My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 682 Reaching an Agreement

After all, the map of the Demon Palace of the Silver Demon God is in the hands of the Lianyun Witch, and she holds the absolute initiative.

She looked at Chen Fan and Hu Jiuguang who were silent and did not give an immediate answer, her eyes were also fixed.

Lianyun Witch continued to increase her chips:

"If the information I got is correct, there are a lot of precious minerals and gemstones in the treasure house, the value of which is at least dozens of times that of the black gold vein mine! And this is just the least valuable thing in the treasure house, which is used for decoration..."

The fully mined mineral deposits of the Xuanjin Vein are worth at least several million yuan crystals, which is a sky-high price even for Chen Fan.

How exaggerated dozens of times, even if the state of mind is like Chen Fan's, he is greatly moved again.

The Witch Lianyun licked her lips, turned her head to look at Hu Jiuguang, and continued:

"In addition to the ore, there are quite a few 'Original Blood Marrows' in the treasury... Junior Brother Hu Jiuguang, you are at the juncture of advancement, there are enough 'Original Blood Marrows', maybe you can go in there As soon as you come out, you will be promoted to immortality!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

He has also heard of the marrow of blood, and he even has one in his body, which he got from Situ Xue, the young master of Kunwu City.

This thing is the key item for advancing after the fourth stage of the Immortal Vajra Body!

Chen Fan's Immortal Vajra Body has not yet reached the third level, so he still hasn't used the "Original Blood Marrow"!

He didn't expect that Hu Jiuguang, a monster like Hu Jiuguang, would need such items to advance to the next level!

But Hu Jiuguang did say that the blood of other monsters or some special strange things can help him advance...

Hu Jiuguang's eyes were shining, and he was also staring straight at Witch Lianyun: "You didn't lie to me?!"

After signing the Deed of Royal God, Hu Jiuguang focused on Chen Fan in everything, but besides Chen Fan, he also valued his own advancement!

And to him, the "marrow of origin blood" is also extremely important!

The Lianyun Witch nodded and said with a smile: "There is indeed a 'Blood Marrow' in the Emerald Palace. The amount is definitely enough for you to advance, and it is more than enough...I dare to swear by the demon!"

Hu Jiuguang licked his lips and looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was also greatly moved!

Compared with those precious ores and materials, Chen Fan naturally valued Hu Jiuguang's strength breakthrough more.

Hu Jiuguang himself has long been a long-life fighting force, and even has a record of killing the first level of longevity, even barely comparable to the second level of longevity, and this heaven-defying life-saving supernatural power.

But after all, it hasn't really advanced yet.

Hu Jiuguang, a well-known beast in the mountains and seas, has extremely exaggerated talent, but because of this, it is much more difficult to be promoted than ordinary monsters.

But if he can advance, his strength will also change and be extremely exaggerated.

I will have a super booster.

According to Chen Fan's estimation, with Hu Jiuguang's talent and potential, if he advanced to Changsheng, he might be able to walk sideways if he was below the third level of longevity. Maybe a master of the third level of longevity could beat him, and it was absolutely impossible to kill him!

At that time, even if Chen Fan unleashes his full strength, even if he uses the "Hongmeng Sword", he may not be able to kill this guy.

The only way is to rely on Xiaodie's speed to circle this road!

And you must know that Hu Jiuguang still has eight lives!

He looked quietly at the witch in front of him, and he could also think of the dangers he might encounter if he entered the Emerald Palace, as well as the other trump cards that this woman had.

It just has to be said that at this moment, the greed in Chen Fan's heart took the high ground.

For him, even if there are no other treasures in the Emerald Palace, the "Original Blood Essence" that is enough for Hu Jiuguang to advance is worth his risk!

"I agree!" After considering it, Chen Fan still nodded.

Of course, if it wasn't for his breakthrough in cultivation and Xiaodie's acknowledgment of his master, Chen Fan might not have risked his own life.

Hu Jiuguang grinned and stared at Lianyun: "If you dare to deceive us, believe me, you will die a miserable death!"

Lian Yun laughed:

"Believe me, the Emerald Palace will not let you down. However, you have to be careful, the next step is the key, the small world has not been fully opened, and the blood sacrifice must be at least seven or eight levels of longevity...Jianzong this time But even I am no match for someone like Canghai Sword Emperor, so you have to be careful, don't die in the hands of a master of Sword Sect..."

While Chen Fan nodded, his heart also moved.

The source of Momen's news is really fast enough, and it is known that Canghai Sword Emperor will participate in this operation.

"By the way, you seem to be looking for someone from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect... Do you want me to help?" Two helpers were brought in, and the Bone Witch was also very happy.

"My children are everywhere in this devil's prison, they are all extensions of my body!"

The Witch Lianyun said.

Suddenly, behind her, a section of white bones emerged from the soil behind her, jumping happily.

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed, and he showed Su Pingcheng's face, "Help me find him! If you want, it doesn't matter if you kill him."

Seeing him, the Witch Lianyun also raised her eyebrows: "Su Pingcheng, the Heaven Cracking Sword Sect, I know him, my child has seen him before..."

The Witch Lianyun closed her eyes, opened them after a while, and then stretched out a finger, pointing in a certain direction: "Half an hour ago, in a valley two hundred and ten miles away."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

He was in this "magic prison", and his consciousness could not even maintain a thousand feet, but this witch, relying on her magical ability, could actually perceive the situation hundreds of miles away, which naturally made him feel even more afraid.

"Where is he now?" Chen Fan asked.

Lian Yun shook her head and said: "He should be hiding nearby, I didn't see him leave, I can't be sure of the exact location, it's too far away, I have too few children..."

Naturally, her power cannot be unlimited, and although this woman helped Chen Fan point out the direction, she had no real intention of making a move.

Chen Fan turned to look at Hu Jiuguang.

Hu Jiuguang immediately sent a letter to the group of warriors sent out just now, asking them to go to the surrounding area indicated by Lianyun and continue to search.


Lianyun Witch left not long after.

And Chen Fanhu Jiuguang also moved towards the place indicated by the person, and within a quarter of an hour, someone reported that they found the traces of the Jianzong warrior team around the place indicated by Lianyun Witch.

It's just that I can't confirm whether it is Su Pingcheng's team!

Chen Fan also sank into the Star God Seal, but he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Su Pingcheng was not among the disciples of the Sword Sect discovered by the Demon Sect warriors.

But Chen Fan saw the members of Su Pingcheng's team in it!

It also includes the woman in blue who treated her back then.

It's just that among these people, there are not many members in Su Pingcheng's team, but there are many in another team.

Among them were people whom Chen Fan knew.

"Xuan Yingying..."

Chen Fan remembered that he seemed to have taken refuge in Rong Yixian's team, but he didn't expect to dare to go deep here, he was quite courageous.

"Anyway, the people under Su Pingcheng's command are nearby, so Su Pingcheng won't be too far away...Let's go!"

Chen Fan and the two immediately went to check the situation.


In the thick fog.

Xuan Yingying half-kneeled on the ground, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

But not far from his side, there are scattered figures floating in the air.

These people are the members of her team.

It's just that these people are all fighting to the death with a crowman and a ground yaksha at this time.

Xuan Yingying struggled to stand up, turned her head to look at the demons and demon disciples in the thick fog, with despair written all over her face...


And in the sky not far away, a young man in white clothes with fierce eyes swung a knife and cut a Yaksha covered in heavy armor in two, with anger written all over his face.

"Damn Su Pingcheng, if it wasn't for him... I would have left long ago! How could I have ended up in this situation! If I can leave the grassland, I must go to Jiange to join him!"

His aura is majestic, his hands are wide open and closed, and his sword energy covers the sky and the sun. It is extremely terrifying, but he is a master of Dao fruit level.

"Rong Yixian, your strength is far behind your sister's."

On the opposite side, wearing a black robe, an unusually tall and strong demon master is laughing fiercely, waving a big pestle in his hand, and the sky is falling apart, but he is completely suppressing the young man in white!

This person was none other than the seventy-two Earth Fiend Blood Shura who bowed his knees in front of Hu Jiuguang.

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