My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 679 Blood Fog

"The effectiveness of the God's Deed is too exaggerated, the master is dead, why should it be like this..."

Hu Jiuguang turned his hand and slapped the golden lion down with a paw, embedding it in the ground.

He looked at Chen Fan again with burning eyes.

Chen Fan shook his head.

"Kill it."

If you can't use it for yourself, you will naturally kill it!

Hu Jiuguang's face sparkled when he heard the words, and then he licked his lips: "Master... can I eat it?!"

"Eat?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing Hu Jiuguang's greedy look, Chen Fan nodded thoughtfully.

Hu Jiuguang didn't hide the joy on his face at all, then grabbed the golden lion with his huge paws, opened his mouth wide, grabbed the golden lion and stuffed it into his mouth!

Hang Chi Hang Chi!

Jin Guangshi was dying, but he fell into Hu Jiuguang's stomach with almost no resistance.

After swallowing the Golden Lion.

Hu Jiuguang blinked and became smaller again, and then came to Chen Fan with a happy face.

"Thank you, master, for the reward. After eating this golden lion, I can recover more strength after a little digestion, and even my bloodline may go further..."

Chen Fan was stunned: "Go one step further, could it be that you are about to advance to longevity?"

Hu Jiuguang shook his head:

"It's not that simple. I'm the Nine-tailed Sky Fox. I'm different from my master, you human race. Although you don't need to comprehend any Tao, the breakthrough is to complete the advancement of the bloodline. The stronger the bloodline, the harder it is... The Nine-tailed Sky Fox It is an extremely powerful variant of the Tianhu clan, and it is extremely difficult for the bloodline to complete the advancement..."

"After all, this golden lion is ranked at the bottom of the mountain and sea rankings. After eating this guy, my blood can only take a small step towards advancement... I am afraid that eating dozens of four-winged golden lions is enough... "

Chen Fan shook his head regretfully.

The races that can be listed on the list of mountains and seas are extremely rare, and they are all extraordinary. Ordinary warriors will never see one in their lifetime.

Moreover, although the four-winged Golden Light Lion's rank is not high, its energy and blood are extremely strong, which is no less than that of the general longevity-level monsters.

Hu Jiuguang's advancement is too difficult!

Of course, this refers to the advancement of the bloodline level. Hu Jiuguang is also practicing the magic method of cultivation. It's even harder.

After a short rest, Chen Fan didn't stay here for long, but immediately chased after Su Pingcheng according to the direction of the compass.

Since Su Pingcheng offended him, Chen Fan didn't mind taking this opportunity to send him on his way.

It's just that Chen Fan took out the compass he got from Zhan Yinguang again, but he couldn't move it no matter what.

"Could it be that only Zhan Yinguang can move this compass, and if Zhan Yinguang is dead, I can't use it anymore?"

Chen Fan frowned deeply, hesitated for a moment, but directly smashed the compass into pieces.

He still probably remembered Su Pingcheng's position and distance. Su Pingcheng had already entered Jialan Country...

He narrowed his eyes and immediately urged Xiaodie.

It didn't take long to enter the Jialan country.

The once-prosperous Jialan Kingdom has now been reduced to death, and a thick blood-colored mist has enveloped the ruined country for a long time.

Evil and strange auras rippling in all directions, and strange roars could be heard from time to time in the dense fog.

The more he advances.

The surrounding fog is also thicker, and this fog is obviously not a simple change in the weather, but the influence of some special force.

Even after entering it, Chen Fan's consciousness would be seriously weakened.

"This is already a place where the 'Magic Prison' and reality completely overlap. It is said that there is a long-lasting blood mist spreading in the 'Magic Prison'..."

This blood mist.

Not only can it weaken the effect of spiritual consciousness, but it can also confuse people's sense of direction.

With the state of Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness at this time, he can only see clearly within a thousand feet!

It has the same feeling as the Nanyun Mo that Chen Fan passed by back then.

And not only that.

While Chen Fan was walking, he could occasionally see a dark space crack appearing suddenly.

Where the two spaces overlap, it is naturally extremely unstable.

Even with Chen Fan's strength and greatly weakened consciousness, he was almost involved.

"Blood mist, space cracks, such a harsh environment, it may be quite difficult to find the door of the devil's prison..."

Needless to say, things like the "Escape Talisman" cannot be used at all.

Chen Fan was inevitably affected by the thick fog, and his overall speed dropped a lot.

no way.

With "White Emperor Armor" around, he didn't dare to face the crack in space!

That is a terrifying power that even immortal masters will be devoured.

And Chen Fan's consciousness and speed are greatly limited, but the monsters such as the crow man and the ground yaksha are not...

He unexpectedly rushed into the monster pile several times before he found out.

Fortunately, this place is only outside the Demon Gate, and the level of monsters is not high.

And he has the peerless talent of concealment, and he has already hidden himself before the other party finds out.

In this way, bumps and bumps, it took him an hour to finally reach the position where Su Pingcheng was before...


at the same time.

Magnolia Grassland.

A deserted place.

"This is right here, Senior Brother Wei! Senior Brother Chen Fan, you were separated from me here before!"

Lian Yangshuo led Wei Dong, who was also pale, to look at the mess everywhere.

Beside them stood the same pale woman in red.

It was Yu Jin who had awakened.

He also looked worried: "I can't get in touch with Junior Brother Chen Fan, has he already..."

Wei Dong shook his head: "Junior Sister and Junior Brother, don't worry too much. In fact, some special sealed-off spaces, or too far away, will also invalidate the communication!"

"It's possible that the younger brother is too late to respond to urgent matters, or he has already entered the Najialan country."

Yu Jin turned his head and looked over.

Wei Dong continued: "The Jialan Kingdom has already overlapped with the 'Magic Prison'. Although it is still physically the same space as here, it is actually a different dimension. The sound transmission array sealed in the token of the true disciple, It cannot be sent across the world!"

Yu Jin and Lian Yangshuo looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces...


Jialan country.

In the thick blood-colored mist, Chen Fan frowned deeply.

"Where did Su Pingcheng go?"

Chen Fan only knew the approximate coordinates of the person.

The exact location is not known.

At this time, his consciousness was affected, and the perception distance did not even exceed a thousand feet.

Where can I find Su Pingcheng.

At this time, it is not too far from the location of Xuanjin Vein, and there are more and more monsters around, which further increases the difficulty of Chen Fan's search.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he summoned Hu Jiuguang who was eating in the Hall of Stars again.


Hu Jiuguang received Chen Fan's signal, and he stopped urging the human form at all, and usually maintained the appearance of a little fox!

Chen Fan licked his lips and looked at Hu Jiuguang: "You are the Four Demon Stars of the Tongtian Demon Sect, so you should be able to command the warriors of the Tongtian Demon Sect, right?"

Hu Jiuguang also nodded immediately.

As the Four Demon Stars of the Demon Sect, his status is higher than that of the general longevity masters of the Demon Sect.

Although the previous mission failed and his serious injuries were hidden, Chen Fan did not let him sever his connection with Tongtian Demon Sect.

Tongtian Momen always thought that Hu Jiuguang was seriously injured, and went to hide to recuperate.

"very good!"

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled, but he told Hu Jiuguang his plan...


Two hours later.

Chen Fan changed his face and stood behind Hu Jiuguang, looking at the demon warriors exuding evil aura, his expressions became more subtle.

"Master Hu Jiuguang!"

"Brother Fox!"

These people are all warriors from the nearby Tongtian Demon Sect, and each of them is above tenth level!

There are even two or three people who have reached the level of Taoism.

After all, Hu Jiuguang's identity is here, and it is impossible for anyone with a low level of strength to have an intersection with him.

"Brother, I knew you would be fine!"

One of them was wearing a blood-clothed man with a frightening aura. He was also another member of Tongtian Demon Sect who was listed as one of the seventy-two earth demons of the Demon Sect. He was nicknamed Blood Shura, but few people knew his real name. In front of Hu Jiuguang, there was a flattering expression on his face.

The Demon Sect has always been the law of the jungle, and the strong are respected.

The seventy-two earth demons are powerful, but there are few who have strange methods like Yu Luosha, or can live longer than shoulders.

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