My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 723 Advancement

The comprehension and improvement of the "Predator's Sword" came slowly, and Chen Fan continued to eliminate a large amount of evil force in the fountain of life.

But after two days, he completely eliminated the evil force in the fountain of life.

His cultivation has also reached a critical point!

Only five percent away from a breakthrough.

And this time, he directly took out a Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill and took it.

Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill is worthy of being the famous top-grade elixir of Xusheng in Jianzong.

After Chen Fan refined, he broke through to the second level Dao Domain cultivation level naturally!

It is also the limit strength that he can achieve at this time.

With a breakthrough in cultivation level, he once again ushered in a comprehensive level of improvement in body and spiritual consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness has completely reached the peak of the Heavenly Human Realm, and it is only a step away from Wuliang. Of course, this step is also the most difficult step.

And his true energy swelled again, and it was almost as good as the white emperor armor's increased true energy, and the total amount of true energy was only a few times different.

"The stronger my cultivation is, the less the White Emperor Armor will increase my strength..."

The real essence boosted by the White Emperor Armor doesn't have any properties, and it can't be compared to his own true essence when used.

So although his ultimate strength has been improved, the price-performance ratio of Baihuangjia has dropped a lot!

The only advantage of "White Emperor Armor" is that it has enough real energy, and it doesn't need to consume Chen Fan's own strength, and there is still...

"'White Emperor Jia' should also be further improved."

In fact, after Chen Fan got the "Sky Gold Nest", he also got a lot of ore.

Although the "Tianjin Nest" is a nine-star Taoist artifact, its power is very simple and pure, and most of these ores are really just decorations, and Chen Fan can use them at will.

His eyes flickered, but he immediately summoned the "Tianjin Nest", took out some ores that were useful for Lord Bai's recovery, and after dispelling its internal evil forces, he threw it to Lord Bai.

"Okay, very good, boy Chen Fan, you are really my lucky star!"

Master Bai was naturally extremely excited, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed all the ore that Chen Fan gave him!

And Chen Fan could also feel that Bai Huangjia's power had started to increase again, but this time there were too many ores and the power was too strong, but it would take a few days for Master Bai to completely refine it this time.

Chen Fan was not in a hurry.

But his eyes turned to the front, he had just dispelled the fountain of life of the force.

"Such a strong life force should be useful for the growth of medicinal herbs, right?"

He licked his lips, but threw part of the Fountain of Youth to the King of Medicine to irrigate the medicine fields, and the rest was returned to the elves of the spring...

The spring spirit likes to be in enough spring water, and the spring water also needs to be nourished by the power of the spring spirit.


After two days.

In a closed room in the Hall of Stars.

Chen Fan squinted at the body in front of him that was exactly the same as himself, stepped forward, and put his palm on the palm of that body.

His consciousness completed the transformation in an instant.

This body is naturally his recondensed avatar.

Regardless of whether there are any hidden dangers in the Demon Killing Eye, for Chen Fan, the role of having a second life is still obvious.

After condensing the avatar, he manipulated the avatar to leave the Hall of Stars.

Afterwards, he stayed outside and urged the "Qing Yuan Jue" to continue to improve the cultivation of the clone.

His previous avatar died before completely transforming the "Baiyun True Kung Fu", and now there is no need to continue transforming.

Although the realm is there, it is another true skill after all. Although Chen Fan's cultivation realm is high, "Qing Yuanjue" did not immediately reach his cultivation limit.


Chen Fandong Mansion.

Chen Fan sat cross-legged in the quiet room.

Du Jun flew to Chen Fan, "Master, those two people are looking for you again!"

Chen Fan nodded.

Du Jun possesses intelligence not inferior to that of human beings, and is absolutely loyal, making him a very good servant.

It is convenient for him to stay outside to deal with some external affairs.

Chen Fanfei left the cave.

"Brother Lian, Senior Sister Yu, long time no see, how are you all!"

The people waiting outside the cave were Lian Yangshuo and Yu Jin.

After Chen Fan returned to the sect, he immediately messaged the two of them, so they knew that Chen Fan was fine.

In fact, it was not the first time that Lian Yangshuo had approached Chen Fan, but they were dismissed by Du Jun with the excuse of Chen Fan retreating.

This time I finally met someone.

Even Yangshuo breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little moved: "Junior Brother Chen, you... are really fine! It's fine, it's fine!"

Yu Jin also said:

"I've heard even my senior brother tell me about it...I said I'm covering you, but I didn't expect that it was you who saved my senior sister's life! Is your injury okay, junior brother?"

Chen Fan couldn't stay in seclusion for a few days, so they naturally thought it was because of his serious injuries.

Chen Fan waved his hand.

When Yu Jin was in danger, he still didn't forget to take him away, so it was only right to save her by himself.

Even Yang Shuo was in danger only because of his burden, the other party was already benevolent enough.

He invited the two of them into the cave and exchanged a few pleasantries.

Yu Jin then said: "I heard Senior Brother Lian say that you met the Golden Lion, and you were the one left by you... Junior Brother, how did you escape from under the hands of the Golden Lion?"

As soon as this remark came out, even Yang Shuo's expression darkened: "It's all senior brother and I'm incompetent, let junior brother risk your life to die..."

Chen Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Senior brother and sister, don't underestimate me too much. The golden lion has strength, but it only has the wisdom of an ordinary beast. It's not scary..."

Having seen the horror of Wembu, the four-winged golden lion is really like an ordinary kitten.

However, even the two of Yangshuo thought that Chen Fan said this on purpose, and they both expressed their gratitude to Chen Fan for saving his life, and gave their own gifts.

Although the two of them didn't have Su Changqing's handwriting, what they each took was the elixir of the virtual saint level.

The two elixirs are only the lower grade of Xusheng, and they are both healing elixirs.

It's nothing to Chen Fan, but it's a big deal to both of them.

Chen Fan was naturally not polite.

Afterwards, Chen Fan also took the opportunity to ask Yu Jin and others about the follow-up of the Jialan Kingdom.

It was only then that Chen Fan knew that what happened in Jialan Country had come to an end, and the two sword emperors had returned to Jianzong alive!

It's just that a disciple like Yu Jin who is not too strong has no way of knowing how to deal with Jialan Country and the small world of Jade Palace.

But fortunately, Jianzong did not start a complete war with the two major demon sects because of what happened in Jialan Kingdom.

Chen Fan guessed in his heart that the glazed cup did not fall into the hands of the Demon Sect, but was taken away by the mysterious bird. Although Xuanniao is not a good guy, he is still more reliable than the ruthless people like Momen.

The consequences are within the range that Jianzong can bear!

Although Jianzong is strong, he is afraid that he does not have the strength to deal with the two great demon sects head-on.

No one looks good when the skin is torn...

According to what Yu Jin said, Jian Zong held a mourning meeting for the disciples and elders who died these days, but he didn't force the disciples to go.

Yu Jin hesitated for a while, and then tentatively said: "Recently, there have been rumors that you marked the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison', Junior Brother. I don't know if this news is true or not?"

When Chen Fan heard this, his eyes flashed.

But he nodded directly and admitted.

Mark the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" and you can get the Xuanmu Ten Thousand Golden Pill, even a master of Daoguo can act, and for some people whose lifespan has reached the limit, this is a great treasure!

"Junior Brother Chen Fan is really amazing!"

Even Yangshuo and Yu Jin were amazed.

Chen Fan waved his hand with a delicate expression: "Is there any rumor in the sect who destroyed the gate of the devil's prison?"

Yu Jin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I heard that it was the elders of the Jiange, who personally destroyed the gate of the devil's prison with a mission of longevity."

Chen Fan's expression was subtle. It wasn't just one person who knew about his destruction of the Devil's Prison Gate. But now it seems that this information has not been released to the outside world. It is obvious that someone deliberately concealed the news.

"Is it for my safety?" Chen Fan thought.

As the saying goes, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it.

The Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill is something that Zhan Jianming and other second-level longevity masters are very greedy...

Chen Fan's cultivation at this time still seemed a little too weak.

He shook his head, his eyes flickered: "Is there any news from Zhan Jianming?"

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