My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 753 Master's Conditions

Chen Qingru couldn't help laughing: "The number one blacksmith in Jianzong is your master, why do you need someone else?"

Chen Fan laughed dryly:

"Master doesn't always retreat, but I don't want to bother him all the time."

Chen Qingru shook her head when she heard the words: "Tell me first, what needs and ideas do you have, I'll ask your father for you..."

What Chen Fan was waiting for was now, and then he told Chen Qingru that he had just won the sword pill and wanted to raise the level of the sword pill.

"I still have some precious materials in my hand..."

Chen Qingru nodded: "Wait a minute."

Chen Qingru hung up the communication, but it didn't take long before she replied: "Father said, it's not impossible for him to refine the sword pills for you, and he doesn't even need any reward from you, but you have to break into the top five in True Legend! "

"Top five?" Chen Fan licked his lips.

Luo Yunfei is just a beginner in Daoguo, and it is not difficult to win, but the fifth place is Rong Ziqi's younger brother Rong Yixian, whose swordsmanship strength is not comparable to Luo Yunfei.

If you want to win, you have to show your higher and stronger strength.

"It seems that the master doesn't want me to hide too much clumsiness..." Chen Fan had a weird expression, but he wasn't too scared.

But at this time, Rong Yixian has been in seclusion for a long time and has not yet come out. I want to challenge him, but I have to wait a while...


Chen Fan put away the sword pill that had just been refined, but took out the broken pages of the heavenly book that he got from "Luo Yunfei".

This residual page is only missing the last corner, and the head is intact, so it can naturally be practiced directly.

"Judging from the attitudes of Yu Jin, Luo Yunfei and others, although the fragmented pages of the Heavenly Book are precious, they should not be particularly rare. I'm afraid there are many scattered pages of the Heavenly Book, and many people have them!"

Chen Fan shook his head, immediately picked up the heavenly book, and started refining.

After a long while, Chen Fan put down the heavenly book with a slightly subtle expression.

What can be confirmed is that the remaining pages of the Heavenly Book are not fake, and they are indeed the content of the chapter on spells, which is called "Shen Xing".

It's just that this fragmentary page is very different from other heavenly books. It is not divided into layers like "Hiding the Void" or "Wings of Escaping the Void". It can be practiced even if it is incomplete...

This "spiritual practice" is not layered, it is just a layer, and if one corner is missing, one cannot practice.

"No wonder that Luo Yunfei gave me something so generously..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he took out the solar shield again, trying to deduce the location of this corner, but he couldn't find any results.

"I don't know if it's too far away, or that corner is hidden in another space, a certain secret realm..."

In the end, Chen Fan was quite speechless despite being so happy.

Although the occultation mirror is powerful, its ability is always limited.

But anyway, it was for nothing, and Chen Fan wasn't too disappointed.


Rongyi Immortal Cave Mansion.

In a loud laugh.

Rong Yixian walked out of the quiet room.

"Finally, with the help of the Supreme God Pill, my spiritual realm has successfully broken through the limit and reached limitless!"

Although the total amount of Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness is large, after all, the breakthrough in the realm of spiritual consciousness is too fast, and his foundation is far inferior to Rong Yixian.

Rong Yixian's spiritual consciousness was already on the verge of breaking through, but with the help of Taishen Pill, he succeeded in breaking through Wuliang, which was a great improvement in his personal strength.

"Congratulations senior brother, congratulations senior brother!"

Rongyi Immortal Cave Mansion, his disciples all came forward to congratulate him.

Rong Yixian laughed, took out some rewards and asked again: "I've been in seclusion these days, but what happened?"

Immediately a disciple stepped forward, "Senior brother Chen Fan has come to see you several times and you said there is something urgent..."

"Oh? That kid Chen Fan?"

Rong Yixian's eyes lit up, and he immediately picked up the Inheritance Token and called Chen Fan directly.

"Senior Brother Rong, you're finally out!"

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled.

Rong Yixian laughed heartily: "Is there any important matter, Junior Brother?"

Chen Fan coughed lightly: "It's like this, brother, I want to challenge you, brother..."

The smile on Rong Yixian's face slowly froze, and then his face was full of surprise: "Are you kidding me?"

Chen Fan shook his head, "I'm serious."

Rong Yixian laughed again: "It's a private discussion, it doesn't matter, junior brother, you can do it whenever you have time!"

Chen Fan shook his head again: "I have rushed to the ninth place in Jianzong, and tomorrow I will fight against Senior Sister Zhou who is ranked seventh, but I want to make a challenge with Senior Brother..."

The corner of Rong Yixian's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at the disciple next to him, "How long have I been in seclusion?!"

The man had a strange expression: "Brother, you have been in retreat for more than half a year..."

Rong Yixian looked blank: "Is it only half a year?"


The challenge time was agreed upon with Rong Yixian, but Chen Fan met his opponent at the second Dao Fruit level first.

It is a senior sister who is repairing "Thunder Sword", ranked seventh, and her name is Zhou Wei.

While Chen Fan only sacrificed his Sword Domain, he experienced an unprecedentedly difficult battle, and also broke his undefeated golden body...

This Zhou Wei is not someone like Luo Yunfei who has just been promoted to Daoguo and is not yet proficient in using power.

Although the ranking is not high enough, in Chen Fan's opinion, Zhou Wei's swordsmanship is not inferior to Rong Yixian who is ranked fifth before.

The battle is over.

Zhou Wei came directly in front of Chen Fan with a frosty face:

"Chen Fan, why don't you use all your strength? What about your other Dao domains?"

In fact, if he used the Flame Dao Domain plus Fire Holy Sword, Chen Fan's strength could be improved a lot, and he might have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

He shook his head: "I want to sharpen my swordsmanship, so..."

The reason why he used the "Holy Fire Sword" against Liao Hongyu at the beginning was because even if he didn't use the "Holy Fire Sword", he could defeat Liao Hongyu, and he had already seen Liao Hongyu's strength and swordsmanship, out of respect for him, Only then did he use that sword.

Zhou Wei snorted: "Okay, you didn't regard this battle as a life-and-death battle at all. You said that you are cold and arrogant, and treat others as sharpening stones. I never thought you would dare to do this to me—"

Others are eager to use all means to reach a higher ranking as much as possible, but Chen Fan only wants to sharpen himself

Chen Fan said helplessly: "This is not a battle of life and death at all."

Zhou Wei hummed again: "Three days later, I'll be waiting for you at Yanwu Pavilion. Let's fight again. I want you to use the flame sword technique you used against Liao Hongyu!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chen Fan's reply, he turned his head and left proudly.

Chen Fan was startled, but he smiled wryly and was speechless.

However, his eyes are twinkling, and it is a great thing for Chen Fan to be able to fight with Zhou Wei's level as much as possible and compete in swordsmanship, especially the opponent's "Thunder Swordsmanship", which is also a swordsmanship that Chen Fan highly respects .

This battle made him gain a lot.

But in fact, when I sprinted to this ranking stage, it was impossible to advance further by relying on the nine great swordsmanship alone, but it was impossible to use only the nine great swordsmanship...

Three days later, Chen Fan and Zhou Wei fought again. Chen Fan used the Flame Dao domain plus the triple sword domain in this battle, and cut out the "Holy Sword of Fire".

He defeated Zhou Wei's "Thunder Sword Art" head-on and defeated him.

Chen Fan has reached the fifth level of the Fire Sacred Sword, which is really powerful. It is much more powerful than his "Tianhui Sword Art". Even because of the stronger flame domain, its power is almost equal to the "Seven Killing Sword" at this time!

Chen Fan became the seventh in the true story of Jianzong.

Originally, because Chen Fan was defeated by Zhou Wei a few days ago, many people who bad-mouthed Chen Fan were also surprised.

Although Zhou Wei was defeated this time, after she came out, she was not dissatisfied with Chen Fan before, but was extremely excited: "Chen Fan, that's it... three days later, we will fight again!"

Chen Fan was also speechless.

However, the battle invitation was sent by Zhou Wei, and it would not consume Chen Fan's chance to challenge, and Chen Fan did not refuse.

Instead of waiting for three days to arrive, he ushered in the confrontation with Rong Yixian first.

Rong Yixian's complex emotions are beyond words.

Facing Rong Yixian, Chen Fan also felt unprecedented terrifying pressure.

Relying on the Holy Fire Sword and the Triple Sword Domain, he even inspired the Lightning Dao Domain and Lei Peng's Illusionary Body, and almost used all means to defeat the fifth Rong Yixian...

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