My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 756 Sword Realm, Promise

For the sword realm, Chen Fan has been looking forward to it for a long time.

It's just that he really didn't intend to go there immediately.

During this period of time, he competed with many masters of the Sword Sect, and he has made rapid progress, but he has not fully absorbed what he has gained.

Chen Tianqian nodded: "Then I will make an appointment for you in one and a half months. The number of places to enter the Sword Realm is very tight, and it often takes a long queue to have a chance to enter!"

Chen Fan asked: "May I ask Master, what kind of place is the Sword Realm? What's so special about it? I heard that it can help people comprehend the Nine Great Swordsmanship?"

Chen Tianqian said: "The sword state itself is not special, and the aura is also incomparable. There are only nine sword pictures in it, corresponding to the nine great sword skills of my sword sect."

"You should know that the Nine Great Sword Techniques of Jianzong means the swordsmanship practiced by the nine sword emperors in the history of Jianzong. The notch on each picture of the sword realm contains the Taoist rhyme corresponding to the entire swordsmanship. You can comprehend the true meaning and improve your swordsmanship realm by observing it..."

The sword drawing of the nine complete kendo?

Chen Fan's eyes were shining, no wonder Zong Zhengxiu's cultivation had not changed much before and after entering, but his strength had increased so much. It turned out that it was because the Sword Domain could directly comprehend the corresponding kendo of the Nine Great Swordsmanship!

Chen Fan couldn't help but feel moved when he heard the words, and asked, "If that's the case, then why don't you just let go of the restrictions and let my disciples of the Sword Sect be able to observe and emulate, wouldn't everyone be able to grow quickly?"

Chen Tianqian snorted: "Do you think that there is no price to pay for the sword map to help people realize the Tao... The sword state can't even keep two people entering at the same time, let alone let go directly. How can there be such a good thing!"

"Master said so!" Chen Fan smiled sarcastically.

In fact, even items that contain Dao rhyme, such as the Eye of Wind in Chen Fan's hand, have limited Dao rhyme.

Not to mention presenting the entire Dao on a picture...

Being able to carry a complete sword path also shows that the carrier of the sword map is not a mortal thing...

Chen Tianqian did not say what the specific price for the sword map was, but cleared his throat and suggested:

"Before you go in, you must think about which sword map to choose to comprehend. The nine great swordsmanship represent nine powerful swordsmanship, and each one takes a long time to comprehend. You must not be distracted by others..."

Thoughts were beating in Chen Fan's heart, but he nodded obediently: "Thank you, master, for your suggestion."

"En." Chen Tianqian nodded, and then said: "These days, I will help you refine the sword pill first... Qing Ru said that you still have a lot of materials?"


However, the re-smelting of Jian Wan is much more difficult than the re-smelting of Feiying Sword.

The choice of materials suitable for resmelting is also very limited.

There is only one material in Chen Fan's hand that is suitable for re-smelting, but Chen Tianqian has other suitable materials in his hand, and Chen Fan finally took out his own other inventory to exchange with the master.

In the end, the sword pill was successfully refined, and it was upgraded to a four-star Taoist weapon, breaking through the middle level.

Leng Fengjian can reach six stars because of the effect of the sword embryo.

Jianwan doesn't have that kind of grade material.

Of course, even if it's just a four-star Taoist weapon, it's more than enough for Chen Fan to use, and even he can't really display the power of this sword pill for a while.

His "Ten Thousand Swords Code" has reached the realm of a thousand swords, and with this sword pill, it is enough to rebel against longevity...

And the real advantage of "Ten Thousand Swords" does not lie in duels!


Afterwards, Chen Fan also dived into the cave, and began to retreat, sorting out the gains from the continuous exchanges during this period of time.

Time flies by.

A month later, Chen Fan, who was sitting cross-legged in the quiet room, opened his eyes, and a khaki-yellow circle of light flickered around his body, "I didn't expect that my Dao Domain of Wind has not been comprehended for a long time, but Dao Domain of Earth has already broken through the second level!" Already!"

With the Earth Emperor around, Chen Fan would do nothing, and the Dao Domain of Earth would be in a state of rapid improvement, and even the Dao Domain of Earth might break through the Dao Fruit earlier than his own Sword Domain.

The way of swordsmanship is too difficult...

As time passed, it was time for Chen Fan to enter the Sword Realm, so he put it down and continued to practice.

The entrance to the sword realm is within the sword pavilion.

Chen Fan took a special token and stepped into a special magic circle. The light under his feet suddenly shifted, and he entered an empty hall.

This is indeed a different dimension.

"Huh? What kind of breath is this, so familiar?" A thunderous voice exploded in Chen Fan's ears.

Chen Fan looked up in astonishment, only to see that the sound was made by a tall boulder next to him.

The boulder was square, and it was ten feet tall. Accompanied by rumbling trembling sounds, the stone flipped, revealing an incomparably huge human face!

The human face occupies most of the entire square stone surface.

Chen Fan sensed the terrifying aura contained on the huge stone face, as well as an inexplicably friendly aura.

"I said what's going on, you, a human being, has an earth spirit fused with it! I thought it was someone of the same kind who entered this small world to save me!" The sound of the huge stone was loud.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, but he immediately summoned Xiaodie and flew towards the distance!

But the stone didn't chase at all, and watched Chen Fan run away, but let out a huge laugh.

Chen Fan ran for a while on Xiaodie, and found that the stone was not chasing him, so he stopped naturally, looking at the huge square stone with a strange expression.

"Jianzong disciple, you don't have to be afraid, I can't move, I can't hurt you at all. And I don't know you, so I don't need to do anything to you!"

That being said, Chen Fan still didn't dare to get close to this guy.

But in my heart, I also think that this big guy shouldn't hurt me...

After all, this is the realm of swordsmanship, and there will often be masters of the sword sect coming in to comprehend the way of swordsmanship.

It is impossible for Jianzong to leave such a hidden danger.

He looked around with a strange expression, and his spiritual consciousness swept out, but he found that the hall was extremely empty, and he didn't find any sword diagrams at all!

"The master didn't remind me how hard it is to find the sword map, that is to say, the sword map should be where I can see it when I come in..."

The corner of his mouth twitched and looked at the huge square stone.


Jushi's big face also opened his mouth again: "Hey, human, what you are looking for is the nick left on my body by your master swordsman, right? If you want to see it, come here!"

Chen Fan had a delicate expression, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

What are you afraid of?

He hesitated for a moment, but still flew towards the boulder.

"Hey, you little human being, you are cautious enough."

The stone face's voice was still earth-shattering.

"Because you and I are half of the same kind, I will give you a chance. I can stimulate my special power, stimulate the power of the marks on my body to the limit, and show the complete way contained in it. How about coming out for your better comprehension?"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed when he heard the words: "What do you want, senior?"

He didn't believe that pies would fall in vain in the sky!

The huge pupils of the stone face looked at Chen Fan:

"The request is very simple, that is... If one day, you are in charge of Jianzong, set me free!"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, "Senior really has confidence in me..."

"It's not that I have confidence in you."

Stone Face opened his mouth wide:

"I might as well tell you that when someone from your Sword Sect can wake me up, or I meet someone with great potential, I will make the same agreement with that person and give them the same opportunity... Although it inspires me Power will consume a lot of my strength, but...compared to these, I want to be free!"

Chen Fan was stunned upon hearing this.

The expression is also a bit weird.

Those who can enter the sword state will definitely not be ordinary disciples of Jianzong.

This big guy is also witty, casting a wide net, maybe these people will be able to control the sword sect in the future.

He nodded directly, and nodded decisively:

"If senior can really help me, when I take charge of the sword sect, it will be the day when you get out of trouble, senior!"

Followed by Chen Fan's words.

But I saw the sky bursting with rays of light, and golden lotuses emerged from the void.

"This is……"

At the same time, Chen Fan could sense a special rule imposed on him.

He has a strange feeling.

What I just said is not just a simple verbal promise!

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