Chen Fan looked at the token in his hand with a delicate expression, the flashing fluorescent token.

This thing is Cheng Shifei gave him a token.

It seems simple, but it has a built-in communication formation, which is much more advanced than ordinary communication stones, although it is not as good as Jianzong's true pass token.

In addition to being able to talk in real time like a communication stone, you can also send and receive messages.

"Senior, you are still in Yuanshen Prefecture, please ask senior for help if you have something to do, the price is negotiable—"

Cheng Shifei's strength is average, but he is a member of the Baiyun Association, a large chamber of commerce in Zhongzhou, and his identity seems to be not simple. Back then, the guards around him were all ten heavy!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't reply.

He and Cheng Shifei only met once, and he saved his life by himself, and he gave some gifts.

There is only a transaction between the two, and there is no friendship.

And since he came to Zhongzhou, this guy hasn't contacted him once...

This person begged himself for help, but he didn't mention the specific situation and reward, so Chen Fan naturally wouldn't take the initiative to reply to him.

Not long after, the news of Cheng Shifei's surname came again:

"Senior, do you still remember the treasures I brought out from the holy land of the Sand Clan in Nanyunmo back then? The reason why I insisted on getting the jasper scepter was because I had obtained an ancient classic by chance, and I knew the treasures of the jasper scepter. It involves a big secret... If senior is willing to take action, I am willing to pass on all the gains I gained back then, and I will also tell you all the secrets of the jasper scepter that I know!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, also remembering what happened in the past.

Cheng Shifei stole a lot of treasures from the Holy Land of the Sand Clan...

Chen Fan is going to take a gray slate and a golden wine glass.

The golden wine glass has the aura of the sun god's court, but the specific effect is unknown.

But inside the gray slate is a map of the Southern Cloud Desert, which points to a special place in the Southern Cloud Desert.

At the beginning, he was worried that the Sha people would be active, so he didn't dare to take any action.

"The jasper scepter, the golden wine glass, and the jasper scepter are put together. Is there any special connection between these things?" Chen Fan licked his lips.

Although the Sha Clan is strong, they only sent Daoguo masters to chase Cheng Shifei back then.

My own strength has improved a lot compared to before, but I also have the confidence to enter Nanyunmo again...

There are still two years before the Mei Hui will start, and I do still have leisure right now.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he immediately picked up the token and sent a voice transmission:

"Where are you, what can I do for you?"

Not long after Chen Fan's voice transmission was sent, Cheng Shifei's communication came over.

Chen Fan's true essence was poured into it, and Cheng Shifei's expression projection appeared in front of Chen Fan, "Senior, help!"

The man is unshaven and looks extremely vicissitudes.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Where are you now, are you close to Yuan Shenzhou?"

Cheng Shifei said: "I'm in the west of Beiyuan State, only two thousand miles away from the border of Yuanshen, the specific location is..."

Chen Fan nodded, Beiyuan State is next to Yuan Shen State, in the northeast of Yuan Shen State, and only tens of thousands of miles away from Jianzong.

For Chen Fan who owns Xiaodie, it won't be long before he arrives.

Chen Fan said: "You tell me what happened to you first, then I can decide whether to help you."

There was also a look of sadness on Cheng Shifei's face:

"Is such that……"

Cheng Shifei is a direct disciple of the family of a long-lived powerful figure in the Baiyun Society.

Due to various reasons, the immortal master died in the internal power struggle of Baiyun Society.

With his death, Cheng Shifei's family also fell apart very quickly, and core members like Cheng Shifei were also hunted and killed by other forces of the Baiyun Society.

Although Cheng Shifei's strength is not strong, he is still a capable person with a network of relationships far beyond his strength, but he fled all the way to Beiyuan State, which is separated from Yuan Shenzhou.

He originally planned to escape to Nanyunmo through Yuanshen Prefecture, but unexpectedly he was betrayed by a family cronies. When he was desperate, he thought of the Chen Fan he met back then.

In his eyes, Chen Fan is an expert at the Dao Fruit level, and his tracker is only a late tenth level, and a person in the third level of the Dao Domain. Chen Fan should be able to deal with it.

But Chen Fan understood the matter and confirmed that he could handle it.

He also no longer hesitated, left Jianzong, summoned Xiaodie, and headed towards Beiyuan State.


Beiyuan State.

On the uninhabited wasteland.

Cheng Shifei was caught in the hands of an old man with gray hair, and he turned into a streamer and flew in the air.

And suddenly.

The sky was flickering with light, but a young man in fancy clothes suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the two fleeing, holding a peach blossom fan in his hand and kept fanning:

"Little mouse, where are you going to escape?"

The old man's face changed drastically when he saw the old man: "Cheng Yulang!"

Cheng Yulang let out a "hee hee": "Old man, Cheng Shifei, as the direct descendant of the Cheng family, must die. If you surrender now, you may save your life."

The old man was very angry: "Cheng Yulang, if the ancestor didn't adopt you, how could you be where you are today? Is this how you repay the ancestor?!"

The man named Cheng Yulang was not angry when he heard the words, but a mocking smile appeared on his face: "The old man raised me, so he wants me to be buried with him. How can there be such a reason?"

The corner of Cheng Shifei's mouth twitched, his face flushed red:

"It's not just that you didn't die for the Cheng family, I'm afraid more people from the Cheng family died at your hands than anyone else... Unfaithful people like you will be punished by heaven sooner or later!"

"Hee hee." Cheng Yulang licked his lips, but it was like a poisonous snake spewing out a message, which made people shudder: "Whether I will be punished by God, you have no way to know."

The peach blossom fan in his hand flapped suddenly, and at the same time, the Dao Domain covering nearly fifty feet around him was stirred up, and the surging power surged towards Cheng Shifei and the old man around him!

The old man held a spear horizontally in his hand, and immediately urged his Dao Domain to resist, but his Human Dao Domain only covered twenty or thirty feet, and his aura was far stronger than that of Cheng Yulang, but it broke apart within a few breaths.


The Dao domain was broken, and the surging spiritual light approached the two of them.

The two were bloody all over immediately.

A large amount of blood spread out, turning into blood mist and surging with the wind.

"I see how much you, an old bastard, can hold on to." Cheng Yulang fanned the fan in his hand again, and the aura swelled up again.

A flash of determination flashed across the old man's face, and then he chewed, but swallowed something in his mouth.

His whole body was full of muscles, his face was flushed, and he was shooting forward with both hands.


A bloody aura swept across the spear in his hand, but completely wiped out Cheng Yulang's moves.

And his whole body was filled with blood, and the shattered Dao Domain condensed again, and then expanded...

"Master, leave me alone, run away! I have taken the Void Saint-level madman life-reducing pill, which can explode the strength of the triple realm in a short time, and the effect of the medicine is enough to last for an hour. During this period, I will hold this Cheng Yulang !"

As soon as the old man waved his hand, a manic aura surged, throwing Cheng Shifei far away.

Cheng Shifei looked at the old man's hunched back with bitter eyes, clenched his fists firmly, turned his head and rushed out:

"Fu Bo, I will definitely survive!"

The old man turned his head and rushed towards Cheng Yulang, stabbing out like a dragon's spear, setting off a heavy wave of air.

Cheng Yulang hastily fought back, the frivolity from before was no longer seen on his face, and a trace of solemnity flashed across his face, "My good fellow, you still have such banned drugs in your hands..."

Even for such a huge merchant as Baiyunhui, the virtual elixir is quite precious.

Not to mention the banned drugs of the virtual saint level!

And the old man took this kind of elixir, which also meant that he was holding himself back with the intention of dying!

Cheng Yulang was also very jealous in his heart, and tried not to fight the old man to the death, but slowly wrestled with him.

And this is exactly what Uncle Fu wants to see. Even if he takes this kind of banned medicine, he can only temporarily suppress Cheng Yulang and want to kill him. The possibility is too low, and the longer he can entangle him, The young master will be able to escape for a longer time!

The two of you come and go, and hundreds of moves will pass in the blink of an eye.

But suddenly, the spiritual light surged in the distance, and a roar suddenly sounded, but it returned to calm in an instant.

The direction where the voice sounded was exactly the direction Cheng Shifei was escaping from.

The old man's expression changed instantly.

Cheng Yulang's mouth curled up.

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