My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 677 Black Hand

far away.

Lian Yangshuo's power of heaven and earth engulfed Yu Jin and ran wildly all the way.

Although he could hear the constant roar and the phantom of thunder behind him, he had no intention of stopping at all.

"Junior Brother Chen Fan, hold on... I will definitely find powerful reinforcements for you!"

On the other hand, seeing that Lian Yangshuo had finally left the scope of his spiritual consciousness, Chen Fan naturally did not intend to continue playing with this monster.

He raised his hand to wipe away the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth: "In the clone state, even with the White Emperor Armor's true essence augmentation state and the Feiying Sword, I am not as strong as the Dao Fruit. It is really too difficult to kill the Golden Lion..."

Tilting his head, with a thought, he didn't immediately enter the Hall of Stars to exchange for his deity, but a thought:

"Come out, it's time for you to act."


A little fox suddenly appeared in his arms.

This little fox is exactly Hu Jiuguang.

With Chen Fan's help, Hu Jiuguang has recovered 60-70% of his strength.

Although it will take a lot of time for the distance to fully recover, it already has a certain combat effectiveness.

It consumes a lot of Chen Fan's resources, of course Chen Fan will not raise it for nothing.

It's just that he has a special status after all, and Chen Fan didn't dare to let him out at will, so he was locked in the Star Palace all the time!

But when he left Jianzong at this time, there was no one around, but he was not worried about being exposed again.

This was the first time he let Hu Jiuguang leave the Hall of Stars.

Hu Jiuguang was also extremely excited. When he saw the scene in front of him and Chen Fan's tragic situation, he grinned and looked at the four-winged golden lion!

The four-winged golden lion was still on the rampage, but after Hu Jiuguang came out, his posture changed suddenly. Instead of being arrogant like before, he started to retreat, circle around, and stare at Hu Jiuguang with bared teeth and claws!

It's like meeting a big enemy!

Chen Fan waved his hand and threw Hu Jiuguang up: "Fix it!"

Hu Jiuguang grew bigger in the face of the wind, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a terrifying demon fox with a size of hundreds of feet. His whole body was rippling with faint purple flames, his claws moved forward, and a long knife longer than his body appeared between his two claws.

"Go to hell!"


The huge and powerful four-winged golden lion turned into a kitten in front of Hu Jiuguang.

The long knife slashed down, and the air waves rolled, and the blade struck Jin Guangshi's sorrow in a blink of an eye.

The four-winged golden light lion wailed and fell heavily to the ground.

And Hu Jiuguang slashed sideways again, and the four-winged golden lion was blasted into the ground again.

It was just such two heavy blows, but his body still had no obvious trauma, but he jumped out angrily again and bit Hu Jiuguang's leg.

Hu Jiuguang swung his saber angrily, and slashed down several times, the sound was like an earthquake.

The earth was cracked, and the smoke and dust were flying.

After a long while, the golden lion finally had no more strength left to make a move, and fell to the ground with a bang.

The whole body is bloody, and the limbs are lying on the ground...

At this time, Hu Jiuguang also had a lot of wounds and bloodstains on his body...

Chen Fan looked at the two beasts fighting coldly, and his eyes were subtle: "This golden lion's skills are not comparable to the longevity masters, but its vitality is more terrifying than ordinary longevity..."

Hu Jiuguang is a great demon who once killed Changsheng!

But even so, it took such a lot of effort to deal with the golden lion, and he was injured.

Hu Jiuguang patted Jin Guangshi's body with a fox paw, and turned to look at Chen Fan, "Master, do you want to kill this guy?"

Yu Guang glanced at the golden lion lying on the ground, and a fierce look flashed across his face.

Chen Fan originally wanted to kill the Golden Light Lion directly, but seeing this guy's strength, he had other thoughts in his mind, so he narrowed his eyes: "You are all monsters, you should be able to communicate with each other, right?"

Jin Guangshi does not have wisdom and does not understand the language of the human race.

Hu Jiuguang nodded quickly.

Chen Fan said: "Ask it, is it willing to submit to me, if not, kill it!"

Hu Jiuguang stepped forward immediately, his body shrunk, but he jumped onto the face of the golden lion, and then he chattered for a long time...

Then the golden lion trembled all over, and stood up again, with fierceness and irascibility written in its two pupils coldly.

It's just that the four legs are still trembling, obviously the state is extremely bad!

Hu Jiuguang floated down from his body: "Master, this guy has another master, he would rather die than surrender..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

"The owner of this guy should be Su Pingcheng, right?"

The true biography of Jianzong cannot kill each other.

But it is not impossible to instruct monsters to act secretly.

As long as he can get rid of the relationship with this monster, Jianzong has nothing to do.

A killing intent also flashed in his heart, and he was about to let Hu Jiuguang kill the Golden Lion, but suddenly remembered something, "Wait..."

Hu Jiuguang turned around in astonishment, disappointment was written all over the fox's face.

"You don't need to kill it, let's go!" Chen Fan waved his hand, and Hu Jiuguang jumped back obediently. In the blink of an eye, he shrunk and became the little fox before. With a thought, Chen Fan brought Hu Jiuguang back into the Hall of Stars .

Then Chen Fan disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A flash of astonishment also flashed across Jin Guangshi's big face.

It's just that no matter how strong the golden light lion is, it lacks in wisdom, and it can't even compare with ordinary monsters.

It was only slightly surprised, then shook its whole body to shake off the blood and dust, but turned its head and licked the wound before leaving!

What it didn't know was that there was a special speck of dust sticking to its thick hair.

Chen Fan's disappearance actually activated "Nixu", and then stuck the Star Palace to his body, and then he got in again!

This golden light lion is powerful, but it is far from enough in terms of wisdom and "God", so naturally it cannot detect Chen Fan's actions.

After entering the Hall of Stars, Chen Fan has always been paying attention to everything outside.

The golden lion's mission failed, and Chen Fan and the others disappeared. Naturally, it wanted to go back to find its master!

So Jin Guangshi led the Hall of Stars all the way across the vast grassland.

Although he was injured, such a powerful divine beast recovered very quickly, and quickly regained his ability to move. He even killed several monsters on the way and swallowed them to restore himself.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the golden lion finally returned to its master...


In the middle of the night.

Layers of thick fog hung over the grassland.

Under the night, the warrior in black suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the darkness.


As the strong wind blew, the surrounding fog rolled along with the strong wind, and a huge figure stepped over from the darkness.

It was the Golden Lion.

"What's wrong with you? The mission failed?" The black-clothed warrior looked at the scars on Jin Guangshi's body, but frowned deeply, and he didn't wait for him to take any action.


Amidst the rippling void, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, and then a black sword abruptly cut out from the void.

He didn't have a chance to react at all, so he was slashed by the long sword only a short distance away...

A manic force suddenly exploded, and a dazzling spiritual light suddenly surged from his body, but it collapsed into nothingness in an instant, and the sword cut down smoothly, but it reached his neck!

"It's over!"

A look of astonishment flashed across his face, but the black sword stopped abruptly before cutting off his neck.

He could even feel that the sword light had ripped open layers of gaps in the skin of his neck, and the blood flowed wantonly!

The cold sweat on his head was no less than the blood flowing out...

At the same time, he also sensed a ferocious and bloodthirsty aura from the person in front of him locking his body firmly.

"If you dare to move, I will kill you immediately!"

Chen Fan glanced over the Sword Sect True Inheritance Token on his waist, and a icy look flashed across his face.

This person is not Su Pingcheng, but he is indeed the true biography of Jianzong!

The martial artist in black looked at Chen Fan twitchingly at the corner of his mouth, and a deep sense of astonishment and regret flashed across his face...

A coldness flashed across Chen Fan's face, sensing his aura, he also sneered and said, "Third level of the Dao Domain, you are actually a lucky person to be the master of the Golden Lion. Tell me, who instructed you to treat me like this?" Shot?"

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