My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 760 Depression

"God's favored one?"

Chen Fan raised his brows, realizing the key point of Master Bai's words: "We still have to pass the test of the court?"

Lord Bai nodded, "Of course, each 'Gate to Heaven' will only produce one person favored by God, and when a person favored by God is born, the 'Gate to Heaven' will collapse completely..."

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the scepter in his hand:

"What about this thing? Could it be a related token?"

Lord Bai shook the cat's head: "I don't know if the 'Gate to Heaven' needs a token, I've only heard the rumors of the 'God's Favored One', and even I've never seen a God's Favored One..."

Master Bai's memory is not complete after all.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, let Master Bai re-enter his body, and only then opened the barrier of isolation.

Cheng Shifei's master and servant were stunned.

But he didn't dare to ask Master Chen Fanbai what it was.

Chen Fan pondered for a while, then looked at Cheng Shifei again, holding the jasper scepter: "What exactly is this thing? How does it relate to the so-called 'Gate to Heaven'... How do you know?"

Cheng Shifei said:

"I've seen something similar in the records of an ancient relic, and this thing acts as a key—"

"Key?" Chen Fan frowned: "Could it be the key to open the 'Gate to Heaven'...Where is the corresponding Gate to Heaven? Could the scepter be displayed?"

Cheng Shifei was helpless:

"I don't know about that. Since I got the scepter, I have tried various methods, but I can't make this thing complete the identification of the owner. There are some 'inscriptions' from ancient times on it. method, using the power of the family to investigate various classics and records... still can't find the results..."

"However, this object is stored in the holy land of the Sand Clan. I guess that the 'Gate to Heaven' should also be in Nanyun Desert, and it should even be related to the Sand Clan."

At the same time, Lord Bai's voice sounded in Chen Fan's heart:

"This kid's guess is inseparable. The location of the 'Gate to Heaven' must be a place with anomalous space. What is Nanyunmo? What is the nine wonders? The scepter is in it, and the 'gate' is probably there. in."

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows, and looked at Cheng Shifei: "Do you think the Sha Clan will know the exact location of the 'Gate to Heaven'?"

Cheng Shifei shook his head: "Most of them don't know. The Sand Clan should know that this scepter is very precious, but they don't know its true utility, otherwise they wouldn't put it in the holy place as a sacrificial item. And at the beginning, the Sand Clan sent people to chase after me. At the beginning, it was only ten ordinary weights, and later the highest was no more than Dao Fruit. Although the Sand Clan attached great importance to this object, they didn't pay too much attention to it..."

Chen Fan nodded.

The few items that Cheng Shifei took away were all superficially ineffective, but with a mysterious aura, it was enough for the Sand Clan to send Daoguo masters!

He mused as he thought of the map he had found from inside that particular slab.

Whether it is the jasper scepter or the golden wine cup, they are directly or indirectly related to the Sun God Court.

So does it mean that these few things are likely to have some special connection with each other?

Could it be that the place indicated by the map I found under the stone slab is the exact location of the Gate to Heaven?

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes!

He took a deep breath, but raised his head and asked again: "Do you know the approximate strength of the Nanyun Mosha Clan? What level of master is the strongest?"

Cheng Shifei said: "The number of individuals of the Sand Clan is very small. Although the average strength is exaggerated, there are not many high-end combat powers. It is said that there are few of them above longevity..."

Chen Fan nodded.

Although individuals of this race have great innate advantages, but because of the base number, the number of masters is naturally not much higher.

Just the opposite of humans.

Human beings are generally not talented enough, the proportion of warriors is no more than one hundred, and the proportion of high talents is extremely low, but the number of human beings cannot be supported...

And hearing what Cheng Shifei said, Chen Fan also felt relaxed.

The strongest Sand Clan is only a few immortals. Judging from the ratio, it is estimated that there may not be too high a level of existence, so I don't have to worry too much.

He brought the two of them back to Jianzong to settle down, and immediately set off again, heading towards Nanyunmo.


Even though he was much stronger than when he crossed Nanyunmo, Chen Fan's consciousness was still greatly restricted after entering.

He also raised his full concentration and strictly followed the route of the map in his hand.

The desert is too empty, and there are very few reference objects.

And here, the spiritual sense doesn't play much role, Chen Fan may get lost if he is not paying attention!

After entering the desert for half a day, Chen Fan's high-speed movements suddenly froze, and then he looked at the place covered by the wind and sand behind him, but there was a subtle flash of light on his face, "You are still here..."


In the blink of an eye, in the direction the person was looking at, a gust of wind suddenly came out, and several tornadoes rushed towards him engulfed in a large amount of dust.

The sky and the earth were dark, and the strong wind stirred up a lot of dust and sand, as if it was the end of the world.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Blessed to the soul, when he saw this scene, his wind domain had a faint breakthrough.

It's just that he has just broken through to the Dao Domain level after all, and such an epiphany cannot allow him to break through to a higher level again.

The cold front sword in Chen Fan's hand was already out of its sheath, and the icy field was stirring, but the speed and power of the wind and sand tornado were greatly reduced.

His whole body was full of blood, and he swung his sword violently!


The dazzling sword light pierced through the air, but it turned into a huge fiery red sword light that was tens of feet long.

The sword light pierced through the air, and the flames also rose along with the gust of wind, rushing straight towards the tornadoes.

Soon, one after another miserable screams rose and fell in the wind.

The tornado stagnated quickly, but under the disintegrated sand, it condensed into a huge sand man...

These tornadoes are not natural disasters in Nanyunmo, but the violent winds caused by the sandmen.

The weakest of these sand people is also at the level of the triple dao domain, and the strongest one has reached the dao fruit level.

It is precisely because of the masters of this level that Chen Fanfeng's Dao Domain can be comprehended.

These Sha people were all in a state of distress, their bodies were bathed in coke-like black, and the few weak ones had no life left.

Although Chen Fan didn't attack with all his strength, even the Changsheng Sand Clan was seriously injured and dying, let alone the others.


The most powerful sandman who reached the level of Daoguo uttered an awkward human common language: "You can't kill me, otherwise, the Holy Land will continue to send more powerful fighters, and will issue a kill order to you—"

Chen Fan shook his head and sneered: "

Didn't you guys attack me first, and now say this again? "

The Daoguo Sha Clan was also startled, and said angrily, "You stole our Sand Clan's treasure first!"

Chen Fan sneered, "Don't talk nonsense, I have never stolen any treasure from your Sand Clan..."

It was Cheng Shifei who stole the treasure of the Sand Clan, so it has nothing to do with me, Chen Fan!

"Do you dare to say that you don't have this thing on you!" The Sand Clan waved his hand angrily, and the sand rolled in front of him turned into a scepter. root scepter.

These guys were able to determine Chen Fan's location, and they really came with this scepter!

Chen Fan flipped his hand and took out the jasper scepter, and suddenly realized: "Oh, so it is such a thing. I got this thing from someone else. It turns out to be a treasure of your clan."

"If you had said earlier, I would give it back to you, but you would have sneaked up on me first, and then it would not be so easy to get it! Why should I give you my things?"

Of course, Chen Fan might not have dared to be so arrogant if he hadn't known that there were not enough experts in the Sand Clan.

The Daoguosha tribe seemed to be very angry too, chattering for a long time, and then said: "Humans, we want to redeem the treasures of our tribe, and we are willing to pay a certain price!"

"Hey, that's what I said earlier, so everything is still like this?" Chen Fan sneered.

In fact, these Sand people say that they are not easy to be enemies with humans, but they are actually very domineering.

If it wasn't for Chen Fan's terrifying fighting power, the Sha people would naturally not be so talkative...

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