The gatekeeper's whole body was wrapped in heavy armor, which fit perfectly, but not a single bit of his body was exposed.

He raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl.

Tread Tread!

Ripples like water flashed behind him, and the black-armored men who looked like sculptures rushed out one by one with long swords or halberds.

There are thirty-two armor warriors in this group, but every one of them exudes a suffocating and terrifying aura!

"Each one is Dao fruit strength!"

Chen Fan's mouth also twitched.

As the thirty-two armored warriors rushed out, the speed at which Jianzong could attack the warriors was also greatly restricted.

And these armor warriors, each of them seemed to be lifeless, they shot fiercely and decisively, and Jianzong's side soon suffered a lot of casualties!

Even if Ji Yongge had three immortals, plus one Chen Qingru who was not weaker than the immortal, facing such a terrifying battle, he would not be able to break through for a while.

They are not afraid of these black-armored warriors, but these guys have tenacious vitality, but the immortal masters are all entangled, and they cannot kill them immediately!

And the gatekeeper was still standing in front of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison", watching the attacks of these armored warriors coldly, and pulled the giant bow again!


In the blink of an eye, the longbow in his hand was pulled down to the limit, and a suffocating terrifying force continued to rippling.

But it aimed at one of the four main forces, Ji Yongge's position.

Ji Yongge was fighting with several black-armored knights, feeling the lock of the gatekeeper's anger, his face also changed in shock.

Although he advanced to immortality earlier than Zhan Jianming, he only had ordinary immortal strength, and his eyelids twitched wildly just feeling the explosive power.

Not just him, but the few sword sect warriors not far from him were also full of horror.

Even if a master of this level doesn't aim at them, the aftermath alone is enough to kill them!

"Don't even think about—"

But at the moment when the gatekeeper opened his giant bow again to accumulate strength, a stream of white light cut through the dense fog in the night sky, cut a black-armored warrior blocking the way in two with a single sword, and rushed towards the gatekeeper in an instant !

Still the girl in white.

At this time, the girl's face was extremely pale, but her eyes were still burning.

Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Even the peerless master of the sword sect with the second level of longevity could not kill a black-armored warrior with a single sword, but this girl in white could do it!

And the person is not immortal!

"The way of swordsmanship at the Dao fruit level is so powerful..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and his heart was filled with horror.

Of course, the way of swordsmanship itself is extremely powerful, but the reason why this girl is so strong is because she is so powerful!

Let go of the giant bow in the gatekeeper's hand!

The off-string arrow had just been shot, and Chen Fan could clearly see the blast of the bowstring, causing waves in the air. Before he could hear the sound, the sword came to the girl in an instant like a sharp red light!

The sword in the girl's hand raised.

The phantom of the giant sword around her was regenerated.

"This sword..." Chen Fan also held his breath watching this scene...


The phantom of the giant sword exploded across the front in an instant!

The air with a radius of hundreds of feet was shaken, and a huge white ball of air explosion was produced!

A black-armored warrior who was closer to the girl, and an elder of the third-level Dao domain of Jianzong, all exploded and exploded into a group of pieces of meat.

At the same time, the girl's body was also thrown into the air, and fell heavily to the ground, with blood gushing from the seven orifices!

A lot of blood was rippling, but the girl firmly held the sword in her hand and stood up again.

Watching this scene, the corners of Ji Yongge's mouth twitched, but he was deeply relieved.

If no one else made a move, it would be impossible for him to intercept the sword. He looked at the girl in white with a delicate expression, but he gritted his teeth, and a bloody arrow shot out from his mouth, and his momentum suddenly rose, and he swung the spear in his hand. like a dragon.

However, the power was several times stronger than before, and the violent power poked and exploded the several black-armored warriors who were entangled in front of him in the blink of an eye!

Then he shouted loudly and stepped forward, "Rong Ziqi, I'll help you!"

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.

That girl in white is indeed Rong Ziqi!

At the same time, several other masters of the Sword Sect were also excited to use their unique moves, and quickly solved the black armor warriors who entangled them, and then rushed forward one by one again.

It was already extremely close to the gatekeeper, but only a few hundred feet away!

This distance, for a master at the longevity level, is within a short time, and it cannot be called a distance at all.

But the gatekeeper let go of his hand at this moment, and directly threw the huge bow in his hand aside.

The "Gatekeeper" stood up, stretched out his twisted body, his limbs were fat, and he was curled up between a body of silver armor, only two blood-red eyes were exposed, and his whole body was awe-inspiring.

Its body is not too big, but its aura is extremely terrifying.

He takes a step forward.


With him as the center of the circle, a dark red light curtain covering nearly a thousand feet suddenly appeared in the void.

The world froze suddenly, and Chen Fan, who was hiding in the void, also sensed a malice that made his scalp tingle and went directly to Tianling Gai!

This is not Dao Domain!

Or it's not an ordinary dao domain!

It is impossible for ordinary Dao domains to cover such a large area, and it is impossible to have such terrifying power.

Even Chen Fan felt that the space was solidified, and there seemed to be many obstacles in the space. Even if he wanted to move, he had to arouse all his strength!

Chen Fan had felt this kind of feeling before, it was when Chen Wudao self-destructed the Void Core and had exerted a similar power.

Not just Chen Fan.

After rushing forward, the menacing masters of the sword sect were all stagnant after being covered by the bloody enchantment, but even the masters of longevity moved like turtles!

In the blink of an eye, cold sweat dripped from everyone's head!

And this "gatekeeper" also turned his head, and even glanced at the position where Chen Fan was hiding in the void, and then turned his head immediately.

The cold sweat left on Chen Fan's head again.

His "concealment", but just now that Junhao Demon Lord, the dignified third-level master of longevity, didn't notice it, but unexpectedly, this "gatekeeper" saw the strangeness.

It's just that he probably didn't find any traces of himself, he just felt something strange.

The gatekeeper condensed his fist forward, but blasted at the position of an elder in Jiange from the air.

The momentum of this punch was not too terrifying, it was much worse than the bow and arrow he had shot before.

As he punched forward, within the dark red enchantment, streaks of ink-colored streamers stirred, but blossoms of blackness bloomed.

At the same time, the long-lived master whose fist wind was aimed at suddenly had a dark flower blooming around his body, but his body exploded without warning!

Blood froth scattered in all directions.

With just one punch, a long-lived master lost his life just like that!

"How can this 'Gatekeeper' be so powerful?" This move did not cause much momentum and aftermath, but the cold sweat on Chen Fan's head was more than just now!

He shot with all his strength, "Concealing the Void" plus "Void Hidden Sword Technique" may be able to sneak attack and instantly kill an immortal.

If it was a head-on confrontation, the opponent would have some scruples. If he wanted to kill Changsheng, he could only use the Hongmeng Sword, or use the advantages of Xiaodie and Baihuangjia to consume people to death.

"Elder Geng?!"

All the sword sect warriors around were also stunned and astonished.

A great master with a long life cultivation base, but he can't do it with one move?

You must know that a master of this level has a lot of cards in his hand, even if his strength is one or two levels higher, he may not be able to achieve instant kills!

Although the performance of this "gatekeeper" before was amazing, but it didn't reach such a terrifying situation!

The "gatekeeper" was naturally indifferent to the changes in the expressions of the masters of the sword sect, and switched hands again to make a fist, this time aiming at Ji Yongge's position.

I don't know why Ji Yongge provoked so much hatred, and was always targeted by him every time.

At this time, Rong Ziqi, who was already seriously injured, did not have the strength to help him block a sword.

But he turned his head and shouted: "Chen Qingru, how long are you going to wait? With our strength, we can't stop this beast at all. Why don't you hurry up and use the hole card that the head teacher gave you!"

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