence and confidence as Chen Fan.

Naturally, there will be more worries and fears in my heart.

And as the true heir of Jianzong, she can raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a short time. Under such circumstances, she cannot escape.

Although Chen Fan knew more details, it was difficult to disclose them.

He just talked a little about the special news about the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" that Su Changqing had leaked to him.

Of course, these news are not really secrets. Before the expedition, these true disciples should also be able to get the exact news.

But for Yu Jin, there is a psychological preparation in advance.

The two chatted for a while.

Yu Jin got up to bid farewell, and just as Chen Fan sent him out of the cave, he saw a flash of light in the sky.

An ice-white jade handkerchief lay across the sky, and the woman in white slowly landed at the entrance of Chen Fan's cave.

The temperature of the surrounding air instantly dropped by a few points.

Seeing the person coming, Yu Jin was also surprised, and hurriedly stepped forward to cup his fists: "Elder Chen!"

The person who came was Jiange Elder Chen Qingru!

Chen Qingru nodded lightly at Yu Jin without pretending, but turned to look at Chen Fan, "Chen Fan, I have something to ask you for!"

"Elder Chen!" Chen Fan cupped his fists and looked at the beauty in plain white in front of him, his heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the reward given to him by Jianzong is coming?

But for this kind of thing, as for the dignified elder Jiange Daoguo personally dispatching it?

And you have to know that this elder of the family doesn't know the specific identity, and it seems that he has great power in Jiange. Is it necessary for such a newly promoted true biography?

While Chen Fan was wondering, Yu Jin quietly glanced at Chen Fan.

Yu Jin wanted to ask a lot of questions in his mind, but he kept them all in his heart.

But she clasped her fists immediately: "Elder Chen, this disciple has something to do, so go ahead."

But he actively avoided it.

Chen Qingru nodded lightly, but didn't say a word, alienation and indifference were all written on her face.

Seeing Yu Jin leave, Chen Fan also noticed that Chen Qingru's face softened a bit.

Chen Fan immediately invited Chen Qingru into the cave.

After entering the cave, Chen Fan also asked directly: "I don't know why the elder came here..."

Chen Qingru smiled: "The information you provided has been confirmed. It is true that there is not only one evil family in Mulan Grassland... In addition, you saved Elder Su Changqing, who was the seed of my Jiange's longevity, and you have made two major contributions. You... Blessed!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed immediately.

Sure enough, he said modestly, "As a disciple of Jianzong, these are what disciples should do!"

Chen Qingru smiled:

"You don't have to refuse the reward, but it is impossible for the Jiange not to give it. I had a brief discussion with Elder Hongwen, who is in charge of the Law Enforcement Office, and I will give you two options—"

Chen Fan, the elder of Hongwen, has also heard of it before. He is one of the best longevity masters in the sect. He has advanced for a long time. He is an old seniority in the sword sect.

Chen Qingru is only an elder in the realm of Daoguo, but he was able to discuss the task with the boss of the Paper Law Enforcement Office, which shows that the two can communicate and talk at the same level!

Chen Qingru continued:

"The first one is any elixir of the Void Saint level, even if it is the best Void Saint, Jianzong will find it for you, but only one!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

There is a huge difference between the upper and lower limits of the elixir of the virtual saint level.

The most common low-grade virtual elixir, the cheap ones are only worth tens of thousands of yuan crystals, while some expensive ones are worth hundreds of thousands, or even millions of yuan crystals!

Even the most expensive ones can't be easily afforded by immortal masters.

And pills of this level are rarely purchased with Yuanjing.

There is a price but no market.

Usually in exchange for barter.

And even Chen Fan, who has robbed more than one immortal, has to admit that this reward is very attractive.

Su Changqing's repayment for saving his life was nothing more than a top-grade Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill from the Void Sage.

If the purple qi chalcedony pill is outside of Jianzong, it can also be worth 200,000 to 300,000 yuan crystals, but within Jianzong, which can refine such pills, the actual price can be lowered a lot.

That kind of really top-quality elixir is quite rare in Chen Fan's hands!

For an ordinary disciple who is just beginning to enter the True Inheritance, an ordinary Void Saint-level elixir is not a small reward. Don't even think about a top-quality product worth a million yuan crystals!

But Chen Fan held back the greed in his heart.

After he robbed a few immortals, he had quite a few pills above the Xusheng level in his hands, and there were not none of Xusheng's top-grade or even the highest-grade ones. Not enough to blind his eyes!

"What about the second option?" He looked at Chen Qingru.

Chen Qingru looked at Chen Fan, and also smiled slightly: "The second option is that you can study all the classics of my Sword Sect in Zangshu Pavilion, including the nine major swordsmanship... but it is only for viewing and cannot be borrowed!"

Chen Fan also immediately said: "I choose the second one!"

He has a lot of virtual saint-level pills, even the most expensive ones, for him, the appeal is very limited.

But Chen Fan couldn't refuse to be able to enjoy watching the Sword Sect's swordsmanship to his heart's content!

Seeing Chen Fan's decisive choice, Chen Qingru also had a flash of admiration on his face again.

She didn't know the wealth in Chen Fan's hands, and she appreciated Chen Fan's choice very much.

After that, she also took out a black spar token and handed it to Chen Fan: "You can hold this token in the future, and you can go to the Library Pavilion to observe the classics."

Chen Fan also memorized the token with burning eyes, and cupped his fists at Chen Qingru again.

Chen Qingru nodded, then turned around to leave, but paused again, "Jianzong is about to go to Mulan Grassland, you should be prepared and pay attention to safety."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and he clasped his fists again.

Seeing Chen Qingru leave.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly:

"What's the matter with this woman..."

I only met this Chen Qingru a few times, but his attitude towards me was exceptionally good.

Chen Fan originally thought that he had a cold face and a warm heart, and he treated other people the same way.

But when he treated Yu Jin just now, he was full of alienation and indifference, but why did he treat him differently?

There are many special things about Chen Fan.

Chen Fan didn't know what this woman saw in him, but he had a warning in his heart.

Especially after going through the series of quarrels between the father and son of Dagan, he will inevitably think a little more in his heart.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan immediately went out to Zangshu Pavilion.

Holding the Black Jade Token, he was not subject to any restrictions at all, and immediately went to the top floor of Zangshu Pavilion!

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