My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 741 Decryption and Leaving

The inheritance I got from the Kunwu Secret Realm is the "Origin Technique" and the Origin Pearl.

As a real skill, although the origin technique itself is powerful, its real special feature lies in its ability to isolate the evil force left by the Demon God King!

When Chen Fan heard Lan Ruo's words, he naturally had some guesses.

Lan Ruo smiled, nodded and said:

"It seems that Brother Chen already knows how special your true skill is, so I won't hide it anymore. I want to ask Brother Chen for help. The place I am going to is the place where a 'Devil God King' fell. Wait until Chen Brother Fan, your breakthrough to longevity should be enough to resist the karma left by the Demon God King!"

"The place where the Demon God King fell?"

Chen Fan's heart moved, and then he frowned deeply.

The Demon God King is a peerless existence beyond the sixth level of longevity.

Places like the Emerald Palace are nothing but the influence of the impact of the force caused by the personal treasures left by the "Silver Demon God". They are extremely terrifying, and the five layers of longevity are lost.

Not to mention where the real corpse of the Demon God King is, no wonder Lan Ruo said that she will wait until she breaks through immortality before going there...

He took a deep breath:

"Whether to go, let me think about it. Before that, I have a question for you, Miss Lan Ruo..."

I don't know when I will break through to longevity, but I am not in a hurry.

Lan Ruo nodded: "Please tell me."

Chen Fan took a deep breath: "What is the relationship between that Kunwu and the 'Original Demon God'?"

Why does the inheritance left by the "Original Demon God" appear in the Kunwu Secret Realm?

Lan Ruo said with a smile: "Brother Chen already knows that your true skill comes from 'Yuan Shi', then I won't hide it anymore, 'Yuan Shi Demon God' is Kunwu's previous life!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, thinking of Wen Bu's words about the reincarnation and restoration of the Yuanshi Demon King, his mind was full of thoughts, and his expression was extremely complicated.

He was puzzled and said: "The existence of the 'Devil God King' has surpassed the sixth level of longevity and stood at the real pinnacle of the world. Why did the 'Original Demon God' give up all his strength..."

Lan Ruo sighed when she heard the words, and said:

"'Yuanshi' is a born demon king. When he was born, he fully understood a 'Avenue of Origin', but the avenue is not the peak, and there is a higher 'ultimate'. The limit of the heavenly personality, any avenue The end point, that is, the "ultimate" of the Tao, will only have the only existence. No matter how amazing the "origin" is, it is useless, because someone has already occupied that unique position on the "source" avenue..."

Chen Fan was startled, and the corner of his mouth twitched again, "Who is that existence?"

Lan Ruo's expression was subtle: "'Yuanshi''s father. 'Yuanshi' was able to give birth to the Demon God King because of his father's personality."

Chen Fan suddenly had a delicate expression at the same time. It was his luck that the Primordial Demon God was born a Demon God King, but thinking about it now, it was also his greatest tragedy.

He licked his lips, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Does this mean that even if I inherit all the mantle of the 'Original Demon God', I can only become the Demon God King?"

Lan Ruo nodded: "Unless that existence falls, that's true."

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, thinking that he got this kind of inheritance in the Kunwu Secret Realm, and he took a big advantage.

Now it seems that it may not be a good thing.

Everything has a price...

It's just that although he practiced "Yuan Shu", he never realized the artistic conception of "Yuan" or the realm of "Yuan". on the way!

He took a deep breath and asked again:

"Above the way of the sword, is there the highest 'ultimate'?"

When he asked this question, Chen Fan could feel his heart beating extremely fast.

"Origin Technique" can be regarded as an ordinary real skill by him, because although the source technique has provided him with a lot of help and convenience, it is nothing more than a way for him to improve his cultivation level, at worst he should abandon "Origin Technique" and get another real skill!

But swordsmanship is the key to his early arrival, and it is also the one he values ​​most.

Lan Ruo just laughed:

"There is no such person on the Dao of the Sword...Brother Chen really has a big heart, but I have to say that you are thinking too much, Brother Chen. That series is still extremely difficult, and a Dao is not easy to understand. Not to mention the way of swordsmanship, it is one of the most powerful Dao..."

"If you can inherit all the 'Yuan Shi' in the future, there is a small possibility that you will become a new 'Yuan Shi Demon God'. As for the way of swordsmanship, in history, the number of creatures who have comprehended Dao Dao is only five fingers. There may be only one or two people who are still alive, and it is so simple to take the ultimate step."

While Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but feel his heart move:

"I'm not the only one who inherited the 'Origin' inheritance?"

Lan Ruo nodded: "How many years do you think the Kunwu Secret Realm has been opened? Although not everyone is so lucky to get the inheritance of 'Yuanshi', there are always a few accumulated."

Chen Fan frowned, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Why did Kunwu do this?"

Lan Ruo sighed:

"He is cultivating the seeds to resist the catastrophe. Only the existence of the Demon God King series can play a slightly greater role in resisting the catastrophe. How long do you think it will take to give birth to a master of that level only by relying on your own talent and comprehension?" ? The period between the two cataclysms can be called an era, and there is often no existence of a series of 'devil kings' in an era..."

Chen Fan couldn't help sighing when he heard the words, and finally asked: "What is the Great Tribulation?"

Lan Ruo frowned again when she heard the words: "The catastrophe is an invasion of an extremely terrifying existence beyond this world. That place outside the sky is called 'Heavenly Abyss'..."


Thinking of what Wen Bu once said about having the power of Tianyuan, Chen Fan thought it was true.

"last question."

He looked straight at Lan Ruo: "Miss Lan Ruo, who are you...?"

Lan Ruo smiled: "Human beings like you."

Chen Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but his expression suddenly froze. He looked at Lan Ruo carefully, but his heart was thoughtful...

As far as he knows, there were four great courts of gods and various powerful alien races in the past, but why are all the alien races sealed in the earth or in various strange lands, while humans occupy the main part of the continent?

When he thought of the "Original Demon God" who had been reincarnated and rebuilt, he couldn't help but have a guess in his heart.

Could it be that Lan Ruo is also a reincarnated boss?

Think about it carefully, the possibility is extremely high, this woman knows too much inside information!

And in Ziyue Secret Realm, Ziyue Sect regards her as a "little ancestor" and is suspected of being a reincarnated and recultivated person. Could it be that this woman is the reincarnation of that "Purple Moon Immortal"?

Chen Fan's heart was pounding, but he didn't ask to express his guess...

Lan Ruo didn't say anything, just smiled, and waved her hand, a purple jade bracelet floated towards Chen Fan:

"If you want to enter the Ziyue Secret Realm again, you can enter directly through the main entrance of the secret realm with this jade bracelet, but don't use your 'yuan' power to forcefully sneak in!"

Chen Fan also took the jade bracelet with an embarrassed expression...


It was impossible for Chen Fan to leave Xiao Xi and the others without saying goodbye.

When they heard that Chen Fan was leaving, Xiao Xi and Yun Xin were naturally very reluctant.

And they just joined the Purple Moon Sect, so it's not easy to leave with Chen Fan.

Luo Fangyan, on the other hand, held a farewell banquet for Chen Fan.

The banquet is over.

When Chen Fan returned to his residence in Ziyuezong to pack his bags.

But he raised his eyebrows.

Under his spiritual consciousness, he found that someone had been waiting for him in the room in advance.

He pushed open the door, and Ye Yunxin blushed and stood up from the bed awkwardly.

"Husband... Husband..."

Yun Xin had obviously been well-groomed, wearing a white gauze dress, pink lips, cascading black hair hanging on her shoulders, a blush on her fat skin, full of shyness.

Chen Fan was a little dazed. The girl who followed behind his buttocks and called him Brother Chen Fan had turned out to be so charming.

He was a little embarrassed: "Yun"

The girl mustered up her courage to step forward, and threw herself into Chen Fan's arms, not daring to raise her head.

Chen Fan felt the soft and tender body trembling slightly in his arms, and he could also imagine the courage the girl mustered up to appear here...

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