My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 674 Humanoid Calamity

"Yu Luocha..." Chen Fan grabbed Yu Jin's shoulder and looked at the woman above his head with a delicate expression.

This woman actually came back.

It seems that although his poison is powerful, he should not be able to stop Wei Dong who escaped.

In addition to the fear in his eyes, there is more helplessness.

He didn't want to entangle with such witches.

After all, the other party is a drug player who has even been planted by a master of longevity, so there is no need for him to fight to the death.

But he was really stopped by the other party, but he didn't have much fear in his heart.

When Yu Jin saw the figure floating in the sky, his expression was also very ugly...

She didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and still took Chen Fan as fast as an arrow from the string!

The witch looked at Chen Fan and Chen Fan with a sneer on her face, and waved her hand lightly.

Streams of light surged behind her, like meteors all over the sky, crashing towards Yu Jin who was running away.

In the roar.

In the blink of an eye, the light around Yu Jin's body collapsed into nothingness, and Chen Fan and others fell heavily to the ground together.

Desperation appeared on Yu Jin's face, his whole body turned into pitch black in the blink of an eye, his eyes were closed, and he lost consciousness in the blink of an eye.

And Chen Fan could also feel the invisible poison constantly eroding his body, but his consciousness was still very clear.

Feeling the weakness of his body, he narrowed his eyes and immediately summoned Xiaodie.

"Master!" Xiaodie's excited voice sounded in Chen Fan's heart.

Chen Fan thought: "Let's go there!"

After Xiaodie recognized her master, Chen Fan was able to convey specific meaning with a single thought.

He grabbed Yu Jin with one hand, stepped on Xiaodie, and instantly turned into a streamer and rushed towards the distance.

It was frighteningly fast.

In the sky, a look of astonishment flashed across Yu Luocha's face, "It's so fast..."

Until now, she didn't take the two of them seriously.

However, the speed Chen Fan displayed made her interested in the two for the first time.

With a slight sway of her pink clothes, a red glow appeared at her feet, and her figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She just galloped and disappeared for a long time, but her figure suddenly froze.


Looking at the empty space, she frowned and stopped.

Scanning with the divine sense, there was no trace of Chen Fan at all.

"How did it disappear? They were still running away just now, so there should be an air-forbidden formation around them?"

She raised her eyebrows and moved forward, slowly descending from the sky.

They were still chasing them closely before, why did they disappear in the blink of an eye?

She stepped forward, frowning.

At the same time, her eyes flickered, and mist spread around her again.

completely cover the surrounding space...

As she walked by, the surrounding vegetation and vegetation all withered away, as if a humanoid natural disaster...

The surrounding space was shrouded in dense fog in the blink of an eye...

Just still haven't found anything.

"Is it really the 'Escape Talisman'? If they can break through the lock formation and transfer away, those two are probably not ordinary people from the Sword Sect..."

A look of pity flashed across her face, and then the fog around her disappeared, and she turned around.

Just at this moment.

Suddenly, a few feet behind him, a stream of light flashed across the void.

Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared, and there was nothing in his hand, but a black sword escaped from the void in an instant.

Yu Luocha didn't notice until Jianguang slashed in front of him.

At the same time, she also felt a surge of murderous intent rushing straight to the back of her head.

The bloody air around Chen Fan's body was surging, but it had already aroused the second level of "violence"!

It turned out that on the way to escape, Chen Fan took Xiaodie and Yu Jin into the Hall of Stars, changed his deity to come out, and hid with "Hidden Void".

Waiting until Jade Raksha approached, Chen Fan used "Sword Hidden in the Void" again, and slashed a sword.

"Oops!" Yu Luocha's face was full of astonishment, feeling the tyrannical aura and terrifying killing intent emerging from Chen Fan, she was horrified.

The breath in her whole body suddenly became strong, the feather fan in her hand moved forward, and a pink fluorescent light rose...

But he was too close to Chen Fan, and Chen Fan's "Seven Killing Swords" was too sharp.

Before the fluorescence in front of him was fully formed, he was already slashed by a sword approaching him, the blood light instantly dissipated, and his body was chopped into two by Chen Fan!

Chen Fan shook his head and retracted his sword, "The method is weird, but the strength is not very good..."

In fact, it's not that his strength is not very good.

But "Concealing the Void" combined with "Void Hidden Sword Art" is too powerful, not to mention that this person is only Dao Fruit, even if he is immortal, he may be killed by a sword if he doesn't pay attention!

And with his death.

Chi! ~

Where the person's body fell, a large piece of desolation appeared on the ground, and at the same time, this desolation was constantly rippling in all directions.

At the same time, there was a foul smell emanating from his body.

The back of Chen Fan's neck was also numb, and his hairs stood on end.

"Am I poisoned again?" Even though he was wearing the White Emperor Armor, Chen Fan suddenly felt a wave of weakness coming from his body.

He was horrified.

With the physical quality of his deity, I am afraid that only Changsheng can compare, but he was still affected in such a short period of time.

The power of this witch is too exaggerated!

This person is a master of poison, and even his longevity has been overthrown. Even if his strength is not very good, the poison on the dead body is enough to threaten the master of longevity!

Chen Fan got into the Hall of Stars immediately.

Then in the blink of an eye, a huge puppet body suddenly appeared in the open space.

This is one of the puppets Chen Fan picked up in the Gorge of Heavenly Knife.

Puppets are not living beings.

And these puppets are obviously not made of simple materials, but they are not affected by the toxin.

Under Chen Fan's command, the puppet quickly stepped forward, grabbed the demon girl's body, and put her body into an empty Xumi ring.

After the body of the man disappeared, the barrenness on the ground slowly stopped.

After a long while, Chen Fan left the Star Hall again.

Feeling that the toxins around him had weakened a lot, he breathed a sigh of relief, and took the Sumeru Ring from the puppet.

"Why bother..." Chen Fan was also speechless.

This woman is just Dao Fruit, and her whole body is full of poison.

He didn't even dare to take out his body to see what treasures were hidden on him.

Maybe, there are even more terrifying poisons on his body that haven't been used yet.

"However, after all, this woman is one of the seventy-two demons of the Demon Sect. It is said that she once killed the immortal master of my Sword Sect. If I hand over her body to the Sect, I should also get a lot of rewards... "

Chen Fan licked his lips.

Jianzong is extremely defensive, and would have issued a corresponding revenge mission.

Not to mention this mission, killing a character of this level would have been rewarded.

He himself didn't care, he exposed the matter of killing Yu Luocha.

Although Yu Luocha's methods are weird and can threaten longevity, but its own strength is not considered strong.

Typical upper limit is high and lower limit is low.

It's not too outrageous for me to use my own dual sword domains, add some hole cards, and solve a Dao fruit at a low price...

Especially those disciples of the Demon Sect like Yu Luocha who have strange methods but are not strong in themselves.

It's just that Chen Fan's thoughts turned, but he gave up his plan to hand over his body.

Although the person is dead, the body of the person is a stable source of poison!

The poison that can threaten longevity masters may be of great use in certain occasions!

This will be a very useful hole card!

After getting rid of him, Chen Fan lost his worries, and with a renewed killing intent, he raised his sword and rushed to the location where he was attacked before.

The less powerful True Inheritance has already been finished, and some methods have already escaped, and there are only densely packed demons present, and a few sporadic disciples of the Demon Sect under Yu Luosha's command.

Chen Fan had already beheaded the Jade Rakshasa, so he naturally had nothing to fear.

Then use these enemies to practice swords.

He didn't activate the White Emperor Armor's boost, and only activated the "Nine-Star Yuandan" that boosted his true essence, but even so, his offensive was still extremely terrifying.

It took more than half an hour abruptly to kill the remaining hundreds of demons.

"Without using any buffs, my strength will be comparable to that of Daoguo..."

After all, Chen Fan has already broken through the tenth level, and the increase in the true energy of "Origin Technique" alone has increased his normal strength by a large amount.

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