My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 713: The Only Way to Survive

"It's now!"

Chen Fan also took advantage of the opportunity created by Hu Jiuguang with his life, and once again urged the "Wings of Escaping the Sky" to come behind the giant.

The giant's whole body was locked by Hu Jiuguang's body. Although he sensed someone behind him, he had no chance to attack Chen Fan at all. He could only angrily slash at Hu Jiuguang who was holding him!

After Chen Fan approached the giant, he immediately activated the power of the source beads, and a large amount of source energy rushed towards the giant!

A stream of black smoke rose up.

But the giant's hand, which was still slashing at Hu Jiuguang's body frantically, froze suddenly.

His eyes also regained some clarity at this time.

Hu Jiuguang's whole body is full of rotten flesh, but with the "White Emperor Armor" and the even more terrifying body self-healing ability after he has advanced, he was not hacked to death by the giant.

And as the ax in the giant's hand stopped, he finally had a chance to breathe.

He also took this opportunity to swallow a large amount of elixirs and rare treasures, and also recovered from the injuries in his body at a faster speed.

And Chen Fan kept urging the source bead, injecting most of the remaining power of the source bead into the giant's body.

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the giant's eyebrows and eyes, and Hu Jiuguang, who was being treated rapidly, was stunned, but his huge fox head suddenly burst open!

His limbs and claws hang down feebly, and the White Emperor Armor also falls off his body...

Chen Fan looked at this scene in astonishment, but his face changed drastically. He could sense that Hu Jiuguang's life was completely dead!

In fact, normally speaking, with Hu Jiuguang's vitality, even if his head explodes, he may not necessarily die. It only shows that the golden light emitted from the center of the giant's brow is not just possessing terrifying power!

Although the phantom of the giant spirit that Chen Fan met in the battle hall did not use similar power, but this giant has three eyes, and the possibility of having a special power in the one eye in the center of the brow is indeed not low!

Chen Fan immediately retracted the Origin Orb, and opened the "Wings of Void Escape" behind him. Before he had time to distance himself from the giant, he suddenly felt a terrifying air locking him, making him unable to move.

The power of "Wings of Escaping the Sky" cannot be stimulated at all.

However, he saw that the giant's head turned 180 degrees, and the three golden pupils pointed directly at his own position.

"Who are you from the 'Original Demon God'?"

From the very beginning, what the giant spoke was not a human language, but it could be automatically converted into the common language of the human race when it reached Chen Fan's ears.

Chen Fan's body trembled, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the other party can say this sentence completely, it also shows that the other party has recovered his sanity.

He took a deep breath: "I don't know any 'Original Demon God'."

"do not know?"

The giant frowned, "You were able to get rid of the karma of Lord 'Baiyin' on me, thanks to the power of the 'Original Demon God'."

Chen Fan was stunned, and with a thought, the source pearl floated up from his body, and he had a sudden inspiration: "Is this what you are talking about?"

The giant had obviously regained his sanity, and he didn't intend to attack him at this time.

A golden light flashed in the giant's three pupils, and his expression became extremely complicated:

"This is indeed the power of the Primordial Demon God. The Primordial Demon God used to be the supreme existence Lord Baiyin hated the most. In order to reach the other shore, he gave up the supreme power that belonged exclusively to the Demon God King, and reincarnated to open up a new path..."

"I didn't expect the person who got the power of the 'Original Demon God' to come to the Emerald Palace, and even cleared my karma for me... The world is really wonderful."

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched when he heard this, and his heart was complicated.

No wonder the power of "Origin Technique" can dispel evil forces.

It turns out that this is the legacy of another demon king!

He couldn't help but have many associations with the identity of that "Kun Wu"...

What made Chen Fan speechless even more.

The "Origin Demon God" at the source of his "Origin Technique" turned out to be in a hostile relationship with the "Silver Demon God"!

This is so embarrassing.

Seeing Chen Fan's expression, the giant said again:

"Don't worry, the 'Original Demon God' has long since abandoned his identity as the Demon God King, and Lord Baiyin has fallen. Their past enmity has nothing to do with me..."

"You helped me get rid of my karma and let me get rid of the state of walking dead. I also want to thank you. You can call me Wenbu, and you are human?"

In fact, after recovering his sanity, if the giant attacked Chen Fan, he would definitely not be able to stop him!

"I'm down, Chen Fan." Following the giant's words, Chen Fan was finally relieved.

Just glancing at Hu Jiuguang's corpse, his expression is also very subtle.

The giant noticed Chen Fan's gaze and explained: "Is this fox demon your companion? I haven't fully recovered, and I just subconsciously shot at the guy who attacked me—"

"No, I just came in with him... I don't know him too well." Chen Fan was full of nonsense, and flew to Hu Jiuguang's huge corpse.

As soon as he raised his hand, Hu Jiuguang's huge corpse disappeared, and Chen Fan took him into the Hall of Stars.

Hu Jiuguang didn't really die, but another tail was broken.

After entering the Hall of Stars, among the corpses of Fox Jiuguang, only a ray of spiritual light burst out from his corpse, turning into a miniature little fox.

At this time, there were only seven tails left on the little fox's tail.

One of its fox faces is full of humanized depression.

Immediately, he threw himself on his huge corpse and began to gnaw on it...

After becoming a little fox, Hu Jiuguang needs a lot of meat and energy to recover, and his corpse can also help him recover faster.

And in the outside world.

"Senior Wenbu, what should we do now?" After putting away Hu Jiuguang's body, Chen Fan didn't bother with Hu Jiuguang, and immediately changed the subject.

Since Wen Bu didn't know about Hu Jiuguang's ability, and he didn't seem to realize that Hu Jiuguang was special, Chen Fan didn't intend to expose it.

Wen Bu shook his head and looked into the distance. In another small world compartment, the battle between "Jialan" and Shi Zhongyu said:

"There are three ways to break the mind world, one, forcibly break it open, two, the master of the mind world let us go, and three, kill the master of the mind world."

"Although 'Xuanniao' is at the same level as me, only the fourth level of the Demon Emperor, but she is very talented. The world of her natal mind is comparable to that of a master of the sixth level of longevity. Even a master of the fifth level of longevity, don't try to force her Break open this mind world."

"We want to leave here, there are only the last two ways..."

"Mysterious bird?" Chen Fan was taken aback, thinking of the blazing flames released by "Jialan" and the huge bird's nest before.

It turned out that this guy was really a bird.

Chen Fan didn't know what kind of divine beast the Xuanniao was, but he knew that the Yuan Shang Emperor had a deep relationship with this kind of creature.

No need to think about it, this guy is by no means an ordinary species.

In fact, even if it is really just an ordinary bird, it will not be easy to cultivate to this level.

"Then... Senior Wenbu, won't you help? If we wait for Xuanniao to defeat the opponent, it will be even more difficult for us to defeat her?" Chen Fan couldn't help swallowing, feeling anxious in his heart.

Since they can't be broken by force, the opponent can't take the initiative to let Chen Fan and the others go, so the only way is to kill him!

Wembo shook his head:

"Xuanniao is not in a complete state, but I am also disturbed by karma and cannot display my true strength. Not to mention that I may not be able to beat her now, even if I win, I will not be able to kill her. She is the true immortal. Divine beasts... Only those who surpass the sixth level of longevity, the level of the Demon God King, can wipe her out by annihilating her true spirit."

"Besides, she is the favorite pet of Lord Baiyin, and I am just a breeder... How can I take action against her?"

Pets and breeders?


The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and his heart was greatly shocked.

In fact, no matter whether it was the primordial chaos he had seen or the demon vortex of purgatory, they were all immortal, and even Hu Jiuguang was half of them, but compared with this mysterious bird, the gap was too big.

At present, in the entire Pan-Ancient Continent, whether there is an active existence above the sixth level of longevity, Chen Fan is very skeptical...

He took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "That is to say, if we want to leave, only Xuanniao will let us go?"

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